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Posted By: KenJ FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/17/11 12:35 PM
Personally I will reserve my judgment until I see where you chose to go with this. It has potential. cool

BTW - You should change the marker to a blue arrow so that everyone knows it is a story post.
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/17/11 01:50 PM
Interesting start. I've known people in crisis who became divorced from their feelings being unable to process emotion. Often the only emotion they could feel was anger and this often built into rage.

A Superman who goes through such a cycle is a truly terrifying thought.

I do suggest getting a beta, the spell checker is not cutting it. I kept being jarred by the use of correctly spelled wrong words.

"ant" instead of "at", "of" instead of "for", "uninhabited" instead of "uninhibited", so forth.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/17/11 02:04 PM
You really started this story with a bang! Lois killed Clark Kent by rejecting him. eek I can't wait to see where you take this. I hope he can be ressurected at some point by her love. love I hope he isn't going to disappear off the face of the Earth with everyone left wondering. I doubt the Kents would allow Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent to go down that avenue. And I think... although knowing who Lois was at this point, maybe not... Lois would wonder what happened to Clark if he disappeared.

Poor Clark. To have the love of his life reject him and change him so drastically. I'm glad Superman has decided not to drop people out of the air. That would be a bad career move for him. Now, will he say what he said to Lois in canon or will he do something else? I wonder.
Posted By: EvelynC Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/17/11 09:27 PM
This is an intriguing start. I also can't wait to see where you go with this. wave
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/17/11 09:50 PM
Very interesting premise. I never thought of something like this happening to Superman- emotional pain, yes, but a lack thereof? Very interesting twist indeed... Wonder what will happen to Clark now that Superman has decided he doesn't need him? And Martha and Jonathan? And what will Lois think?

Grammatical issues aside, this has the makings of a very good story. Questions needing answered. Hope more comes soon!

-- SJT wave
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/18/11 09:57 AM
I like the idea. Indeed, as Virginia said, Lois has killed Clark Kent.

But what does that mean? Is Lois’s well-being important to Kal-El? Or is she now nothing more than a tool to be used to accomplish the greater good of bringing down Luthor?

And what about Lois? Is she going to find out her role in Clark’s “death”?

And what about being Clark Kent? The new emotionless Kal-El will have a difficult time pretending the emotions that were so central to Clark. Is he going to try or is Clark simply going to disappear?

And finally, is this change permanent.

This is a fascinating concept. Well done! thumbsup

Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/18/11 04:51 PM
I was pretty intrigued by the idea of an emotionally cut off Clark because, as you wrote, Clark is often driven by his emotions. It's great that even without them, however, he still chooses the right course and remains good. That would be awful if he began throwing people to the ground just because he had a problem with them (of course, Luthor deserves it, but Clark doesn't deserve the ramifications for it).

At the point when you said he was no longer Clark Kent, however, I did kind of wonder if something hasn't happened to him. This might, perhaps be some form of Kryptonian distancing or the way they react to trauma, but I can't help thinking back to the fact that he PASSED OUT and only then woke up like this. Has our Clark been replaced? Is this someone else? And if so, where is the real Clark? Is he in danger?

As others have said, this has a lot of potential--looking forward to the rest of it!
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/18/11 09:07 PM
I agree with the previous posters - you have an excellent idea and I really want to see where you take it.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: The House of El pt 1 - 08/25/11 07:24 AM
Superman without emotions? Almost as scary as Spock with emotions!

Looking forward to seeing how this story pans out!
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