Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsLuthor The New Adv. of Jimmy Olsen [1/10] - 01/02/12 03:18 PM
I wrote this a while back and posted it on FF.net, but I've been going through my older stories instead of working on my newer ones, so I thought I'd comb through this one and post it. I'm also working on an nfic version that will be posted over yonder in that section. I have it separated into 10 parts so far, but I guess it will depend on how many characters the post box thingy will allow. I think I should be fine though!

The back story is Jimmy, but the scenes focus mostly on Lois & Clark and how they handle Jimmy’s predicament.

Disclaimer-y Jazz: The quote “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined efforts of everyone I’ve ever known” is from the book Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. I borrowed it because it fit so nicely. The name Makemba (Kem) Likasu, I got from the series ER. She was Carter’s wife. I’ve always loved the name, so I decided to use it.All of the chapter titles are lyrics to the song Kryptonite by Three Doors Down. Recognizable characters/quotes and whatnot obviously don't belong to me. I've messed with the timeline and taken certain liberties with certain aspects of stuffs, so sit pretty and just enjoy it.

Posting: I don't actually have a life outside of school and my dog, so I'll probably just post as I weed through each section. Perhaps, we will have a complete story posted over tonight or the next couple of days.

It’s going to be kind of sad, scary, wanna-claw-the-author’s-eyes-out for the first several chapters as I build up to the parts that this story stemmed from in my tiny idea brain. Then it’ll get pretty funny… I hope!


Chapter One – I Took A Walk Around the World to Ease My Troubled Mind

Jimmy stepped to the front of the room and faced the crowd of people surrounding him.

“I just wanted to thank you all for coming today. I’ve gone through a lot to get to where I am right now, and I wouldn’t be here without your help. You all have impacted me in ways that words cannot explain. You’ve been my mentors, my teachers, my inspirations, my colleagues, my friends… my family.” He paused to look over at Lois, Clark and Perry.

“Nothing of me is original. I am the combined efforts of everyone I’ve ever known. Knowing that, believing in that, I know that when I begin this journey, I’m taking a piece of all of you with me.”

Jimmy gave one last brave smile before stepping down into the crowd. He received handshakes and pats on his back from the men, and hugs and tears from many of the women as he made his way to Perry’s office where

Lois, Clark and Perry were standing in the doorway.

“Son, I want you to know how proud I am of you. We’re gonna miss you around here, but you’re gonna do some great things.” Perry cleared his throat, as an obvious attempt to put a quick end to the more intimate encounter.

“We’re all proud of you Jimmy.” Clark said, gripping Jimmy’s shoulder with his hand. “Take care of yourself, alright? We want you to get back here in one piece.”

Jimmy nodded and smiled at his friend.

“Jimmy…” Lois started, her voice cracking slightly.

Lois sighed heavily as she tried, and failed, to keep a stoic composure.

“Make sure you wear a sweater.” She said, trying to keep the tears from escaping.

“Lois, I’ll be in hot places.” He replied softly.

“Then wear your sunblock and walk around naked, so you don’t overheat.” She said, smiling slightly at him.

“And use the stationary set I bought you. I want to hear all about your trip. I expect a lot of letters and photos, and I want to know anytime you move around…”

Lois pulled Jimmy into a hug as she felt herself beginning to break down.

“Don’t you dare die on me.” She whispered into his ear.

“I promise.” He whispered back, squeezing Lois tightly.

After a moment, they pulled away from each other and Jimmy smiled at his friends.

“I gotta go.”

Perry nodded and grasped Jimmy’s hand in a firm handshake before roughly pulling the younger man into a firm embrace.

Jimmy sat in a coffee shop in the airport in California. He had a layover with four hours left to kill and he had no idea what he was going to do with them.

“Excuse me, is anyone using this chair?” Jimmy looked up to see a young redhead smiling at him and gesturing to the extra chair at his table.

“No, no… help yourself.” Jimmy said, thinking she wanted to take the chair to another table.

“Thanks… uh… do you mind if I sit with you?” She asked nervously.

“Oh… sure. Please.” Jimmy said nodding and smiling.

“Thanks… it’s just that I just said goodbye to my brother. He’s in the army and he just shipped out to Iraq.” The woman said softly, looking down at the coffee in her hand.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m Jimmy by the way. Jimmy Olsen.” He said, extending his hand to her.

“Rachel Jackson.” She replied, accepting his hand. Jimmy smiled.

“So are you going somewhere?” Rachel asked, noting Jimmy’s bag beside him.

“Yea. I’m a photographer for the Daily Planet… or well… I was until this morning. I’m doing some travelling for a while. Expand my horizons. Flee the nest. You know how it is. You’ll always be the baby unless you prove that you can grow up and come back with something bigger to offer.”

Rachel nodded.

“Do you always talk so fast or are you nervous?” Rachel asked, smiling at Jimmy’s rushed explanation.

“Truthfully… I’m terrified. I mean I’m not actually going to fight wars like your brother, but I’ll be in warzones and seeing poverty and capturing pain and death on film… I mean I want to do this. The cultural side of everything, the happy parts, they’ll be so worth it, but I’m afraid that all the bad I see will change me.” Jimmy confessed his fears for the first time out loud. It felt good even if she was a complete stranger.

“What if it does change you, but what if it’s for the better?” Rachel said, reaching across the table and squeezing Jimmy’s hand.

“I guess there’s always that possibility.” Jimmy admitted.

After an hour of chatting about schools and future plans, Jimmy looked down at his empty cup and then glanced over at Rachel’s.

“Can I buy you another cup of airport sludge?” He asked, laughing slightly.

Rachel nodded, her red curls bobbing with the movement of her head.

“I’ll be right back.” Jimmy said as he walked toward the coffee stand.

“So tell me,” Jimmy started. “If you don’t like your job, what is it that you’re truly passionate about?”

Rachel smiled for a moment.

“I told you I went to art school and got a degree in art history, right?”

Jimmy nodded.

“I’ve always wanted to move to Europe and be a traveling painter. It’s kind of silly, but I kind of envy my brother. He gets to travel and see things that I’d love to see and paint… kind of like you and your photos. I want to capture moments, capture emotions.”

Jimmy nodded again. He knew exactly what she was talking about.

Another hour had passed and they had shared so much that they felt like they’d known each other forever.

“Jimmy… I kind of wish you weren’t leaving. Couldn’t you just travel around California for a while? Our homeless communities are fascinating.”

Jimmy laughed and shifted his chair around the table to sit next to Rachel.

“I would love to, Rachel… but I’ve gotta face my fears, and I’ve gotta try this. I know I’ll regret it if I don’t.”

Rachel smiled softly.

“I’m going to regret it if I don’t kiss you right now, Jimmy Olsen.” She said softly before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his.

After a brief moment, Rachel pulled away and shrugged.

“I know you said you can’t receive letters because you’ll be moving a lot, but… do you think you’d like to write me sometime? I’m all alone now without my brother. It’d just be nice to know that someone’s thinking about me out there in the world.”

Jimmy reached up and cupped Rachel’s face.

“I’d be honoured to write you, Rachel Jackson.”

Rachel smiled as she ripped open the coffee collar around her paper coffee cup and wrote her address down on the small flap of cardboard. She handed it to him and gazed into his eyes.

“Jimmy, do you wanna go somewhere, maybe somewhere a little more private?” Rachel asked, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Jimmy kissed Rachel lightly before nodding and getting up.

Giggling, Rachel dragged Jimmy into the men’s bathroom and pushed him into a stall. Jimmy smiled at her before pulling her into the stall and locking the door.

“I feel like I could fall in love with you, Jimmy Olsen.” Rachel whispered as she stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

As Jimmy stood holding Rachel’s hands, he felt his heart breaking.

“Listen, if you ever run into any trouble or you need something, call the Daily Planet in Metropolis and talk to Clark Kent. He’s my best friend, and he’s like my brother. He’ll help you out or talk to you if you’re lonely. He’s a really great guy.”

Rachel nodded as Jimmy wiped the tear from her cheek.

“Be safe, Jimmy.” She whispered as she kissed him one last time before he turned and headed for his flight.

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