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Extra Disclaimer: I have once again borrowed “Burning Love” written by Dennis Linde and made famous by Elvis Presley. I do not own this song in any way, shape, or manner. Nor do I take credit for the wonderful song lyrics quoted in my story, only on the effect it wreaks on my characters. (Example of this song can be found at the end of this posting.)

Story Notes: This story is mostly set in alt-dimension, although visits to the canon dimension do happen from time-to-time.
- Clark = Alt-Clark unless otherwise noted (such as when we are in the canon dimension, then 'Clark' is canon Clark)
- Lucy El = pregnant canon Lois avoiding the curse by hiding out with alt-Clark, aka Lois's secret identity
- Kal = what Lois-Lucy and alt-Clark call canon Clark
- Sam Lane = alt-Lois's Dad, Lois's doctor & roommate
- Martha and Jonathan Kent = canon Clark's parents
- Mayor White = aka Perry White, former Editor-in-Chief at the DP
- Alice White = Perry's wife
- James Olsen = owner of DP, Lois-Lucy's friend, who is working with Lois to find Lex Luthor (and hopefully alt-Lois)
- Dr. Bernard Klein = S.T.A.R. Labs scientist and Superman's 'doctor'
- Cat Grant = helping alt-Clark out with PR on his '50 dates' charity winners and social columnist at the DP, now Acting Editor-in-Chief at the DP
- Lex Luthor = no explanation necessary, same bad guy as always

- The only people who know canon Lois's true identity are alt-Clark, Sam, Moonbeam (alt-Star) and now Dr. Klein. Alt-Clark told Mayson Drake that Lucy El is his sister-in-law and that he has a twin brother, but not about the other dimension. Mayson didn't believe him (thinking instead that Lucy was a con-artist).


What happened in Chapter 4: Part 5:

Clark informed Dr. Klein that any information that Lois gave him about the baby, his ‘brother’ or the other dimension was to be kept strictly confidential.

Shortly before Thanksgiving, Clark received a phone call from a woman who told him that she ‘was alive!’ Lois returned to work but then was sent home because Cat thought she looked unwell. Sam insisted that Lois take a couple of days of bed rest to recover fully from all the ‘over doing it' of visiting her own dimension.


Part 6

Jonathan and Clark sat in the living room at the Kent house in Smallville, stuffed full of turkey, stuffing, and pie. Lois was on the telephone in the hall and Martha had fallen asleep in her chair, knitting needles in her hands. Jonathan stared at his son, who was staring at his Mom.

“Half-time,” Jonathan announced, standing up with a stretch. “How about you help me out in the barn, Clark?”

“Sure, Dad.” Clark pulled his gaze away from his Mom and put on his coat. “When did Mom start knitting again?”

“This fall, no, it was in August. Don’t be surprised if you get a new scarf for Christmas. You might warn Lois.”

Clark smiled. “I remember all those mittens she used to make me. It wasn’t Christmas until I found the mittens from Mom.”

They walked into the barn and Clark looked around. “What did you need help with, Dad?”

“You. What do you have on your mind, son?” Jonathan asked.

Clark looked away. “Nothing.”

“Oh, it’s definitely something. You didn’t notice any of Mid-West’s touchdowns. That isn’t like you. You and Lois seem good. Is something wrong in Metropolis?”

“No. Everything’s fine.” He picked up a rock and started tossing it up and catching it. “I had a strange dream recently and I just can’t stop thinking about it.”

“Dream, huh? That seems more like your Mother’s field of expertise.”

“No, Dad. I’d rather I talk to you. It’s not the kind of dream I want to discuss with Mom.”

The light bulb came on in Jonathan’s eyes. “Oh. I thought we covered those in middle school.”

“It wasn’t really that kind of dream, Dad.” Then he smiled. “Much.”

Jonathan held up his hand. “Skip the details. What bothers you about it?”

Clark was quiet for a minute as he thought. “Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that you start looking for answers in real life?”

“I had a dream once, when I thought I hadn’t plowed the west field and forgotten to buy seed, that I got up the next morning and was half-way dressed when your Mother woke up and reminded me that it was only February and the ground was rock solid. That what you mean?”

“Kind of.” Clark caught the rock and looked down at it. “I dreamed that Lois was six months pregnant. I could hear the baby’s heartbeat. I felt the baby kick. Lois even fed me strawberries. She knew things that…” He shook his head. “Then she said she had to go.”

Jonathan sat down on a hay bale. “I didn’t know you and Lois were trying, Clark.”

“We aren’t. We’re still newlyweds. We haven’t even walked down that road. But this dream…” He sighed, starting to toss the rock once more. “It was perfect. It felt so real. I even searched for her, when I awoke, but it was like she had never been there.”

“It was a dream, Clark.”

“Everything points to it being a dream. She even told me in the dream that it was a dream.”


“Exactly. And when I woke up the next morning my blue shirt was missing.”

Jonathan laughed. “What does that have to do with the price of corn?”

“It’s the shirt I had been wearing when I went to bed. It’s the shirt I gave to that dream Lois to wear before she left and…” He swallowed. “And I found the green shirt she had been wearing folded up in my laundry basket a few days later.”

Jonathan’s jaw dropped. “She left her shirt?”

Clark looked away. “Technically, it was my shirt. One I hadn’t seen since before I left for New Krypton.”

“Oh.” Jonathan chuckled. “It’s definitely real then.” He laid the sarcasm on thick.

Clark pressed his lips together. “Lois and I made love before I left with the Kryptonians. The dream Lois said that was when she got pregnant.”


“I figured it out in the morning. If it were real, the baby would be due mid-February. Lois would be about six months pregnant, now.” He caught the rock in his hand and crushed it into gravel.

“Ah.” Jonathan nodded. “You want the dream to be real.”

“You don’t understand, Dad.” Clark started pacing. “When I felt the baby kick, I could feel it in all of my nerve endings. I haven’t felt anything like that except when Lois and I first kissed. We made a connection. A bond. I’m missing that baby develop and grow. And that Lois…” He sighed. “She was so beautiful, glowing. Sexy.” He grinned. “And she could fly.”

“That’s some dream, Clark. I can see why you don’t want to let it go. Have you discussed it with your wife?”

Clark’s eyes grew wide as he shook his head.

“Lois doesn’t fly, does she?”

“Not since her Ultra Woman days.” He paused in thought. “She doesn’t remember our first time.”

“Excuse me?”

“I would swear on my future children that Lois and I made love before I left for New Krypton, but my wife says our first time was on our honeymoon.”

“I wouldn’t swear on that, Clark.”

“You’re right. I meant it as a figure of speech.”

Jonathan rubbed his hands together; he had forgotten to bring his gloves. “Could that have also been a dream, Clark?”

He shook his head. “A man doesn’t forget his first time, Dad.”

Jonathan stopped rubbing his hands and looked at his son. “You mean your first time with Lois?”

Clark shook his head.

“That was your first, first time?” Jonathan swallowed.

His son nodded.

“Oh.” Jonathan thought for a moment, then blanched. “Lois is Lois, right?”

“I’m positive, that’s her. She has the scar on her ankle bone that she broke from before we met.”

“You checked?”

“With our history?” Clark shrugged.

“Of course.”

“I had to make sure, but I knew it was her, before I checked. You can see why this is driving me nuts. I love my wife, but I feel like I have another wife floating around in the ether somewhere with our unborn child.” He slammed one fist into the palm of his other hand. It clapped like thunder. “Oh, sorry.” He grabbed his head. “I’m so afraid it was only a dream. That I’ll never see them again.”

Jonathan walked up to his son and put an arm around his shoulder. “This dream really affected you.”

Clark nodded, unable to speak.

“Your Mother would probably say that the dream Lois was your unconscious desires to have children reaching out and punching you in the nose.”

Clark couldn’t help but smile.

“Perhaps it’s time to have that talk with Lois, son.”

He sighed. “I don’t think she’s ready for that, Dad. We’re still getting used to each other as a married couple.”

“OK. But then you need to keep telling yourself that it was just a dream.”

“I know.” Clark nodded. “Thanks, Dad. It’s great to finally get that off my chest.” He hugged him.

“Anytime, son.” Jonathan paused, trying to figure out exactly how to word what he wanted to say. “Um.”

“Was there something else, Dad?” Clark asked, concerned.

“It’s time to tell Lois, Clark. She’s known that you’re Superman for eighteen months, now. And it’s been almost three years, since he came...”

Clark winced. “Yeah. I know, Dad. It’s complicated.”

“How is it complicated? Just tell her. The longer you wait…”

“The timing has to be right. Trust me, I know Lois and she’s going to flip if she finds out that he knew first. That I’ve been hiding him from her. And with the trial and Tempus, our life is just settling down again. I want to have some peace for a while.”

Jonathan raised a brow at his son and pressed his lips together. “The time will never be right, son. Just do it. This is the last time we’re removing photos before she visits, Clark. You’re lucky he went out of town this weekend or he would have been here for Thanksgiving. We’re proud of him, like we’re proud of you. No more hiding him from her.”

“Okay.” Clark nodded and then asked, sheepishly, “Is he angry at me?”

“No.” Jonathan chortled as he nudged his son’s shoulder. “You know he thinks the world of you. But your mother and I have had enough. You know what she thinks of secrets within the family.”

“Yes, Dad.” Clark rolled his eyes with a wobble of his head.

“I caught her drinking wine by herself in the afternoon, Clark. That isn’t like her.”

Clark’s brow furrowed. “Mom?”

“It surprised me, too. So, this is it.” Jonathan crossed his hands and then separated them. “No more, Clark.”

“OK, Dad. I’ll tell Lois.”

“Thank you. We better head back before the women folk start to wonder about us.”

Clark laughed. “And the half-time show should be about over by now. Go Mid-West U!”

Lois stood at the front door of the house when they returned from the barn. “I was wondering what happened to you two.”

Clark waved and jogged up the stairs to her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I love you, wife.”

“That’s good to hear.” She smiled. “I love you, too, husband.”

Jonathan passed them in the doorway with a grin.

Clark pulled her outside and shut the door, kissing her again. “Want to go somewhere?”

“Clark! Your parents.”

He kissed her again, so passionately and deeply that they started to float.

“I mean,” She coughed to clear her throat. “Yes, of course, I do.”

Clark started kissing her again and a moment later, they were gone.

Jonathan lowered the curtains on his living room window and smiled. He’d done good.


Clark held his hands together and gave Kal’s wife puppy dog eyes.

“A sucker is born every moment.” Lois sighed with a shake of her head.

“Perry had to stay in town last minute to thwart a union strike at the utility department. Alice has already left to visit the boys. He was practically begging and Perry doesn’t beg. We have to go, Lois. He doesn’t want to spend Thanksgiving alone.”

“I’ve been on my feet all day, Clark, at the shelter. I’m tired.”

“I’ll carry you everywhere.” He picked her up and grinned. “He promised me the exclusive.”

Lois laughed. “OK. Fine. But Lucy doesn’t have anything nice to wear to dinner at the Mayor’s house.” She looked at him and swallowed. He was too close. She looked across the room at Sam, who was watching them closely and mouthed the word, ‘help.’

“I’ll help you find something, Sweetie.” Sam stepped forward. “I’m looking forward to having a nice hot meal that wasn’t heated up in a microwave.” Clark still hadn’t set her down. “I’ll take her, Clark.”

“Oh, sorry.” Clark cleared his throat and set her down.

“Thanks, Clark.” She and Sam walked down the hall to her room.

“I’ll just swing home and change,” Clark called from the living room and then with a swoosh, he was gone.

“Thank you, Sam.” Lois put a hand to her chest and took a deep breath. “It’s hard when he holds me that close. I miss Kal so much and Clark…” She took another deep breath.

“I know, Sweetie. Are you all right? Can you handle tonight?” He suddenly looked concerned.

“I’m fine, Sam. Just tired. Don’t be surprised if I fall asleep on a couch somewhere.” She yawned.

“Do you really need my help finding something to wear?” he asked, fear in his eyes.

Lois smiled. “A woman always says that about her closet.” She went into her room and shut the door.

After getting undressed, she hopped into the shower. A comforting, yet steamy, shower would wash away the weariness from her bones. She looked down at her stomach; it was really getting big. She leaned a hand against the wall. She hoped it wasn’t twins. She took a deep breath.

‘Relax, Lois. If it were twins you would hear the second heartbeat. Sam only saw one baby on the ultrasound. Don’t stress yourself out. Just two and half months to go,’ Lois told herself. How exactly had she been able to wear that Ultra Woman suit at the end of last month?

She gasped. Had that only been a month ago? It felt like eternity. She closed her eyes and Elvis started to sing in her head. “Lord almighty, I feel my temperature rising, mmm, it’s burning straight into my soul… your kisses lift me higher, like the sweet song of a choir, you light my morning sky, with burning love… it’s a hunk, a hunk of burning love…” Hearing a sound in her room, Lois turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. “Hello?”

Laying on her bed was a beautiful dress. Not at all in Lucy’s style. Maroon, empire waist, sleeveless. She pressed her lips together. This was Lois’s style. Maroon was the color her Clark had wanted her to wear on their first date. Oh, this wasn’t good. Where in the world would he find such a dress on Thanksgiving Day of all days?

“Clark,” she muttered and went to dry off.

Lois,” she heard him respond. He must be near-by. Out in the living room, probably.

“If you come into my bedroom while I’m in the shower again, I will literally punch you to the moon. Are we clear?”

Crystal.” He chuckled.


I liked your singing.”

He heard that? Perfect, just what she needed. “Stop whispering in my ear, Clark.”

Yes, Ma'am.

She didn’t hear anything for a few minutes and continued to dry off.

That was our song, wasn’t it? ‘Burning Love’?

Lois swallowed and sat down on her bed, a tear dripping down her cheek. “Clark, don’t. I love my husband.”

I know. Sorry.

“You need to move on. We’re going back to him, Clark. So, stop. Just stop. You’re just torturing yourself.” And me, she said silently with a sigh.

And you?

He knew her too well.

Sometimes, like tonight, Lois was happy that telepathic communication never worked between them. Listening to him whisper to her was bad enough, she didn’t need him inside her head as well. She went into the bathroom to blow dry her hair, cutting off any further murmurings from his voice.

Lois came out to the living room a few minutes later, wearing the maroon dress. It was a little tight over her bust. She hadn’t noticed them growing larger, but they must have. Luckily, the cut of this dress hung loosely around her waist, hiding most of the rest of her curves.

“Can you zip me up?” she asked.

Clark just stood there, staring at her. This wasn’t a good idea. Finally, he blinked and stepped forward. He ran his finger up her back as he zipped. She could feel his warm breath on her neck.

She swallowed and turned around, stepping away from him. What was wrong with him?

“Shall I carry you?” he volunteered, holding out his hands.

“You lay one finger on me and I’ll slap you to kingdom come.”

Clark stepped back. “I deserve that.”

“Actually, you deserve the slap.” Lois glared at him.

“Did I miss something?” Sam asked, stepping between them.

“You’re starting to act like a stalker. A creepy ex-boyfriend. Just stop it.”

“A creepy stalker? Lois, that’s a little strong, don’t you think?” Clark asked, his eyes full of pain. “And who was just singing our song?”

“In the privacy of my own room. It’s none of your business.”

“Then don’t call me creepy.”

“Did you fly up to Canada and just happen to buy me a dress that fits perfectly? Or did you just happen to have this one hanging in your closet?” She glared at him.

“What is she talking about?” Sam looked at him.

“It’s just a dress,” Clark murmured.

“Whose dress is this, Clark?”

He looked away.

“It’s her dress, isn’t it?”

Clark still wouldn’t look at her.

“I’m not her. I’m Kal’s wife.”

“It’s a dress, Lois. And I knew it would fit you. That’s all,” he murmured.

“Is it? I need to know if you ever liked me for me or if I’m just some sick substitute for your fantasy, Clark.”

Clark glared at her. “That’s rich coming from you, Lois.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’ve changed my whole life for you and then you go risk everything, even your own life, by going, visiting, and talking to Kal, telling him about the baby.”

“He’s my husband. I miss him. He was asleep and thought I was just a dream.”

“A nightmare is more like it,” he snapped.

Lois slapped him across the face. “Don’t, Clark.” A tear ran down her cheek. “I love him. I needed to know he was real, not just a dream. I needed to know if he even remembered me.”

“He lives with you. He’s married to you. Of course, he remembers you. He has the perfect life.”

“You mean instead of having a dress-up facsimile of his love,” she retorted.

Clark stared her directly in the eyes. “You don’t think that this kills me? Listening to you talk about him, hearing the love in your voice when you speak of him.” He swallowed. “Knowing I’ll never have what he has, because she is dead,” he murmured, looking away.

“And I’m alive, so you think you can… Clark?”

He had blanched and grabbed her shoulders. “Say that, again.”


“Say ‘Finally, I reached you. Clark Kent, please, help me. I’m alive.’”

He had gone crazy. “What are you…”

“Say it,” he growled. “In your normal voice.”

Sam came closer. Clark closed his eyes.

“Finally, I reached you. Clark Kent, please, help me. I’m alive.”

His eyes flashed open and he turned to Sam. “Lois is alive.”

These men. Lois threw up her hands. “Standing right here.”

“Our Lois,” Clark corrected. “She called me the other day. That was all she was able to say before we got disconnected.”

“She called you? Why would she call you?” Sam asked.

“Well, you don’t have a phone. Perry no longer works at the Daily Planet, so that leaves…” Clark thought for a moment. “I have no idea why she would call me.”

“Maybe she knows you’re Superman,” Lois suggested.

Clark looked crestfallen. “Yes, that’s probably it.”

Oh, why had she said that? “This is good news, Clark. She’s alive.”

“Let’s go! Let’s tell Perry. He’ll be thrilled,” Sam said, shuffling them to the door.

“I need to cover up,” Lois said running to her room. She grabbed her tummy and took a deep breath. No running. She opened her drawers and pulled out her large black cardigan sweater. Then she grabbed her John Lennon glasses off the dresser. And her coat.

“Why did you cover up?” Clark asked in the cab. “You looked so…”

“Big as a house,” she finished for him. “It’s cold out, you know.”

“Striking.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “Some women look better with child. I didn’t think you could look any better, but you proved me wrong, once again.”

“That’s my job, you know. Proving Clark Kent wrong.”

“Yes. I figured that out on my own. Thanks.”

She laughed.

“I’m still in shock. I can’t believe she called me. I had no idea it was her until I heard you say, ‘I’m alive’.”

“I’m happy for you,” Lois whispered. She was. This was why she had come back, but somehow knowing that his Lois was alive and well and trying to reach him, cut her like a knife.

“We can’t tell Perry,” Sam announced.

“Why not?” asked Lois.

“How did Clark recognize her voice?”

“Because I said… Oh.” She looked at Clark.

Clark pressed his lips together. “It’s still good news, except that we have no idea where she is.”

Sam’s grin threatened to split his face. “Exceptional news. My girl is still alive!”

*** End of Part 6 ***

Elvis Presley - Burning Love


Chapter 4: Part 7
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