Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChiefPam FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/19/03 04:58 PM
Okay, so I got an advance copy and I've read this (several times) already... I just had to read it again. You know, since it was posted and everything...

<WAFFy sigh> Perfect.

Posted By: Julia Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/19/03 05:11 PM
AWWWW!!! laugh laugh laugh

AltClark is happy!! What else can we wish for?

Julia *happily sighing* notworthy

Beautiful. drool

MAF thumbsup
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/19/03 08:44 PM
Awww that was very ssweet...sigh. Laura
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/19/03 09:07 PM

Yay!!! You even got them together without making it sound too cliche!!! I love it!

Julie smile
Posted By: KathyM Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/19/03 11:14 PM
Waffy sighs indeed. Very lovely, Wendy. sloppy I loved the way these two lonely people reached out to each other, and the way that Lois found herself falling more deeply in love with Clark, almost without realizing that it was happening at first...

I liked that Clark is seeing the differences between the two Loises, which of course he has to do if he truly doesn't view "this" Lois as a substitute. And I think Lois took all the information that Clark threw at her over these past two sections with incredible composure - yet another difference between the two Loises. laugh

Even if Clark is ready to marry her in a heartbeat, it would be too soon for both of them. I imagine he'll have some adventures as he gets to know this Lois Lane. But they're drawn to each other, and they've let each other know that the feelings are there. And that's enough. For now. [Linked Image]

Wonderfully waffy, Wendy. Thanks.
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 02:17 AM

You already know that I love this story. smile1

You did a brilliant job depicting Clark's depression then his hope and joy when Lois arrives. thumbsup

Congratulations on a superb story! I thoroughly enjoyed it. clap

Tricia cool
Posted By: Krissie Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 05:06 AM
Good grief, Wendy! What are you doing to me, woman!? You've almost inspired me to decorate my flat, after all!

Seriously, the story is delightful. You capture the dismal mood of Clark's perfectly. Of course he's going to be ambivalent (at best) about Christmas. All that jollity being thrust in his face... And the kindly meant 'Merry Christmases' and happiness of friends and acquaintances can only jar more painfully than usual with the way he's feeling.

And then... and then you somehow manage to pull everything around for him.

Okay, so I think that they fell in love disgustingly easily here, particularly Lois. However, I think that fits the needs of a short story, so I'm not going to complain. And the last line was so perfect.

Of course, you do realise that there are questions that need to be answered. How will Lucy react? And Perry? In fact... the whole world, really.

Oh, and Lois is only half-right about having lost five years of her life. She has, certainly, missed five years, but presumably her life-span has simply been shifted by five years. (Or maybe I'm being silly, and not making sense.)

Well, now you've actually managed to make me feel Christmassy, I guess I'd better go off and do some Christmassy things.


Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 05:11 AM
The perfect end!! smile1
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 07:36 AM
Wendy, this was a nice Christmas fic where Clark and Lois got the most important gifts--the promise of each other.

Very nice.

Posted By: lynnm Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 08:26 AM
<big waffy sigh>

How lovely, Wendy. So sweet and tender - I like that this Lois is so open that she doesn't have her guard up instantly and is seeing the potential in Clark.

Had to LOL at this:
“You think?” she threw back at him, mildly sardonic. “Come on, Clark - I’ve just been brought five years into the future by a time-traveller who’s also a dead writer, and I’ve met an alien from another planet who can fly... I mean, what can be weirder than that?”
And I'm also very glad that Clark didn't have to spend Christmas alone, giving up on the holiday spirit that is so charming.

Thanks for sharing, Wendy. This was a great story to read before leaving on holiday.
That was a superb ending. I loved your Lois characterization throughout this story; the way she was similar in many regards to the other Universe's Lois, but with enough subtle differences to make her her own person.

Fantastic, Wendy!

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 10:34 AM
Okay, since you asked.

It works for the most part. Lois has been bombarded with such an overload of unbelievable and fantastic 'stuff' that it's like she has to negotiate a particularly curvy road in a heavy fog. She forced to rely a lot on instinct and feelings rather than logic. This allows for her to 'go with the flow' more and not overthink the situation.

She's very vulnerable, having been plucked from certain death and placed into an equally dangerous (but not life threatening) situation. A world she no longer knows. By default, Clark has become her anchor to this new world. Therefore, under the unique circumstances, she is able to (and actually needs to) allow herself to become dependant on Clark, and thus more easily accept feelings that under a more normal situation she'd be more guarded about.

Having said this, I do think that Lois' 'girlfriend' comment was a bit premature. After all she is *still* a Lois Lane. I could see her comfortably (and even anxiously) agreeing to a situation where they could be friends, and then... "who knows where things will go from there". But I would have to think that any Lois Lane would be too wary to actually come out and admit that she might be interested in being a 'girlfriend' this soon.

All in all, another typically well crafted work from your keyboards, and another in the looooooong line of waffy stories we have to endure during this time of the year. wink

Tank (who says his favorite Christmas saying is: 'Bah Humbug')
Posted By: Saskia Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 11:09 AM
This was waffy and sweet, indeed, Wendy. Yet I feel like something's missing here.

Lois is only back less than 24 hours and finds herself five years in the future. And with everything Clark told her, this is a lot to take in. Especially if you were nearly dead before taking away. So it feels like rushing. Could Lois really feal that way about Clark so soon? She hardly knows him, after all.

Not that I mind it, happy endings are great. But there are some questions unaswered. Can I hope you're going to write a sequel to this some day soon? Since I do like this Lois and Clark...

Posted By: Quel Lane Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/20/03 12:26 PM
Wow Wendy this was just great! smile1

Raquel (who loves the holiday season smile )
Posted By: Sorcha Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/21/03 10:35 AM
Aaaaaaah drool Great ending, Wendy -- sweet and waffy and elegantly phrased. As others have said, a great Christmassy feeling [how I hate that word <g>] and yup, Chris, I agree... have this incredible urge to go decorate the tree right now, when I know there's no way possible I'll be able to fit it into the sitting room nice and tidily... what are you doing to me??????? Sentiment over pragmatism... gosh, that's never happened before wink

Loved it -- can't wait for the next one!!! wildguy

Sara smile
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/21/03 12:34 PM

While I agree with Tank that the "girlfriend" thing might have been too fast and a bit unusual for any Lois Lane, I don't care. It's Christmas and this was just exactly what the holidays call for- sweet, warm, and maybe a bit gooey, but in the nicest possible way.

Loved it.

Posted By: Trenna Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/21/03 06:18 PM
Well, for the opposition, I don't think it was too fast.

Does anyone think that if Superman had scooped down in the first few episodes and said, will you be my girlfriend, Lois would have said No? wink

Granted, she thought he was "safe" but I think Lois might have had an instant connection, just like Clark did, but the Superman thing confused matters.

It makes perfect sense to me why Lois would fall for this guy thumbsup Thanks, Wendy, for making it a Merry Christmas for Alt-Clark!
I think it's just fine the way it is. This is a new kind of Lois for Wendy. laugh I'd also like to see more of her. I think the 5 year gap could be played for some rather broad comedy from our mistress of plots.

Nicely done! Merry Xmas!
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/21/03 07:18 PM
Well, as you already know, I loved it. smile I like this Lois and I have no problems believing that she'd feel the bond immediately. Clark felt it the moment he saw her in our universe, so why shouldn't this Lois feel it quickly, too? Especially when she's feeling off balanced and has been hit with a lot of tough information about her life. He's her anchor ... and she's his ... and that's just how I like it. smile

I think my favorite part was this:

She was different. He’d always felt somewhat inadequate next to that Lois. After all, she was the one with experience of Superman; she was the one who’d made him what he was, and to whom he looked to for advice. Even when he’d been in her world, by which time he’d been Superman for over a year, she’d still been the one calling the shots.

With this Lois, they were equals. And he even felt protective towards her, in a way he hadn’t really had the opportunity to be towards the other Lois.
I always love it in an AltClark story when he realizes that our Lois was right -- that his feelings for her are just a pale imitation of what he would feel for his own Lois. And this is a really good description/explanation of why he feels this way.

I am also always partial to stories where Lois has "skipped" 4-5 years of her life when she's reunited with Clark, especially when she's a happier person than our S1 Lois. I think this Clark needs a younger, more optimistic woman in his life -- he tends to worry more, to brood more, and he needs someone to bring out his fun side. And this story proved that this Lois can do exactly that for him. smile

Great Christmas story, Wendy. smile

Posted By: BarbP Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/23/03 08:07 AM

I understand Tank's statement that Lois saying she wanted to be his girlfriend came too quickly. But I'm on your side on this one.

Time is precious and Lois has just been pulled from the jaws of death, been given another chance albeit five years later and, as a result, realized that five years of her life had been snatched away from her as well.

Given the alternative, losing five years or losing her life -- the first is obviously the better one. So, I agree with you, she wouldn't want to lose any more time and her feelings were there -- so go for it girl!!!!!!

A very nice Christmas for us all, Wendy. Thank you!!!

Posted By: Loriel Eris Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/25/03 05:07 PM
This was a great ending. I didn't believe that we could have a Happy Ending, given how it started, in only 3 parts, but you did it. And it all flowed perfectly, didn't seem rushed at all. smile
I'm so glad that Clark got to be happy, and also that Lois believed him when he told her about our L&C.

Posted By: merry Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 12/26/03 09:43 AM
I loved it
ditto others
Sorry I'm late posting
Happy Holidays
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 01/02/04 10:20 AM
I'm sorry that I'm so late coming back to thank you all for your wonderful feedback on this story!! Thank you so much!

I'm not surprised that some people thought the romantic development was a little fast. It's quite true that had this been anything other than a Christmas story it probably would have ended up approaching an epic, given the premise. But I refused to let it become that! goofy

Tank had a problem with Lois's use of 'girlfriend', and I think I agree. At the time, I wasn't sure about that word in the context, but I couldn't think of anything I liked better. Oh well!

But CC expressed what I was really aiming for in the story:
While I agree with Tank that the "girlfriend" thing might have been too fast and a bit unusual for any Lois Lane, I don't care. It's Christmas and this was just exactly what the holidays call for- sweet, warm, and maybe a bit gooey, but in the nicest possible way.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! smile

(Mind you, CC, you do seem to be agreeing with me quite a lot these days... should I be worried about you? goofy )

Thank you all very much again! And I hope every FoLC had a wonderful Christmas.

Wendy smile
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 01/02/04 08:44 PM
Ah well, it's the holidays, Wendy.
Peace on earth, goodwill and all that...still it is a bit weird.

No doubt things will be back to normal fairly soon. wink

Posted By: avia Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid-Winter, part 3 - 01/04/04 12:17 PM
Wendy, I know I’m way behind on this promised fdk but here goes.

Well, let’s start at the beginning, the end of part 2 is still as moving reading it the umpteenth time as it was when part two was first posted. goofy

She’d looked so sad, so forlorn, when she’d said she wasn’t ready to meet anyone yet. So lost and alone.
Just like him.
And he wanted to show her that she would never be alone as long as he existed. He wanted to enfold her in his arms again and tell her how much he loved her and how he would protect and love her for the rest of his life.
How wonderfully WAFFy and sad and so very hopeful! I was so happy to see Clark so attuned to Lois so little after she seemed uncharacterly attuned to him. Lovely balance between them that shows how they can be equals in a relationship, should one evolve. clap

He’d seemed worried that she might not enjoy the experience, and for a moment she’d wondered if he was about to withdraw his invitation.
Poor Clark! I’m so glad he got over his insecurity/fear and took LOis flying. laugh

Although... The thought struck her, then, that he did work for the Daily Planet. Now, if she could persuade the new editor, whoever that was, to give her back her job, maybe they could work together? For some reason, the thought of Clark Kent disappearing entirely from her life was very unpalatable...
Good for Lois! Already making plans to ‘snag’ Clark!

He held her in silence for a long time. Then, when she took another deep breath, he murmured, “I lost both my parents when I was ten. It does get better, Lois. I promise.”
Such a wonderful scene, and as usual beautifully written.

Later, after they’d eaten - and Clark had even impressed himself at the way he’d managed to conjure up a respectable Christmas dinner almost out of nowhere - they adjourned to the living room.
I love the way Clark is unwilling to leave Lois even for the few minutes it would take him to get food. clap

She was different. He’d always felt somewhat inadequate next to that Lois. After all, she was the one with experience of Superman; she was the one who’d made him what he was, and to whom he looked to for advice. Even when he’d been in her world, by which time he’d been Superman for over a year, she’d still been the one calling the shots.

With this Lois, they were equals. And he even felt protective towards her, in a way he hadn’t really had the opportunity to be towards the other Lois. He’d even felt awkward about comforting her in the absence of her husband; after all, there had been that dangerous moment when they’d almost kissed.
That is so insightful! notworthy

I... I mean, if it’s all you want, I’m happy to be your friend and nothing more. Just having you around is enough.”

A cautious smile edging across her face, she said, “Actually, I’m not sure that I could settle for just being your friend, Clark Kent.”
Sounding as if he was barely able to believe his ears, he exclaimed, “You can’t?”
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love these WAFFy moments!

And the end scene is wonderfully WAFFy and very in keeping with the spirit of the season.

I do have one important question: WHERE’S THE SEQUEL??????

Avia (who enjoyed the fact that the fact she didn’t have enough time meant she could re-read this several time and take a few minutes each time to catch her breath wink )
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