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Posted By: Queen of the Capes FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/18/11 03:15 PM
Feedback is love! laugh
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/18/11 03:49 PM
Okay, this is a bit confusing, but I think I get it (kinda sorta). My favorite line, though, is not the final one this time, but the one where Lois makes herself clear. goofy
Posted By: elizabeth Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/18/11 04:04 PM
I like it! Please write the whole story, I want more already!!!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/18/11 04:13 PM
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

It isn't all that great,
What in the world are you talking about here? I thought the story was absolutely hysterical.

FWIW, I figured out who her husband was as soon as the INS was mentioned, and the green card only confirmed it. To me the real punch line was “Clark...I...I'm pregnant.”

Posted By: angelsgmaw Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/18/11 04:17 PM

Since there wasn't a lot of meat to sink my teeth into I think that telling you that I enjoyed this one so much is almost an understatement. Sometimes the subtle subject matter is overlooked. Again, cute story.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/18/11 08:11 PM
Curious! Post more.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/18/11 09:16 PM
rotflol Did Superman marry Lois to get a green card? And then they concosmated the marriage?

Or was she pregnant with someone else's child? (and only discovered this AFTER she married Superman?) I know it's implied that it is Superman's and the tenderness between her and Clark imply more than just a partnership...

But I have a strange question... Does she know CK=S? Because Lois called him 'partner' in her mind when he walked into the newsroom. And maybe he (Clark, he) is just in the 'loop' about her green-card marriage and she doesn't know about his other identity.

And the last series of questions: HOW long have they been married? How quickly did Lois realize she was pregnant? Because it sounds like the news just fit the fan about the marriage. Were they JUST married? If so, it was an 'overnight' discovery that could also be a fun line to explore. Or have they been hiding the marriage for a while?

There's a lot to work on here! A lot of meat of them thar bones. I would love to see and read a fleshed out story. Great teaser! jump
Posted By: BJ Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/19/11 06:21 PM

I tend to agree with Lara - my favorite line is when Lois makes herself clear - but my favorite part is that it's *Clark* that steps over Lois' newly drawn line-in-the-sand.

Oh, and I loved reading all the questions in the fdk. It's precisely for all the unanswered questions that you should leave the story just as it is.

Wonderful. I'm so glad you've posted something new.

Originally posted by VirginiaR:
rotflol Did Superman marry Lois to get a green card? And then they concosmated the marriage?
Yep. laugh

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. smile

Actually, I don't think there will be any more -- at least not from me, any time soon. I just don't know how they'd get out of this one, or even *if* they'd get out of it. If anyone else wants to take a crack at the premise, though, be my guest. ^^
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/20/11 11:11 AM
Intriguing premise. I'm with VirginiaR - wondering if Lois realizes CK = Superman. You could have fun with this.

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/20/11 09:51 PM
I guess I thought of this kind of as a sequel of sorts to Wendy's "Green Card" . I figured that this was what happened next!
Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
I guess I thought of this kind of as a sequel of sorts to Wendy's "Green Card" . I figured that this was what happened next!
That was actually my inspiration. smile Maybe I'll take a crack at this, maybe I won't. I don't usually like writing stories with no idea how they'll end, but.... Who knows? laugh
Posted By: DW Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/22/11 10:36 AM
This was just awesome! clap
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/23/11 06:41 PM
I really liked the way you set up the situation in so few words and then made it infinitely tougher with news of the pregnancy.

LOL about the speculation that Lois could be having an affair with Clark!

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 06/26/11 11:59 AM
/taps foot/ Where's the rest, missy? /continues foot tapping while adding FDK/

“Hey, Lois! How's your husband?”
Sounds innocently enough like a Season 4 story. But what have you cooked up there?

“Lois!” Cat had been passing by, and now paused in mid-swish to lean on Lois' desk. “How's the hubby?”
Why is Cat back? Is it post season 4?
Lois gritted her teeth. “He is fine. Thank you.”
And what's Clark done now?

“Why the sour mood today, Ms. Lane? Did you and your husband have a falling out?” He continued, not realizing that Lois had stilled. “Really, someone ought to put that ungrateful jerk in his place...”
So, what did Clark do? It's got to be something rather minor if he's able to jke about it. Or did she marry Claude, Dan, Lex? All of them?

The cup slammed down onto the desk, sending splashes of coffee across the keyboard. Lois shot to her feet. “That's it!” She grabbed Clark by his necktie. “You! Conference room! Now!”
Or it's Clark, after all?

“It'll be okay,” he said, tugging her into his arms. “Look, Honey, I know this is a lot to deal with, but just hang in there. It'll only be a couple of years. Then, we can start the divorce proceedings and---”
shock Divorce? And he's so calm? What going on between them?

“Lois?” Clark reached for her shoulder. “Lois, Honey, what's wrong? Tell me.”
Okay, so they're in honey with each other but consider their marriage to be a problem? confused

“I don't think this is just going to be for a couple years.”

“Why do you say that?” he asked in surprise. He covered her hand with his own. “Did you hear something from the INS? Is there a problem with the green card?”
Greencard? Did you go off and took lessons from Wendy?

“Clark...I...I'm pregnant.”

Cat rolled her eyes. “Ralph, don't be ridiculous. Lois would have to be crazy to cheat on Superman!”

So, where's the rest? And why would Clark consummate the marriage with Lois if they're considering a divorce?...

a long time later...

/slaps head/

Originally, Lois wanted to divorce Superman so she and Clark could get married officially and have a regular family. Only now she's carrying Superman's child instead of Clark's and when she's divorcing Superman... Well, first of all the child's going to be gangster bait. Second of all, Superman, Lois, and Clark are all going to look bad because of the divorce since a floating child is involved. Yep, that's a mess. Did I already mention that you need to finish this?


PS: Please? /adds cherry/
Very interesting! I'd love to read more on that!
Posted By: MrsLuthor Re: FDK: It's Gonna Be A Bumpy Ride - 02/11/12 09:22 PM
Hahahaa clap

I dig it! Great job! Would LOVE to see this expanded upon.
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