Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Saskia FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 12:37 PM
Awwww, how sweet! There were so many things here that I like, that I don't know where to start. smile So I'll just leave at that or I'd be here all night. wink

I'm surprised Lois took all Clark's information so well and is quick to believe him. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to miss five years of your live while yesterday it was still 1993. But it's still a very strong Lois we're talking about and she actually reconizes Clark's pain.

So now they'll spend Christmas together. That probably means a lot of talking, since Lois really should know of Clark's interest in her. And then what? So I'd suggest you'd post the next part, well, about now! wildguy wildguy

Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 12:40 PM
Wow. I can tell it took a bit of convincing, but I'm glad Lois sees it's hard to fake television coverage on every channel. I love how she goes back and forth about what to do. I can't wait to see the next part, and I'm glad she's spending Christmas with Clark!
Posted By: BarbP Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 12:50 PM

Having Lois notice his lonliness was perfect. Two lonely people needing to reach out, *and* at Christmas.

What a nice Christmas present it will be for both of them when the talking is through and they know -- and they *will* know won't they? Know that they are made for each other.

What a nice Christmas present this is for us as well.

Sweet story,

Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 01:00 PM
Gosh, I just love this. I know I've already told you that, being one of your guinea pigs and all goofy but I really do.

I love that she is strong enough to believe him and not completely lose it and especially that she notices his loneliness. And I find it entirely believeable that this Lois would feel the bond with Clark right away, as soon as she realizes that he has helped save her life and did not cause her problems.

I also loved the brief mention that Clark has become friends with Lucy. I have a feeling that Lucy has matured a lot in the last five years, losing her sister and then her mother, and that Lois will be very proud of her when they finally do meet up. But I think what touches me the most is that Clark already feels close to Lucy. It lets me know that once he and Lois really do get together, he's going to have a family again. It might be a small family, but it's what he needs, people who know him and care about him as Clark Kent, not as Superman. And that really means a lot to me.

I just really like this story. smile

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 01:25 PM
You just caught me off-guard with Lois looking around at the tree and decorations and thinking, "He's lonely, too."


Hit me square in my sappy little heart.

Posted By: IsisLnC Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 02:52 PM

Considering the circumstances, she seems too be taking this all very, very well!

Good guy or not, one thing was for sure: if she stayed around him for very long, she was going to find herself falling for him. She already knew that. Something about him was already beginning to sneak through her defences. And that was far from sensible.
--Thats what we were hoping for. Thats why we are all here reading this! Lois, dont spoil it for us! Don't you dare! lol

I'm glad to see Clark's interest in decorating for Christmas has returned, even if its just for her.

I cant wait to see what happens next! Soon please!

Beautiful. drool

More ASAP, please.

MAF thumbsup
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 05:35 PM
Interesting, and potentially, very sappy waffy.

As with all time travel stories, one has to accept the conditions and not get all tangled up in the 'but why not take her to such and such a time, or go back before this or that happens'. The time travel is just a vehicle to put the characters into the situation you want them to be in. If you over analyse it, you can always punch holes in the logic, because time travel, after all, is illogical.

Now, as to the story. I can accept Lois being strong enough to take in all the incredible things she's hearing. After all she is probably still experiencing a certain level of shock. Also, taking in so much unbelievable stuff, it's often easier to just numb yourself to it and accept it.

We don't know her past, so we don't know how much she has been 'hurt' by men in the past so we can't be sure of where her defenses might be. Given that, though, she doesn't have the initial competitive anger toward Clark that the other Lois had, and the addition of the super hero to keep her from recognising the real Clark earlier. The fact that she was able to fairly quickly become friends with Clark still given all that says that Lois did recognise some things in Clark earlier. So it is possible for the 'bond' to come through a little easier for altLois since she's alone, vulnerable, and doesn't have a lot of baggage to deal with.

The BIG problem is going to be Clark's explanation of his obsession with her. How is he going to skirt around the issue so as not to frighten her, or turn her off. The built in 'I'm just a substitute for the Lois you really love' bit is a hard one to overcome. (And not one likely to be conquered in one more instalment). I'm curious as to how you, the writer, are going to skate by that one.

I've caught up with reading this now, so you can post the next part.

Tank (who was missing in action yesterday due to a bad day at work which then made him almost late for band practice, which then made it late by the time he got home, which then made it impratical to go online)
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 05:50 PM
Wow this is really sweet. Clark is so cute. How could anyone not love him right off the bat. He is like a little lost puppy. I am glad that she is noticing how handsom he is and how easily she could fall for him. Laura
Posted By: merry Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 06:36 PM
just read 1 & 2
very nicely done
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 06:50 PM
I'm so glad that Clark has found Lois. Once that small glitch has been taken care of, it's just a matter of time and good writing before they are together again. I know you can finish this off with flair. Can't wait for part 3

Posted By: KathyM Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 10:24 PM
To borrow a line from Sara's wonderful Unfinished Business, "Who are you and what have you done with Wendy Richards?" Posting story parts two days in a row?!? eek There are still several days left until Christmas - are you feverish? Relentless nagging has never worked in the past...

But OK, if this is a kinder, less evil Wendy Richards, I'm certainly not going to complain. I will simply apologize that I haven't had a chance to post feedback on Part 1 yet and move on.

This is wonderful so far, just as I imagined it would be. I love how alt-Clark is such a Scrooge about Christmas in contrast to our Clark, who gets swept up in the magic and joy of the holidays. And of course it makes so much sense, based on their different life experiences.

And of course Lois is going through a whole gamut of emotions right now, but the fact that she definitely finds him attractive and feels safe and secure with him doesn't hurt...and then, like everyone else, I just loved that she noticed his loneliness as well. I'm so glad that she decided to stay with him.

His smile could have powered the city’s grid for a week.
Oh yes, I can picture this now. Not very Scrooge-like at all... smile

Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 10:45 PM
Aww, great again, Wendy!

Though I really haven't expected it to be posted so quickly (thought I'm not complianing laugh ). Did the trailer motivate you to post faster?
/me sends silent message to Pel to make more of those.

I like how you didn't complicate anything, and just let Lois have her stuff. I mean, if I woke up in 2008, to find that everyone thinks I'm dead; my mom IS dead; I've lost 5 years of my life; and I'm stuck with a guy I've known for less than a day for Christmas (though I'd love to be stuk with Clark), and on top of all that- I don't have any of my stuff anymore- I seriously would hage considered killing myself. smile

Julie (wondering if the 3rd part will come just as quickly)
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/17/03 11:17 PM
He was lonely too
That's all I really had to say.

I have a feeling you could get a lot of mileage out of the adventures of this Lois in a series of fics! I like her alot. She's strong, rational and insightful. She recognizes attraction for what it is. Yeah, I think I could go for a Sequel, say, "In the Green of Spring" laugh

Can't wait for partIII!

Happy Camper
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/18/03 06:06 AM
And the third part? :p

Nice segment smile , interesting how Lois thought about been with him smile

Jose smile1
Posted By: lynnm Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/18/03 08:01 AM
Hey Wendy -

Sorry for so late and also posting fdk on both parts in this one spot, but I'm finally playing catch-up!

Great story. My favorite part so far:
Blue. And red. And splashes of yellow. And a big S slap bang in the middle of his chest.

“What’s this? A clown outfit?” she’d been in the middle of asking, when he’d suddenly...
and then later:
And then there was Clark himself. The man - not the guy in the ski suit, not the alien, not the time-traveller’s companion.
I was ROTFL! I like that this Lois is not dazzled at all by Superman. Shows a real chance that she could fall for Clark pretty quick.

I think you did a great job of explaining why HG decided to bring Lois to 1998 instead of 1993. Makes sense to me, and like Tank said, I have no problem just accepting explanations such as this when they seem reasonable, as yours certainly does.

I also agree with some others about how easily Lois has accepted all of this shock - I really liked how she listed the crazy stuff that she'd learned while she was standing in the shower. I would think she'd just be numb. If this story were longer than 3 parts (a sequal, mayhap <g>) I could really see her starting to think about things and maybe becoming a little bit annoyed or concerned about losing five years.

Can't wait for part three. I'm glad that these two might actually have a happy Christmas together.

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/18/03 07:36 PM
Clark had decorated for Christmas. And since he hadn’t done it before this morning... he had to have done it for her.

Love it!

Posted By: Sorcha Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/19/03 01:32 PM
Okay, I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting much fdk recently... RL [not you, Roger <g>] is pretty bad, and I haven't had much time to even read, much less leave fdk on all the fantastic stories that are being posted at the moment frown I sat down for five minutes the other night to skim over part 1 of this, Wendy... well, I should have known better. The clever writing, fantastic phrasing and vivid imagery completely sucked me in, as usual... whinging

She was being held securely in the strongest arms she’d ever felt holding her. She was resting against the most solid, welcoming chest she’d ever known. Not even her father’s embraces, when she’d been a small child, had felt as comforting.
rotflol And second: blush Awww, Kathy. That meant a lot -- thank you so much!!!!!!!!! smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/19/03 05:11 PM
I'm sorry to be late responding to this thread, and posting part 3! frown When I said that I'd post Wednesday and Friday, I completely forgot that we had a long-standing dinner appointment this evening to celebrate the end of semester. And we only got back at some time after midnight.

Anyway... Part 3 is now posted, and now I have a few minutes to respond to your wonderful comments. As I said in my reply to part 1, I am absolutely amazed and delighted that you guys seem to be enjoying this story so much. I really thought that it was too bleak for the time of year. So thank you all!

KathyM asked:
To borrow a line from Sara's wonderful Unfinished Business, "Who are you and what have you done with Wendy Richards?" Posting story parts two days in a row?!? There are still several days left until Christmas - are you feverish? Relentless nagging has never worked in the past...
LOL! laugh Well, actually, Kathy, the story's going up on the Archive on Sunday, so I didn't have much choice but to post it quickly! wink I was originally going to post part 1 on Monday evening, but decided to wait and give people time to see Pel's wonderful trailer. So it was posted on Tuesday morning early my time.

Tank, thank you for your post on Lois's acceptance of where she is and what has happened to her! That was one thing I was somewhat concerned about, this being a short story: is this consistent with a Lois Lane? But then, as you say, this is an alternate Lois, with a past not quite the same as our Lois. As for how she's likely to take Clark's explanation about all things Lois and Clark, well... read Part 3. wink And do tell me if it works for you!!

And to everyone else: I'm sorry that I haven't done your wonderful feedback anything like justice! frown But do please believe that I really, really appreciate it and loved reading it. You guys are terrific!! notworthy But it's late and I'm tired...

Hope you all like Part 3 as much as you seem to have liked the first two!

Wendy smile
Posted By: avia Re: FDK: In the Bleak Mid Winter - Part 2 - 12/25/03 01:51 PM
Well, while reading this I felt elated and sad all at once - elated at reading a Wendy Richards’s fic and sadness that this is to be such a short fic. goofy

I loved the description of Lois waking up and realizing that she is not where she expected to be.

Someone who was holding her hand. Holding her prisoner by his side.
That is such a great line! The way Lois jumos straight from someone holding her hand to feeling like a prisoner.

I really liked the explanation of Lois’ state of health. hyper

The whole part where Clark realizes Lois may not want to stay with him and Lois realizes that Clark is lonely too brought tears to my eyes the second time I read it just as it did the first time. whinging )
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