Lois & Clark Forums
So - that's it. I know there are ends to tie up - that's what the epilogue is for. laugh

A massive thank you to my three BRs - Iolanthe, Deja Vu, and Lynn. They all improve my stories - and they all do it in different ways. I appreciate their time and enthusiasm more than I can express. clap clap clap

Thanks also to every person who stuck with this story. I know it started with some horrible events, but I really wanted to show the strength of the love between Lois and Clark - that it could overcome even the most horrific of situations.

Thanks particularly to those who left FDK. FDK is always great, but in a long story, it is particularly needed to help the poor author stick to the story when the ending seems so far away.

OMG I checked on a whim and it's here!!! dance

*races off to read even though I have not yet commented on part 20*

Finished, *contented sigh*

Loved the way they came full circle and banished the demons in the end. Fantastic.

The reunion b/t Martha and Clark was equally touching. Loved Martha's last quip about make-up s- smile

So sad to see this story go, but happily fulfilled by the journey on which you took us. Thanks so much for sharing! Can't wait to see the looooooong epilogue.
Oh my goodness!!! The end of TMTY? How can that be?

Corrina, words fail me. The harsh beginning, the falling in fobidden love, the escape, the birth of Superman, a wedding and now the happily ever after. You even managed to make Lois into a farmer's wife. How many impossible things could crowd into one story? This story had all the elements of an epic novel, condensed into 21 installments.

Thank you is so mild for expressing the emotion that this story evoked. Tell Goo he can go to footy games and we won't bug him (for a while.) I am in awe of someone who not only thinks of this stuff, but makes it live. There was not one false step in this story. It all flowed like it came out of you in one sitting. So, thank you for all your hard work, for all your patience when it took double effort to make the quality show, and for making this love story such a wonderful trip through anxiety and pain to love, trust and finally forgiveness.

Pat smile1
Well said Pat and I concur! Wow what a truly moving and emotional roller coaster you have had me on. I haven't been this effected by a story since Long Strange Trip. It is monumental! I will have to be careful not to get sucked in to any of your other stories until they are finished. Waiting was torture! But the story was sooooo worth it.I am happy and sad at the same time, so see this one end. I am looking forward to the epilogue and I hope they convince Evan to forgive himself, the way Evan convinced Clark to go into his new life and cherish it. The ending was scary yet beautiful and we are all so glad the demon was shutup. Hopefully for good. Loved it! Despite that there were no nfic bits, I still loved it and it will remain one of my favorite of all time fics. Thanks again and Happy Birthday! Your fan forever, Laura
Oh, Evan. You really need to listen to yourself when you're giving other people good advice.
Delightful. clap clap clap

Originally posted by Female Hawk:
So - that's it. I know there are ends to tie up - that's what the epilogue is for. laugh

Sorry but there is way too much for a simple epilogue.

We really need a full sequel. After all Clark and his friends will need to deal with the Alien Invasion.

And clearly in this Alternative Universe Zara and Chang will arrive, not find a Clark "worthy" of ruling New Krypton. Lord Nor will of course decide a planet of Slaves to fulfill his every whim, especially the sexual ones, is just the thing he needs.

Clark is going to need all the Kryptonite he can locate and lots of help and support. Not only does he need to take back the Planet from the invaders, he needs to ship a huge number of humans to New Krypton to help establish a free society that will not be an ongoing threat to Earth.

The few thousand Kryptonians on New Krypton are too few to support a high tech society.

Clearly they need hundreds of thousands of immigrants to help fill all the niches needed to support a high tech society.
Poor Clark. So crushed. So hurt. So much still a little boy inside.

And for him to think Lois could stop loving him over a few angry words. <<sigh>> He never learns. Always making the same mistakes.

Life will be harder with all of his memories, but it will be more full as he will appreciate what he has more.

Thank you for a great story.
Wow Corrina! That was SOOO emotional! This has been such a roller coaster ride. I'm sorry to see it end! However, I am excited to see two very deserving people get their happy ending.

Looking forward to the LOOOOOOONG epilogue!
/sharpens pencil, looks around for Kerth Award ballot for Best Overall Story/
I just LOVE your Martha! clap The inner battle was well-chosen for the ending! Cause that was the heart of the story after all--Lois loving Clark no matter what--trusting that he was not a monster, but a man. And Clark trusting her to love him, and trusting himself that he was capable of loving...well done! clap clap clap
Originally posted by IolantheAlias: /sharpens pencil, looks around for Kerth Award ballot for Best Overall Story/
I agree. No pins will be needed to decide this category. Or the categories of Best Supporting/Original Character or Best Drama or Best Relationship or Best Alternate/Elseworld/Next Generation... Oh, wait. A story can only be nominated in three categories. I guess we'll need the pins, after all, to decide how to winnow the number of categories down to three. This story deserves to win *all* of the categories I just listed!


This is how I feel after the ride I just got off of called Trusting Me, Trusting You. What a fabulous fic this was, from beginning to end!! I appreciate authors who dare to take LnC right to the skirts of the "forbidden" and eventually bring them right back to where they belong: in love, and loving it.

As Lynn mentioned, what a rollercoaster! But I have only myself to blame for checking back every few hours to see if a new post was uploaded (when posts were every third day), and was met with disappointment. You'd think I'd learn after 'Aussie'... :rolleyes:

I hope you plan on sticking around for a while and gracing us with more of your beautiful and well-written stories. Forever admired and forever a fan!!

This was awesome and excellent and sheer brilliance!

I loved the ending (and I am still eagerly awaiting the epilogue too!) clap clap clap

I figured that Evan wouldn't stay, but he clearly should take his own advice; even though I can understand him wanting to give the trio time together.

So happy Clark finally came to his senses and the talk with Evan was great!

The reunion was sweet and the last scene was inspiring about how Lois' love "took away" (or drowned out rather) Moyne's words.

clap clap clap clap clap

Thanks for the great ride! Though I am going to miss my addiction - whatever will I do now with my time (instead of checking the boards hundreds of times a day in hope for a update ...)

It was so beautiful... notworthy
I am not very good at writing and english is not my first language. But I want you to know how much I have appreciated this story, from the beginning to the end, it was a wonderful suspense, an incredible love story and a real addiction.
Like everybody else I was checking very often for updates. I am looking forward to the epilogue and possible a sequel. There would be so much to say
and discover how Lois and Clark end up moving, working at the Daily Planet and even having kids.

Thanks for the depth of your writing and your light on human emotions.

Happy Birthday Corinna.
Beautiful! I cannot thank you enough for writing and posting this story. You are a powerful writer whose stories speak directly to the heart. Very well done. clap

I hope you (and your son) had a wonderful time celebrating your birthdays. party

God bless,
Okay, don't hate me but I started reading this about mid-way through and was delinquent in fdking so then just figured it would be embarrassing to start fdking now so just lurked and now I can't hold it in anymore and I need to let you know how much I loved this story!! Please forgive my lurkiness!

GREAT story. Amazing. Superb. Phenomenal. I can't WAIT for the epilogue!!
What a wonderful, beautiful wrap up to a fantastic story. Loved the whole amazing journey. notworthy
Wow. And Thank You.
Panic pulsed through Lois's veins. What was she going to do? How was she going to explain Clark's disappearance?
L: "I... Ah... Clark... He's... gone..."
M: "He left you for your own good, didn't he"
L: "How...?"
M: "It's happened before. It's sort of a detect of him."

She had failed everyone.

She'd hurt Clark.

And because he had trusted her, the pain of her betrayal would probably go deeper than even that inflicted by Trask and Moyne.
She should definitely tell all that to Clark. Might confound him so much he won't even know how to take flight.

"Do you know where he is?" Martha asked.

"No," Lois said, fighting down her tears. "He stormed out this morning, and I haven't seen him since."

"You poor girl," Martha said, stepping up to Lois and enfolding her in her arms.
Martha's so... Martha clap

Martha turned to Evan. "You make a cup of tea for Lois," she said. "I'll go and talk to Clark."
Could Virgina have had it spot on?

"Of course he's not in the barn," Martha said. "He'll be in his tree house. That's where he always goes when he's upset."

"I'm going outside to see if I can find any trace of my vegetable garden," Martha said. "It's horribly neglected. I'll be busy for at least three or four hours."

He seemed a little dumbfounded.

"Go," Martha said. "The best thing about a few angry words is the make-up s-"

But Clark was gone.
clap notworthy

I hope you've had a wonderful time out celebrating! And since this is only the penultimate part, I'll leave this thread now and wait sort of patiently for the epilogue.

What an incredible journey you have taken us on, and we still have a LOOOOOOOONG epilogue to look forward to! Yay!

This part (as were all of them, of course) was so wonderfully written and I enjoyed every word. So many of the lines of dialogue were thought-provoking and I thought Martha's actions and words were so 'Martha'. Simply loved the fact that Clark had taken to his 'Fortress of Solitude' treehouse... and especially the fact that Martha instantly knew he'd be there. That was the icing on the cake! Wonderful stuff!

Really looking forward to the epilogue; while it is great that we are now at the completion of Lois and Clark's journey, and that love finally won out over evil, it is also sad that TMTY is coming to an end. It has been a very addictive and enjoyable story that has been a part of our lives for so long now. How will we live without it?! Hope you've got another story or two in the pipeline!! smile

Well done.
An interesting and original idea which was well thought out and executed very well.

The main characters maintained their core personalities within a very different environment and the magic that is Lois and Clark together was still able to shine through and overcome the challenges life presented them.

I've gotten into the habit of not giving a lot of feedback on continuing stories. For that, I apologise to all the gentle writers out there in the fandom.

I have followed, and enjoyed, this story since the beginning and can only marvel at the consistant excellance throughout.

Looking forward to the epilogue.

Tank (who thinks that the only thing that could have improved this story would have been a proper haircut for Lois... but then he thinks that about all stories)
There's so much quoting material in this section!!!! But before I get to that, WOWWWWWWW. That was an amazing ride, Corrina. I had my reservations at first, but it turned out to be a really really great story. And we still have an epilogue to look forward to! hyper

"You poor girl," Martha said, stepping up to Lois and enfolding her in her arms.
I love Martha's reaction. I love how forgiving she is, despite what her family has been put through. And mostly, I really like how she immediately welcomes Lois into her family.

Lois jolted back from Martha's shoulder. "H...how can it be all r...right?" she cried. "I've hurt him, and he'd already been hurt so much. I lied to him. I told him you were dead."

"What other choice did you have?" Martha asked gently. Her smile peeked out. "You are perfect for my boy," she said. "But you're both going to have to learn to stop taking responsibility for things that aren't your fault."
Always sooo wise

"You are the one who loves him," Martha said. "You are the one who accepts him. You are the one who put her heart on the line to prove to him that being different isn't a life sentence of isolation." She took Lois's left hand in hers and looked at the rings. "You are the one who married him."
You know what? I think I'd finish a lot sooner if I just said that I love Martha. Period. laugh

Martha hugged Lois and then turned towards the door. Evan stepped into her path. "No," he said. "You can't go. The moment you first see Clark should be special for both of you. *I'll* go."
Know what else? I love Shadobolt too. You have a great hability to create new characters that are welt built, consistent and very likeable. You can even turn some (like Scardino) into likeable laugh

"They both deserve a hell of a lot more than you're giving them."
Can't we keep him around? I reaaaally like him!

Evan smiled. "I thought you knew Lois," he said.

Clark almost smiled. "I do," he said.

"Then don't ask stupid questions."
Best sentence and probably my favorite scene in this whole part. Hands down

"Met her, fell in love with her, and was completely swept off my feet by my son's good fortune," Martha said.
I did say there was a lot of quoting material here... and that I love Martha.

"She's your wife, Clark. She's waiting for you in the bedroom. That might not tell you where to start, but it should certainly give you some idea of where to finish."
I'm almost surprised she didn't offer to draw him a diagram...

"Let me," she whispered into his mouth. "Let me."
After all the many parts and having already declared my love for some of your characters, there's just one thing I'd like to add. I'm sure it's been said by mostly everyone, but... What I've really found to be the best part of this fic is how your Lois always seems to know exactly what Clark needs. So that makes this final scene a perfect wrap up, because it shows that very thing really clearly: it's the story's essence: a haunted Clark and a Lois that seems to know just what to do, what to say, how to help.

Really looking forward to that epilogue! Thanks for a very enjoyable ride!!
Words kind of fail me when I try to describe how much I've enjoyed this story. It started off so incredibly *horrible*, with everything that had happened and was happening to Clark. Yet you really did manage to make it, above all else, an inspiring story. My hat is off to you; you're amazing.

(We'll pause here for the big "I love you, man!" hug. thumbsup

Tank (who thinks that the only thing that could have improved this story would have been a proper haircut for Lois... but then he thinks that about all stories)
You know, Tank, I bet that Corrina really meant to cut Lois's hair when she and Clark were escaping from the prison cell and getting out of Metropolis. I bet she just forgot to tell you. laugh

Loved the way they came full circle
Thanks. I started with Clark in prison (well, worse than that) and finished with him free and in bed with Lois - that's always good. laugh


The end of TMTY?
I know! I sit down at my computer and have to *think* about which file to open!!

for making this love story such a wonderful trip through anxiety and pain to love, trust and finally forgiveness.
I really appreciate that comment. smile I know it could have seemed as if all the horror at the start was just there to shock, but this was a love story, and the theme was never the power of hate, but the power of love.

(Which is basically what you speculated in FDK for the prologue clap )


I will have to be careful not to get sucked in to any of your other stories until they are finished.
I understand completely what you're saying, but when a story is this big, it's hard to get it all written before beginning to post. And of course, once I start to post, my time is split between writing, editing, and posting.

I'll try to contain my eagerness to start posting a new story so there will be a shorter gap between parts.

Thanks for all of your wonderfullly encouraging FDK, Laura.

Amy Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking.

Patrick You make really good points, and in some ways the fic seems set up for an alien invasion to happen. Writing a sequel is not on my horizon. I have four other stories I want to get to first, and one day I should get back to the Weekend in Smallville series.

Virginia Having all of his memories crash around him made Clark revert back to the 21 year old who had been captured - the young man with very little experience with women. But he came through that - with a little help!


That was SOOO emotional!
I'd rather write feelings and dialogue than action. Goo seems better at that!

Thanks, Iolanthe smile


The inner battle was well-chosen for the ending!
Thanks. I knew I was basically heading in that direction, but one day about a month ago, Goo had the idea to finish with some bedroom therapy.

Thanks, Lynn


hope you plan on sticking around for a while
That's my plan, but a muse is a fickle thing!

I'm glad you liked the ride, even though it was a bit bumpy sometimes.


So happy Clark finally came to his senses and the talk with Evan was great!
I needed ways for Evan to redeem himself. That talk made Clark's reaction in the epilogue more believable.

choucky Thank you!

Jesse I am in awe of people who can write in a second language! Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed my fic.

I have to take my son to school, so I'll finish replying to all the lovely FDK later.

Back again ...

Vicki I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it, Vicki. Most of the time, I enjoyed writing it (although there were times of rotflol

Elizabeth I hadn't even mentioned the tree house until this part, but that's the advantage of writing fanfic - you can pull things from nowhere without any explanation, and the readers can follow easily.


the magic that is Lois and Clark together was still able to shine through
That's what I was hoping for smile

Sorry, no hair cut. I leave those to you!


I love Shadobolt too.
That's good because I was really nervous about allowing him to marry Martha.

What I've really found to be the best part of this fic is how your Lois always seems to know exactly what Clark needs.
That was easier to do because Clark's needs were so obvious (unlike canon where Lois didn't know about his identity issues for so long.)


Yet you really did manage to make it, above all else, an inspiring story.
Thanks. My worry at the start (when things were horrible) was that I *wouldn't* be able to achieve that.

I LOLed at your FDK in 19!

Iolanthe I did think about it when Lois kept wearing all those wigs!

Thanks to everyone for such wonderful FDK.

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