Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BarbP FDK: Smallville Players IV: Encore 7/10 - 12/14/03 02:16 PM
As we get closer to the end of the year, I again want to thank so many people for always being so supportive. The BRs, GEs, readers and those of you on IRC who have encouraged me.

Well, getting toward the climax. Just a little more preparation -- well maybe more than a little <eg> -- before it happens.

Love to get your comments.

Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: Smallville Players IV: Encore 7/10 - 12/14/03 04:02 PM
Ooh. I didn't even see the connection between Rod and Scott before. Catch me not reading last names again. I just wonder what Herb and Jonathon are doing with the stage. And how Liz plans on overthrowing Tempus.. and will she succeed? Oooh, I can't wait till the final curtain! wink

Great part. hyper
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Smallville Players IV: Encore 7/10 - 12/15/03 06:43 AM
Claire told Rod!! eek


Jose smile1
Posted By: merry Re: FDK: Smallville Players IV: Encore 7/10 - 12/17/03 06:29 PM
I am so far behind
just catching up with your story -read 4-7

this is a very good story
I'd say post more soon - but I can't keep up like before - RL got in the way

I'll keep reading though
Posted By: BarbP Re: FDK: Smallville Players IV: Encore 7/10 - 12/18/03 03:51 AM
I want to thank my small but very loyal commenters who continue to bolster me up and let me know what you think.

Your ideas, questions and support are so welcome.

I will be posting part 8 later on today. But, I am taking a very short hiatus to visit my son in Chicago -- no internet access (he's on a very tight budget) so part 9 will have to wait until my return next Tuesday or Wednesday. Then the last installment should be posted by the 26th or 27th.

I want to thank you again. And, I'm really thrilled that you are enjoying this. I've loved writing this series and have mixed emotions now that it's coming to an end. Yes, no encores after this encore. However, tying up all the loose ends -- *and* providing what I hope you will agree is a wonderfully *theatrical* ending has been such a joy.

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