Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: scifiJoan Soul Mates (2/3) - 09/29/11 10:24 AM
This is my first version of the story, continuing from Chapter 1:

Chapter 2 Version 1 (Once upon a Dream)

I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream.
I know you
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yes, I know it's true
that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
the way you did once upon a dream

She’d been expecting a lanky teenager working for money towards college. This man was considerably older, more mature. There were gentle lines about his eyes and slight touches of grey at his temples. Yet those didn’t detract from his appeal in the least. When she realized she’d been staring, she shifted her gaze to the children who were gathered about him.

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed by when a voice caught her attention.

“Mrs. Delfino?”

It was Superman. He’d come into the house. Flustered, she dropped the bowl of sickly yellow colored frosting that she’d been holding. Somehow he managed to quickly reach over to retrieve the bowl before the contents dumped all over the floor.

“Thank you,” she said, a slight flush on her cheeks. “I don’t know what I’d done if I didn’t have frosting for the cupcakes.”

“Disaster adverted,” he smiled.

He was even more handsome up close. Then she realized she’d been staring once again. Her cheeks grew warmer.

“Please, call me Susan.”

Why was her heart beating so quickly? She hadn’t felt this way since she was a teenager. She hoped she sounded more normal than she felt as she tried to make small talk.

“You’re good with them – the kids.”

“They’re a lot of fun. Can I bother you for a glass of cold water?”

Of course, that’s why he’d come in. He must be thirsty – she’d been watching him lugging those kids all around the yard.

“Why do you do this?” she asked as she turned on the faucet.

“This isn’t my regular job. I’m just helping out a friend today. But the kids are great. And it’s so much fun to be Superman. He’s one of the good guys. He represents truth, justice-”

“-And the American way.” Susan completed his sentence.

Both laughed.

“Corny but true.” He agreed.

Both started when their fingers brushed against each other’s as she handed him the glass of water.

Smoke started pouring out of her oven.

“Oh no!” Susan cried.

She ran toward it and flung open the door. Flames shot out and she ducked. Susan screamed again. Any minute the house would catch on fire!

Then the fire vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. Superman had grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher to put it out.

“My hero.”

He stepped closer to her. A little too close, but Susan wasn’t complaining. At least her kitchen wasn’t on fire.

“Um, could you do me a favor?” he asked.

Those eyes. So warm. So understanding. She could drown in them. How long had she been staring into them?

Gathering her wits about her, she replied, “Sure.”

“Could you be my Lois Lane?”

She hated that her heart practically skipped a beat. Then she reminded herself. He’s a birthday entertainer. He’s not asking you to run off with him.

“It’s part of the act. The kids will love it when I rescue you. Well, the girls love it.”

“Sure.” She could be a good sport. Especially since MJ no longer had any birthday cupcakes. “What do I do?”

He reached toward her cheek to wipe off traces of frosting and flour.


Why did his touch seem so familiar? It almost seemed as if her body was already programmed to respond to him.

Feeling uneasy, she said, “Maybe this?” Hamming it up, she melodramatically shouted, “Help! Help!”
Superman laughed. “Not quite. In every comic I’ve read, Lois Lane isn’t frail. She’s an independent woman. She doesn’t put up with much.”

“Then why do you have to save her so much?” she teased.

“Good question. Sometimes she doesn’t think things through very well. She tends to look before she leaps. But Lois is tough.”

“I’m not,” Susan mumbled.

“I’ll bet you’re tougher than you look.”

Considering she’d survived a kidney transplant and the absence of her husband, who had been working afar, along with being out of her home for a year, maybe he was onto something there.

“Superman, help!” Susan replied, more confidently.

“There you go! Then I’ll rush over and pick you up.” He did so as he spoke, swooping her into his arms.

There, securely in his arms, both grew silent. Somehow, being held by him felt so familiar, so right. They fit together like a glove. She’d instinctively known where to rest her cheek against his shoulder. Why should she feel so comfortable with a complete stranger?

“Does this seem…familiar?” he asked.


He felt it too.

She’d never given much credence to reincarnation mumbo jumbo but this…this was so real. Her attraction to him was far more than physical yet she barely knew him. Had the two of them been lovers in former lives?

She fought the urge to kiss him, though it seemed it would be natural to do so. What was she thinking? As she closed her eyes and leaned against him, she felt as if they were flying off the ground. In fact, she could envision it. She and Superman dancing, yet several feet above the floor. He in his Superman costume while she was wearing a formal evening gown.

Where did that come from?

She’d never been a fan of Superman or any superhero, for that matter. Why was she having such outrageous fantasies?

“Have we meet somewhere before?” Susan asked, eyes open.

“No. I’d definitely remember that,” he replied.

“Maybe in another lifetime?” She hoped she wasn’t sounding foolish. She loved Mike and this man’s wedding ring indicated that he too had a significant other. It was just uncanny – this sensation they were both experiencing.

“Must be.”

Had she imagined the note of disappointment in his voice?

“MOM! We want cupcakes!”

Susan abruptly withdrew from his embrace and stepped back to deal with reality. “Oh no.” How could she let her son down?

“Stall them. I know a place nearby where the owner owes me a favor.”

“You’re kidding? That would be…super.”

He rushed towards the door, practically running into Gabby who was entering the house.

“Can I have your number?” Gabby asked.

Susan strongly suspected that she didn’t have a child’s birthday party in mind.

Superman replied, “Sorry. This isn’t my regular job. I’m just helping out a friend. Be right back.”

The End
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