Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: scifiJoan Soul Mates (1/3) - 09/29/11 10:14 AM
Soul Mates (A Lois & Clark/Desperate Housewives crossover)

By Joan Powers/scifiJoan

A/N: It would be wonderful to see Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher together again as Lois & Clark or on Desperate Housewives. I started thinking about how Dean might guest star on “Desperate Housewives”. Two slightly different versions of this story came to me. The beginning, which is the same for both stories, will be posted as Chapter 1. Chapter 2 continues with the first version. Chapter 3 is the alternative version which picks up after the beginning (Chapter 1). I’d love to hear which version you like better. smile


Thanks to VirginiaR for the beta, and Mouserocks, Deadly Chakram and Happy Girl for their helpful suggestions.

Type: Romance L/C

Summary: Susan is confused when a man dressed as Superman for her son’s birthday party seems oddly familiar.

Timeline: Current season Desperate Housewives (Season 8)/post series Lois & Clark

Rating: K or PG

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Susan Delfino inadvertently wiped frosting across her forehead as MJ and some of his friends dashed past her, screaming at the top of their lungs. Seconds later they returned, armed with cap guns, chasing after several kids. Bang! Bang! This was all she needed.

She could shoot Mike for buying those for him. That was a toy that needed to get lost.

“Bree!” she called.

Her red haired friend appeared, immaculately dressed as usual. Who but Bree would consider wearing pearls to a kid’s birthday party? Then again, Gabby, appearing by Bree’s side, was wearing three inch high heeled sandals with dangling earrings and flashy designer clothes.

It was good to be back on Wisteria Lane.

Bree tactfully stepped towards the kitchen. The countertops and island were covered with sugar, flour, and mixing bowls. “Are you sure you don’t want some help?”

It was sorely tempting. Cooking had never been one of Susan’s strong suites. And Bree was a gourmet chef. Her friend could whip up amazing cupcakes in minutes flat. But…Susan was trying to stay on a budget. And she wanted to do this, for her son.

Children screaming jarred her train of thought.

“Could you direct the mob outside? Spider Man should be coming soon,” Susan pleaded.

Mike had frowned at this extravagance thinking it unnecessary but she’d found the cheapest entertainer in Fairview. And MJ was gonna love it. Of course, Mike was supposed to be here, directing the crowd of hyperactive children while she orchestrated refreshments and games. But he’d gotten an emergency work call and they couldn’t afford to turn down money like that especially with overtime involved.

Then, upon their arrival, Gabby’s girls had used all the birthday cupcakes Susan had painstakingly baked and decorated the night before as ammunition in a battle between the sexes. So much for planning ahead. Thankfully, Bree and Gabby offered to help with the kids while she made more cupcakes.

“People? People,” Bree politely announced to the throng of children running about the house.

Gabby showed her how it was done. Putting two fingers in her mouth, she whistled loudly, getting everyone’s attention. “Outside! Now!”

The crowd scampered out the door.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Susan asked, “Can you just keep an eye on them while I finish up? Like I said, Spider Man ought to be here any minute.”

“No problem,” Bree replied, following Gabby and the kids outside.

It was wonderful to be among friends again.

Once again, Susan brought her hand to her face to push back a stray hair, adding more frosting to the batter on her cheek. She’d recently changed her hair style. Rather than her usual long locks, she’d had it cut radically shorter into a stylish bob. Mike claimed he liked it, though she wasn’t sure if he was being entirely honest with her. She was still getting used to it. The new haircut was symbolic of their return to their home. A fresh start on life after a trying year.

She added a drop or two of food coloring to the frosting and stirred, producing an unappealing yellow color. Not the effect she’d been going for, but it would have to do. Now, she only had to wait for the cupcakes to finish baking.

Excited cries outside caught her attention. The entertainment must’ve arrived. She glanced out the kitchen window to discover it wasn’t Spider Man. The superhero they’d sent instead took her breath away. It was Superman. Yet it was a much higher quality actor than the photos she’d been shown in the studio. Those muscles bulging in his arms were no Styrofoam padding. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him or it would’ve been readily apparent, given the tightness of his outfit. Rather than looking silly, like a grown man in his underwear, this Superman was an impressive specimen of manhood.
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