Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BarbP FDK: Addicted part 8 - 12/15/03 05:28 AM

Clark's detour from his road to becoming clean got him to a place where he can really address his issues. But I'm scared for him -- If Linda isn't Lois, where will he go -- emotionally, spiritually and physically?

I'm the optimist who loves happy endings, so I'm hoping. And, by the way, I love her making flowers--nice touch to an already wonderful fic.

Posted By: gerry Re: FDK: Addicted part 8 - 12/15/03 05:59 AM
Another intriguing part, Yvonne. I can't get enough of this story.

I've got several predictions who this Linda might be, but I think I'll let you tell the story.

I hope that as busy as you might be this holiday season that you find time to write and post.

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Addicted part 8 - 12/15/03 06:57 AM
I'm curious about Linda smile

Jose hyper
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Addicted part 8 - 12/15/03 08:21 AM
Another knot in the twisted rope of your story is revealed. I have to wonder how you plan to use it.

At first, I expected the 'flower girl' to be a small child. Your mention of a 'high voice' made me think that. I'm not sure which way you are planning to go with this (which is good). Could this really be a mentally tramatized Lois, or just some look-a-like who happened to be in the wrong place and the right time.

If it is Lois there seems like there'd be an awfully major back story as to how and why she was there, especially since none of her former friends and family (like Perry) know about it.

So, this confrontation... will it help? or hurt?

Tank (who figures that Clark is at a true crisis point, and if he can't make some sort of breakthrough soon, he can only spiral down into the depths of his addiction and be lost forever... which may just be what Yvonne has planned)
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Addicted part 8 - 12/15/03 11:38 AM

Great part. thumbsup

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper
Posted By: rivka Re: FDK: Addicted part 8 - 12/15/03 12:23 PM
Veddy, veddy eentehresteeng!

I can't wait to see where you go with this!

/me pretends to wait patiently
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK: Addicted part 8 - 12/15/03 06:40 PM
You're just as razz

Great part, as always. I have to say I usually don't follow stories on the boards, I just read the archive, so this must mean this story is special (which it is, in many ways- who else would ever think of presenting Clark as a drug addict and presenting Lois as 'Linda'?). smile

Julie laugh



Linda King? wildguy
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