Lois & Clark Forums
This is a response to Virginia's Name Game Challenge . Hope you enjoy! smile


Lois jiggled the lock-pick one more time, and the lock to Clark's door gave with a satisfying 'click'. Honestly, the nerve of her partner, not being on hand when she wanted to discuss their story... She stepped through the door and froze at the sight of a half-dressed man in the process of removing his blue Spandex.

He whirled around, his eyes wide and panicked. "LOIS!"

Lois staggered back. "Su---Cl---CLARK?!"

Her partner bit his lip and took a step toward her. "Lois..."

She stepped back, away from him. "No! Don't. I don't think I want to know."

He stopped. "Lois?"

"I mean, whatever you do in the privacy of your own apartment is your business, I guess...Behind closed doors and all that stuff...."

"...Lois?" He tilted his head at her.

Lois's voice started to take on a hysterical edge. "I mean, this is just some kind of a spandex fetish or something, right? I mean, you couldn't possibly be... There's just no way you're...."

"Lois..." he said, softly.

Lois was on the verge of tears. "Because if you were, then that would mean that you've been lying to me for over two years... Two years I spent making a complete and total fool of myself."

Clark paused, then reached out a hand toward her. "Lois--"

She cut him off. "Don't, Clark. I don't..." She took in a shuddering breath. "I get it, now. Why you couldn't believe that I would love you if you were just an 'ordinary man'."


"I meant it, you know," she said, cutting him off again. "You probably think I'm the shallowest woman on Earth right now, and I don't blame you, but I really meant every word of it."

Clark sighed. "Lois---"

"No, Clark, I did," Lois insisted. "I might have had all these pie-in-the-sky fantasies about Superman, but they were just that: fantasies. I think...I think I always knew that, deep down. But Clark Kent was real and could hurt me; that's why I fought it so hard when I found myself falling for him---for you."

"...Lois?" Clark asked, warily.

"But I did," Lois continued. "I did fall for you, Clark; and it was because I was in love with Clark Kent that I said 'no' at the altar."

Clark stared at her, his mouth hanging open in shock. "Lois?!"

"But you'll never believe that, I suppose," Lois mused forlornly. "I don't blame you. Maybe I should just go..."

He caught her by the shoulder. "LOIS!"

"Wha--?" The words died on Lois' lips as she found herself pulled against his bare chest, his mouth mere inches from hers.

"Lois..." he said softly, bringing his hand up to caress her face.

Her eyes automatically closed. "Clark," she breathed.

The kiss was soft, sweet, and then it quickly intensified.

"Oh, Clark," she moaned against his mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and for a long time, not another word was uttered.

The End.
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