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Posted By: AntiKryptonite FDK: Lethal Qualities 9/15 - 04/02/11 01:14 AM
After the reaction to the last 'cliff-hanger,' I hope people will still talk to me during these next few chapters! smile
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK: Lethal Qualities 9/15 - 04/02/11 11:48 AM
This was filled with good stuff. Love seeing Perry's perspective on things. His relationship with Jimmy has always been sweet.

I loved this:

The truth is...I only thought to doubt what he said because I was...well, I was jealous."
How like Perry not to be able to admit to Jimmy how much he cares for him.

And seeing Perry's perspective on Lois and Clark now that we know he's aware of Clark's secret? Wow. Lots of suspense going here - can't wait to see where you take us.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Lethal Qualities 9/15 - 04/02/11 05:54 PM
Good for Jimmy! Keep it coming. Laura
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Lethal Qualities 9/15 - 04/02/11 07:17 PM
Whoo-hoo! Another cliffhanger ending. I must be addicted or something, because I was happy.

Nice job in showing Perry's relationship with Jimmy vs his relationship with his son. That was something that could have been explored more in the show, in my opinion.

Jimmy is maturing! He'll have his own byline? It's about time for him to start becoming a character in his own right.

Where are Lois and Clark?
Posted By: DW Re: FDK: Lethal Qualities 9/15 - 04/03/11 07:28 AM
Great that Jimmy will have his own byline!!! And I also thought that the Perry/Jimmy relationship could have been explored a little more in the show - great that you added aspects of that in this part (and a previous) part! thumbsup

I too wonder where Lois and Clark are?????

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Lethal Qualities 9/15 - 04/04/11 01:20 PM
I'll admit, when it started out, this part sort of felt like a filler. We already got a sense of trouble right at the horizon, but how could Perry's PoV help in alleviating it. But you handled it really well. There was tons of great relationship stuff in there. And at the end, you rubbed our noses in the cliffy, just for the fun of it wink

Michael, who's happy to just head over to FDK for part 10.
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: FDK: Lethal Qualities 9/15 - 04/05/11 12:21 AM
When watching the show, I was really impressed by the relationship between Perry and Jimmy (explored mostly in the first season, but with snippets in the others as well), so I've always wanted to do a bit with that. I'm glad everyone else likes it as much as I do--secondary characters can be so scary.

I really don't think of myself as a suspenseful author, so I admit that I've been a bit taken aback by the response to parts of this story--but in a good way. At the risk of alienating my readers, I'll say that it's tons of fun to see what everyone else thinks. Since I already know what happens (and no, I'm not trying to rub it in), it's nice to see the story from a new perspective. In other words, thanks again for leaving feedback! smile

Having the set-POV chapters makes it easy to have filler chapters, but I tried really hard to have something interesting happen in each one. So, glad you enjoyed it anyway, Darth Michael--and thanks for the comments that always make me laugh.

As for where Lois and Clark are...well, I think we all know now. laugh
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