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The woman ducked under the restraining rope and marched up the steps and onto the dais.

Lois's breath jammed in her airways. "That's Ruby Rhodes," Evan muttered ominously. "From the Daily Planet."

Rhodes ripped the microphone from its stand and confronted Superman. "Why did our government feel the need to imprison you?" she demanded. "Why did they respond to the leaks of your presence on our planet with the fabricated story of your death?"

Lois felt queasy apprehension well up inside her. She had tried so hard to keep the cell and Clark apart. Now they had come together. In the most public of ways. And she couldn't get to him. She had no way to try to cushion the damage.

Awesome work! The part moved things along nicely; a lead on Martha!, a beautifully written scene of the exchanging wedding rings, and the lead-up to the press conference. So well written.

But what a doozy of a preview! Can't wait to see what happens there!


Clark is so sweet, so unsure of himself, of Lois, of everything. Superman's confidence must be hard for him to convey. I feel for him. I know he wants Lois there to hold his hand, but he needs to learn to do this -- be Superman -- without his crutch (i.e. Lois). If he can do that, the confidence in himself will come.

Unless he meets a reporter from the Daily Planet. Grrrr. And everything was going so nicely. You've left us on pins and needles. Post again, soon.
OH I DON'T LIKE RUBY RHODES! But awesome chapter. It seems like maybe Martha is alive after all. I hope so! And nice touch with the wedding rings in front of Uncle Mike and Sam. Very sweet. Can't wait for more. Laura
"Them? You want to wear a ring, too?"

"Unless you're against it," Clark said.

"I think it's great when a man is willing to openly declare that he isn't available," Lois said.

"I doubt I've ever been *available*," Clark said. "Certainly not from the second I met you."

"And you're never going to be available again," his wife declared with a cheerful kiss to the end of his nose.

"Therefore I need a ring. So do you."

"This means a lot to you, doesn't it?" she said.
Maybe I'm reading more into it than you intended, but I'm surprised that Lois is surprised that Clark wants to wear a wedding ring. Is it not common in Australia for men to wear them? In the US, it's generally expected that men will wear one, to the point where it raises eyebrows if they don't want to. Not to say that there aren't men who don't like them (or work with heavy equipment so it wouldn't be safe, etc.), but the default expectation in the US is that a man will wear a ring, too.

"If he had a close relationship with his mother, he would be more likely to empathise with a mother's anxiety for her son and perhaps try to ease her worries by sending reports."
It would also explain why Moyne felt the need to kill him ... (Grrr, Moyne is dead and we can still find new reasons to hate him.)

"Lois," he said. "I give you this ring to signify my love for you and my total commitment to our marriage. This ring circles without end, as will the seasons of our love." He pushed the gold band the length of her finger and then took the engagement ring and nestled it next to the wedding band.

Lois picked up the other ring. "Clark," she said. "This is for you - the man who captures my heart with his gentle strength, the man who inspires me with his unfaltering integrity, the man I am honoured to call my husband. I love you, Clark." With a tremulous smile, she slid his ring into place.
Awww! Saying vows in front of Sam and Mike was a very romantic touch. Sweet!

"I'm saying Superman has to be a little bit set apart. He has to be good and strong and true - you're all of those things naturally - but he also has to be a little bit mysterious. He has to be a fantasy that no one will ever truly know."
Heh, this Lois could have had a nice heart to heart with S1 canon-Lois and set her straight on a few things. wink

"You can do this," Lois said. "Clark is my hero. Superman can be the world's hero."
Awesome line. thumbsup I've always felt that's why canon-Lois fell in love with Clark. Superman was everyone's hero, but Clark would anything for her and her alone.

As for the preview -- Yikes! I hadn't expected that. Though it would be funny if Superman just looked at her blankly and -- completely truthfully -- said, "I have no idea what you're talking about." wink

Yikes! That preview looks thorny. Great part. I'm feeling very torn. I can't wait to see where this story will go but I'm completely unprepared for it to end. Well done. :-) can't wait to hear about Martha!
"What if someone sees right through this costume and the gelled hair and knows that I'm a Kansas farmer?"
I always like it when you mock the hair gel. The hair gel deserves to be mocked. wink
I don't like the preview, but if it goes like Kathy's suggestion, I'm all for it laugh

This was another great part and I was also surprised that Lois was surprised that Clark wanted to wear a wedding ring. The idea of them exchanging rings in the presence of Mike and Sam was great!

And I also loved the line 'Clark is my hero'. That was so sweet! clap

"Clothes still optional?" Clark asked.

"Nope," Lois said. "Clothes forbidden."
Bossy Lois, huh? I guess that's what Clark gets for torturing her for several *days* before agreeing to marriage and stuff.

"Thanks," Daniel said. He walked out of the office, feeling he was going to need a lot of good luck if this trail was going to end with Martha Kent.
What a twist. Deller seems to have had quite a mind of his own. Was he related to Lois somehow?

"Mr and Mrs Kent will indulge in some steamy honeymoon interaction."

His eyes lit with interest. "Is that a promise?"
Bad Lois. No teasing spandex-clad Superman before public appearances. People might notice the red... face.

A sweet interlude. And a very mean preview wildguy
Ahh I can't wait to see how he'll respond to that or how things will be afterwards. Another great part.
Elizabeth Re the rings and Sam and Uncle Mike - I wanted a way to make the vows more public. This seemed the ideal opportunity.

Virginia This Clark/Superman is certainly more reliant on Lois than the canon version.

Laura You will see RR again - one more time laugh


Clark wearing a ring - I didn't mean to convey surprise in Lois's question. She was simply trying to guard against misunderstanding. She's a well-traveled agent from Metropolis, he's a Kansas farmer. And in experience, he's more like a 21 year old than his age of 28. But that was *before* the amnesia! And he's from another planet! Although the husband wearing a ring is the norm, (in Australia, too) Lois had a few good reasons not to automatically assume that Clark would follow the norm.

Your preview of my preview wink wasn't too far from the mark!

Jen You feeling torn makes me very smile Thanks!

Iolanthe The hair gel - how did you pick up that I don't like it much? wink

DW Having Lois there at the 'birth' of Superman and knowing the 'secret' at the start allows her to see Clark so much more clearly.


Deller seems to have had quite a mind of his own.
From Junction 6 (I know that was a *long* time ago.)

"What was Deller like?" she asked. "When did he join the operation?"

"He started a week after me. He was here for just over a year."

"What was he like?"

Shadbolt shrugged. "He did his job."

Lois sent him a frown of incredulity tempered with a glint of amusement. "You're an agent," she said. "And you're not dead. You *have* to be better at reading people than that."

He didn't smile, but the animosity of his scowl diminished a little. "Deller was like an angry dog. He never backed down, he had an opinion on everything, he always knew best, and he thought anyone who disagreed with him was an imbecile."
Was he related to Lois somehow?


Next part is posted.

Thanks to everyone for the comments. I just sent the final part to the BRs, so if RL is nice, I'll be able to post reasonably quickly now.

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