Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Battle Scars (8/9) - 06/12/11 12:35 PM
"Ching, can you relay my wishes to the Elders? And can you bring Trey here? I need to speak with him."

"You should be resting," the man said softly.

"I know. And I will. But this is important."

"As you desire," Ching said with a slight bow.

He disappeared from the chamber only to reappear with Trey less than twenty minutes later. Clark had slipped into a light doze while he waited. He awoke instantly as the door to the chamber opened. Trey's brow was crossed with concern. Clark greeted him as he entered.

"My Lord," Trey said with a bow. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now," Clark replied honestly. "Trey, I need a favor."

Trey blinked. "Favor? My Lord, your wishes are my command."

Clark grimaced a little at the man's groveling. He hoped that Trey would mistake the grimace for pain. "I'm going to take some time to heal," he said, choosing his words carefully. "I'm not going to be able to really...rule...in the interim. I know that tradition dictates that the men rule here. But I want Zara to have control while I am...indisposed. And I want Ching to...advise her."

Trey's eyes widened. He began to stammer. "I...I...I...Uh, of course. As my Lord...wishes. We'll have to draw up a document of course, to temporarily transfer the power to your wife."

"Do it," Clark said. "Now if you can."

An understanding look passed between Zara and Ching.

Nicely done, Kal-El, Zara thought approvingly.


Trey nodded and took his leave. He returned with a document an hour later. Clark read it over and signed his name. He lay back, relieved that the first phase of his plan was in place. He slept deeply and dreamlessly, thanks to the pain killers coursing through his veins.

Days passed. Clark grew stronger as time went by. When he slept, he enjoyed the dreamless, deep sleep of the heavily medicated. He was grateful for the meals that were brought to him at regular intervals. The IV was removed from his arm and the oxygen line was taken away. As soon as he could, he was up out of his bed, taking short walks in the palace, recovering his muscle tone. The once form fitting black suit hung baggy on his emaciated frame. He didn't see much of Zara or Ching. They were busy in the aftermath of Nor's attacks. More buildings had been destroyed while Clark had been held captive. The death toll stood at forty-three.

At last, his physicians declared his condition stable enough to make the journey back to Earth's sun. Clark boarded the Floating Palace and paced nervously. His body was still sore and it still hurt to breathe. But he couldn't force himself to sit still. Too much was riding on the next couple of days. At last, the ship was within sight of the Earth's sun. Clark stood alone in his private chambers, stripped naked to allow every inch of his flesh to catch the sun's rays. He stood before the large windows, soaking in the healing rays. He could feel strength and vitality returning to him. He felt his muscles tense as his powers began to return. He felt his bones and flesh knit back together. Pain vanished from his body. Clark stayed like that for a long while, trying to take in as much of the sun as he could. They were close enough to Earth that Clark could use his super vision to see the inviting green and blue of the world and the white swirls of clouds. They were over Africa at the moment. He wished with all his heart that they were over North America, over his home. He looked for a long minute before his super vision cut out on him. He frowned. It seemed that it would take some time before his powers were fully operational again. Still, he took comfort in the brief sight of his planet.

After a few hours of letting the sun do its' healing job, he turned from the windows and dressed. He strode purposefully towards the chamber where the Elders would be trying Jen Mai. The trial was ready to begin as soon as he arrived. He pushed open the doors to the chamber and entered. He greeted the Elders.

"Brothers in bonds, I greet thee thrice," he said, palms up, arms outstretched.

They greeted him in return. Clark took a seat and watched as the trial unfolded. Things were looking bleak for Jen Mai. At length, he rose. The room grew silent as he eyed them.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the proceedings," Clark apologized. "But I can't allow you to pass judgment just yet." He sighed as he collected his thoughts and ran a hand through his hair. "What Jen Mai did is inexcusable. He turned traitor to his own people. I know that's hard to look past. But in the end, you have to bear in mind that he did the right thing. He saw past Nor's lies, saw the evil in Nor's heart. And he abandoned Nor. He realized that his actions were wrong. He aided you in finding the hidden bunker where I was being held. He provided me with a weapon to defend myself. General Zod would have killed me if I didn't have that dagger. His gesture gave me hope and strength enough to fight back. He helped to save my life."

"What would you ask of us, Lord Kal-El?" Zen Tai asked.

Clark turned his gaze to the man, held it for a second, then swept his eyes over the entire Council. "I would ask you to spare his life."

Several jaws dropped. A gasp rippled through the room. Jen Mai could only stare at Clark.

"But the laws state that traitors are to be executed!" Zen Tai argued.

"I know," Clark continued, his voice stern and commanding. "But our laws and traditions are outdated."

"And what do you suggest?" asked Hap Tet.

"Strip him of his position as an Elder. Put him to work with the crews that are rebuilding what Nor and his followers destroyed. His actions at the end have earned him some leniency." A low murmuring broke out among the Elders. Clark was growing annoyed at their obstinacy. "We've already lost forty-three people in this whole senseless affair. Do you really want to make it forty-four? There are less than a thousand of us left. New Krypton cannot afford to kill everyone who makes a mistake."

Clark sat again as he motioned for the Elders to discuss what he'd said. He bent his head and spoke quietly with Zara and Ching. Soft conversation filled the room. At length, Trey spoke.

"It is the decision of this Council that Lord Kal-El's request be granted. Jen Mai, you are hereby stripped of your title and position on this Council. When we return to New Krypton, you will aid in the rebuilding of our farms."

Clark breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you," he said, addressing the Elders.

Tears had welled in Jen Mai's eyes at Clark's impassioned plea. He locked eyes with Clark. "Thank you, my Lord," he whispered quietly.

Clark could only nod at the man. He motioned for Jen Mai to be taken from the room and for the Elders to stay. A guard took Jen Mai away. Clark drew a deep breath to steel himself for what was to come.

"Gentlemen, I've asked you to stay behind for a reason. I need to...discuss the future of New Krypton with you." He paused a moment, choosing his words. "I can't go back with you," he finally said simply.

A low roar of confusion and outrage broke out in the room. Clark raised his hands before him in a gesture of pacification. The room grew still again.

"Please, hear me out. When I first came to you, I wasn't very honest with you. I can't be your leader. I don't know enough about New Krypton or your laws. And what I did know, I learned from Zara and Ching. They are the ones that should be ruling you. My place is on Earth. The people there need me."

"We need you, Lord Kal-El," argued Ken Lon.

Clark shook his head. "No, you don't. You need a ruling couple that is committed to our people...and to each other. I can't do that. My heart resides on Earth." He withdrew the ring on its' leather cord from beneath his suit. "The woman I love is on Earth. My place is with her. And with all of the people who need my help there. Zara and Ching love each other. And they know and love our people. And so, I willingly denounce my title, my right to rule, and my marriage." He left the ring hanging on the outside of his suit, the slender gold band resting atop the S glyph of the House of El.

"You can't do that!" Trey protested.

"I just did. Look, what's more important to you? Archaic traditions or the fate of our people?" He softened his tone when he realized how bitter it had become. "Please. I'm begging you. I know it isn't what you expected of me. But I do think that this is the absolute best way to ensure that both of our planets get the support that they need. You've seen for yourselves over the past week or so how wise Zara and Ching are...how well they work together for the benefit of New Krypton."

"And we've seen how wise and compassionate a leader you are," Trey reminded him.

Clark shook his head again. "I know what works for Earth and I used those ideas to help what I could. It's not that I don't care about our people or that I am choosing Earth over New Krypton. I cared so much about the survival of our people that I left behind everything and everyone that I love. And now, I care so much that I know that it is best that I step down. There is no future with me or for me on New Krypton. With Zara and Ching, there is. The ruling line will continue through them. "

"You mean you...?"

"I promised my love to Lois. She is the only woman that I could ever love," Clark tried to explain.

"This is all highly unusual," Trey grumbled.

"I know it is," Clark said softly.

"Would you mind if the Council were to speak in private?" Trey asked.

"Not at all."

Clark, Ching and Zara exited the room. Clark's nerves were on a knife's edge. The Council's decision would determine his fate. They reached a small study just down the hall from the Council's chamber. Clark took to pacing back and forth in front of the large windows, unable to calm himself. He tried to levitate as he did so. He managed to float an inch off the floor for a distance of about five feet before his powers gave out again. He frowned. If only his powers would come back online, he might have a chance of making it back to Earth. But in his current state, leaving the ship would be suicide. He rubbed at his neck and rifled his hand through his hair, sure signs that he was nervous. His stomach was twisted into knots of fear. Minutes dragged by. Minutes turned to hours. No one came to escort them back to the Council's chamber. Clark's nerves were shot. He did not cease his movement. The sunlight playing through the windows fueled him.

At last, nearly three hours later, a courtier came into the study. Clark instantly stopped his pacing and looked up, his expression unreadable. It was the same mask that he had carefully constructed for Superman over the years.

"The Council is ready to see you, my Lord," the man informed him.

Clark's heart was in his throat as he resolutely strode back to the chamber where his fate awaited. Zara and Ching were hard on his heels. Outside the chamber door, Clark paused, took a deep breath, and steeled himself. The three nodded to each other. They were ready.

Clark threw open the doors and walked in, head held high. His unreadable mask was still firmly affixed to his face. He'd pled his case and now he would have to accept whatever the Council of Elders decided. He stood before the gathered Elders, Ching and Zara to either side of him. He clasped his hands behind his back and swept his eyes over the room. The faces of the Council were as unreadable as his own and he wondered briefly if it was some sort of Kryptonian thing. His eyes went to Trey, the Chief Elder.

"We have discussed your...petition...at length," he said, fixing Clark with a level look. "And we have come to a decision. It was not an easy task. Never before has a leader willingly resigned from the Kryptonian throne. And Ching is not of noble blood."

Clark's heart sank. Stubbornly, he refused to let his mask drop. The only sign of his rising distress was the twitching of his jaw as he grit his teeth.

"And yet," Trey continued, "we had to take into consideration your background. You grew up on Earth. Essentially, you are an Earthling in all but blood. We believe that even so, you could learn our ways and grow to be the most powerful and compassionate ruler that we have ever known. Your selfless deeds in rescuing our people and your blatant defiance of Lord Nor stands as proof of that."

Hope utterly fled Clark's heart.

"But we had to ask ourselves why that was. Why you would willingly give up the chance to lead our people into greatness. And we realized that you spoke the truth to us. We believe that you feel that you are doing the best for New Krypton. We believe that you are telling the truth when you say that you will not continue the royal bloodlines with your offspring. Therefore, we accept your resignation and we hereby annul your marriage to Lady Zara. As per tradition, we revoke your title of Lord and hereby exile you."

Clark realized a shuddering breath that he hadn't realized that he was holding. He turned to Zara and to Ching and embraced them both.

"Thank you," Clark said, addressing everyone in the room. "You don't know what this means to me."

The following afternoon, Zara and Ching were married before the Council and before all of New Krypton via the video screens. The new ruling couple was announced as Ching accepted a new title of nobility. As soon as he was crowned, Ching called Clark up to the dais on which he stood.

"Take a knee," he whispered to Clark.

Clark obediently sunk to one knee. Ching touched him lightly on the shoulders with both of his hands.

"Kal-El, son of Jor-El, I restore your title of Lord," he said in a loud voice. "And I hereby revoke the sentence of exile. You will always be welcome on New Krypton. Rise, Lord Kal-El."

Clark stood and embraced Ching. Ching gladly returned the hug. Zara also embraced Clark. Cheers rang out on the video screens.

"Thank you, Clark," Ching said softly enough that only Clark heard. Beside him, Zara said the same.

"Thank you," Clark replied, just as softly. "For everything."

A feast was held that evening for the newly wedded couple. Clark stayed, feeling obligated to celebrate New Krypton's newest ruling couple. Still, he was anxious to return to Lois. Now that he was so close to his return home, he was nervous. Would Lois reject him? He'd been gone so long. Had she moved on? Would she take one look at his scarred body and run from him? His physicians suspected that the yellow sun would cause his scars to heal and fade over time. But what about the mental scars that were left behind? He hadn't slept well since his capture. Every time he closed his eyes, he relived his torture. He relived General Zod's death at his hands. He'd been putting on an act ever since his rescue. He'd pretended as if his captivity hadn't affected him. But privately, he knew that he was a changed man. He was merely existing, not truly feeling alive.

As strong as his fears were, he was still impatient to get home. Impatient to see Lois' face again. As soon as the feast was over, he boarded a ship with Zara and Ching. In no time at all, they were directly above his apartment.

"I can't thank you both enough," Clark said, embracing each of them in turn. "Know that you'll always be welcome to visit. I'd be interested in hearing about New Krypton's progress from time to time. Zara, I wanted to apologize for the things that I said when we first left for New Krypton. I denounced my Kryptonian blood. I'm ashamed of that. I know now that I am both Kryptonian and human. I am of both worlds."

Zara smiled at him. "Goodbye, Kal-El. I wish you and Lois all the happiness in the world."

"Goodbye, Clark," Ching said.

Ching flipped a switch and Clark was teleported into his living room, just as Lois was preparing for bed.
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