Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bobbart Rumors (5/5) - 06/30/11 06:58 PM
Act 5: Actions

Let's give them something to talk about
How about love?

Chorus - Something To Talk About – Bonnie Raitt

Why was the elevator moving so slowly this morning? All through her morning routine at home, her mind had been in a constant spin because of her Clark situation. That dream had left her off-balance but there didn’t seem to be much room left for denying her feelings.

She needed to tell Clark what she’d wanted to tell him that day in front of the Planet. Based on what she learned yesterday, and what might be true between them, he needed to know what really stopped her wedding to Lex. He needed to know that when push came to shove, he was the reason that she didn’t say ‘Yes’ to Lex.

The part of her dream where Clark had said that Jenny thought a romance with a coworker was fine, couldn’t have been a coincidence. Lois had told Clark her three rules in no uncertain terms when he’d first started at the Planet. Even though she’d also told him that she’d broken all three rules, he might still be confused on that point. After today, there would be no confusion. Whatever her attitude might have been in the past, *now* she was open to a much more personal relationship with one particular coworker. Take that, Jenny!

After that, she’d have to play it by ear. Maybe Clark would tell her that he didn’t feel that way about her. It would break her heart, but better to know now than later. Then again, just maybe something else would happen. She wasn’t sure how to go about talking to Clark. All she was really sure of was that she was going to do it today.

The elevator finally reached the newsroom floor. Lois exited and turned immediately toward Clark’s desk. She’d barely taken two steps before she stopped. Clark wasn’t there. She’d been all ready. Now she was going to have to wait.

Lois felt her excitement turning into disappointment as she headed for her desk. But she remained determined to have this talk as soon as he came in. In the mean time, if Clark wasn’t around, she could at least get some work done. She was only about half way through the information that Jimmy had collected on Senator Johnson. As she pulled out the data, she almost smiled at the fact that she didn’t have any ongoing investigations that related to sewage.

It took very little time for Lois to get lost in the research. She knew that the senator was doing deals under the table, but he hid his tracks as well as anyone. She was about one-third of the way through the first pile when she noticed a pair of legs standing next to her desk. Good, it was about time Clark showed up. She was going to ask him where he’d been, but when she turned to face her visitor, and did a double take. “Jimmy!?” she exclaimed.

He immediately took a half step back. “I’m sorry, Lois. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

She’d been sure it was going to be Clark and had to bite back a surge of disappointment for the second time this morning. She took a moment to compose herself before responding. “No problem. Do you need something?”

“I saw that you were going over that research and I just wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything else.”

“No, thanks. I haven’t made it half-way through this yet.” Then she paused for a second. “Have you seen Clark?”

Jimmy turned his head in the direction of Clark’s desk. “He’s right there,” Jimmy said, tilting his head in that direction.

She looked across the room and discovered that Clark was at his desk. And so was that blonde. And Clark was holding her hand.

A chill ran through Lois’s body. This couldn’t be happening. It had been a dream. It took a few seconds for her to compose herself before Jimmy’s voice brought her back to reality.

“Lois, are you okay?” he asked.

She shook her head. “I’m fine. I just… need to talk to Clark.” She stood and started for Clark’s desk, leaving Jimmy still standing behind her. Based on the last expression she saw on Jimmy’s face, she could almost hear his voice saying, ‘Clark’s in trouble.’

As she closed the distance to Clark’s desk she couldn’t help thinking that if that blonde hussy sat on his lap she was going to scream. Fortunately for everyone’s ears – and Lois’s sanity – the girl was still standing when Lois reached them.

Clark looked up at her. “Hi Lois, do you know Jamie? She was getting me a file from the morgue when a door slammed on her hand. I was just making sure there weren’t any broken bones.”

Lois could hardly believe the wave of relief she felt at that innocent explanation.

Then Jamie spoke up. “I need to get back to work. Thank you for checking my hand, Mr. Kent.” She glanced briefly at Lois. “Ms. Lane,” she said with a polite nod as the turned away.

Lois watched the younger woman depart. Thank goodness that went better than the dream! Then she turned back to find Clark smiling up at her.

“Good morning, Lois. What’s up?”

She didn’t intend to lose another minute, but this wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have in the office. “Can we go for a walk? I wanted to talk to you about… something.”

Clark’s brow furrowed in confusion, or maybe in concern.. “Sure,” he replied.

They made the ride down the elevator in silence. Now that the moment was here, she found it difficult to begin. Clark seemed to sense her distress and simply walked with her. As they walked side by side, Lois found her eyes returning to Clark’s hand. If they were holding hands, would it be as nice as in the dream?

Lois was still trying to nail down an opening line when she realized that they had reached the small downtown park that they had used so many times for quick outdoor lunches.

Clark stopped in front of an empty bench and turned to face her. “Lois, I love just walking with you, but you said there was something you wanted to talk about.”

Lois dropped into the bench heavily. Clark sat beside her and reached for her hand. She looked at their hands together. It was just as nice as it had been in the dream. The feel of his hand holding hers gave her the courage she needed.

“Did anyone ever tell you what happened at my wedding to Lex?”

His eyebrows lifted for only a second. He didn’t expect this. And if she knew her Clark Kent expressions as well as she thought, he didn’t like it either. “Perry and Bill Henderson stopped it.”

“But do you know when?” she asked.

“No. I never… I didn’t want to know,” Clark stuttered out. “I was just glad that they got there in time.”

“They didn’t,” she said softly.

“They didn’t what?” Clark asked, confused.

“They didn’t get there in time,” she clarified.

The shock was clear on his face. “Are you telling me you married him that day? But that’s…”

“No, Clark,” she said abruptly. “I didn’t marry Lex that day.”

“But you just said that Perry was…” Clark trailed off. “I don’t understand.”

Lois took a deep breath the try to steady her nerves. “You know the part in a wedding where the minister says, ‘Do you, So-and-So take Such-and-Such to be your lawfully wedded wife’ and so on?”

“Sure,” Clark answered.

“Lex had already said ‘I do,’ and then the Archbishop asked me…”

“But if Perry was too late...?” Clark asked.

“I said, ‘No.’”

“You said, ‘No’?” Clark asked, his voice husky and eyes shining.

Lois felt like she could get lost in his eyes. “Over the course of that last day, I finally came to my senses. There was no way I could marry Lex when… when I was pretty sure I was falling in love with… you.” She paused to give him the chance to say something, but when he remained silent she continued. “After the wedding, when we were in front of the Planet, I was going to tell you. But before I could say…”

“I lied,” he said quickly, cutting her off.

She felt hope swell, but she had to be sure. “When did you lie?”

“That day in front of the Planet. After what you said in the park and all that had happened, I was afraid you wouldn’t want to work with me knowing I felt… that way.”

“Clark, what I wanted to tell you that day was…” she had trouble saying it. “I think I’ve been falling in love with you for a long time.” She couldn’t maintain eye contact and she ended up saying the last word to the ground.

She felt the gentle touch of his hand on her chin encouraging her to look at him again. Once they made eye contact, he took both her hands in his. “Lois, what I really wanted to tell you that day, but was too afraid, was how glad I was to have you back in my life.” He paused but it seemed like he had something else to say. “And I also wanted to tell you the same thing I’ve wanted to say for months. I love you.”

Before she knew what was happening she’d thrown her arms about Clark. She felt his arms encircle her and draw her closer. This was much nicer than just holding hands.

She felt as much as heard the low rumble of his voice in her ear. ‘We’re okay now, aren’t we?”

She could feel tears trickling down her cheeks. “Yes. Very okay,” she said, hopefully loud enough for him to hear.

After another few seconds, Lois found that the hug, as nice as it was, wasn’t enough. She pulled back so their faces were only inches apart. She was about to start toward him when he started the same motion. While the kiss was gentle, it was full of promise and hints of a future together.

When the kiss ended, she was content simply to look into Clark’s eyes for a moment. She was still trying to get used to the idea that they were committed. Wherever they ended up, there was no going back now. It wasn’t nearly as scary as she’d thought it would be.

Clark finally broke the silence. “I’m so happy that you spoke up today. I’m definitely not complaining, but I have to ask. What happened that made you want to talk?”

“I overheard some people talking,” she answered with a shy smile. “It sounds like most of the office believes we’re already an item.”

Clark’s face fell a little at this. “I’m sorry, Lois. I know how much you hate being the object of those kinds of rumors. I’ve heard some of the rumors over the last few weeks and tried to stop…”

“That’s okay,” she said, cutting him off. “For once I found that I didn’t mind so much. When I heard, well, it got me thinking, and here we are.”

Clark’s smile came back. “If it got us together, then I’m happy to be the subject of their talk,” he said. Now he was beaming a smile that she was sure that every other woman at the Planet would love to think was for them. But it – and Clark – were all hers.

Lois stood while continuing to hold Clark’s right hand. “We need to head back.”

Clark stood without releasing her hand. “Back to the source of the gossip?”

“Yeah,” Lois replied with a smile. “I’m looking forward to really giving them something to talk about.”

The End
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