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He paused long enough to take in a breath. "Then how about we wash your hair before I cook our supper?"

Despite feeling as if her hair was caked to her scalp, Lois hesitated. On Clark's face, she could see his hope. More than that, she recognised the hope - it was exactly what she had felt in the cell when she'd been trying to convince him that washing his hair was a great idea.

Was his reasoning now similar to hers then?

Was Clark trying to use touch to help her recover - not from years of abuse, but from Moyne attempting to dehumanise her with sexual assault?

Somewhere deep inside her, a nascent smile birthed at the idea of Clark copying her strategy. "Did Scardino come back?" she asked.

Clark didn't seem thrown by her diversion. "Yes," he replied.

"What happened?"

"I told him that you'd changed your mind about going to Metropolis."

"Did he find any more of the poison?"

"I didn't ask."

"You didn't -" Lois stopped her outburst as comprehension filtered through a brain that still wasn't firing on all cylinders. Clark hadn't even asked about the poison. She knew why - because in his mind, her staying or leaving him was more important. She pulled the band from her limp hair. "Let's do this," she said.

poor Lois! poor Mrs. Menzies! hooray for Clark getting his life back.
Once you have these poor souls stabilized, i'm eager to see how you might create the avenue that leads them to try and enjoy investigative journalism.

have I mentioned how much I love and look forward to this story? thank you so much for it.
Thanks for posting. This chapter seemed an extension of the last. I am glad Scardino respected Clark enough to say what he did. I like Scardino in this. Lois seems to have come out of it a little. I am looking forward to every day being a better one. More soon. Laura
This chapter felt almost like a peaceful interlude, which I think both the characters and the readers needed. smile After the intensity of the last couple chapters, it was nice to feel like they are finally back on the (albeit slow) path to emotional health.

I think the scene with Menzies and his wife surprised me the most (and I like how Menzies was surprised right along with us by Phoebe's responses.) I also liked the parallel of both Phoebe and Lois asking for tea as a way of showing they were each breaking out of their shells and might be ready to start interacting with the world again.

Dan's words and actions were also a nice touch. It's great to know that they won't have to worry about him in the future, and indeed, that he might even be able to help them should they need it. It's a shame that all leads to Martha have dried up; here's hoping that L&C have better luck once they start working together again.

That's a girl Lois: wash your hair-free your mind. And a little farm work might do some good too.
Lois seems to be feeling better and the hair wash will only help, especially since Clark will be the one doing the washing wink

I also liked backbone Clark of the previous section and in this part, where he stands by his convictions, i.e. washing hair, and also giving Lois some space.

I liked the part with Menzies and his wife too and that she kind of know about Moyne.

Looking forward to the next part (as always)!

Loved this chapter! Good for Clark for not letting Lois run and hide in metropolis. And yeah for Scardino being a 'good guy!'
Go Clark! So good to see Lois coming out of the fog in little steps, starting to respond to Clark. Yay! He has 2 weeks/they have 3 weeks, or so it appears. smile1

Interesting that Menzies could still be the only lead to Martha. dance
Oops, just re-read my post above, and I did mean to type 2 weeks both times, not 3!! blush
having withdrawal pangs already....next story segment soon please?
I love your writing so much!

I usually am so starved for more TMTY by the time the next chapter arrives that I practically fly through it, so anxious to see what happens next. This time, I was eagerly looking to see how the hair-washing went. Ah, dissapointment when I got to the end and it still wasn't there. But then I go back and re-read, calmly, slowly, savoring every passage, ever turn-of-phrase, every nuance. And I am always amazed at just how good you are.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Clark courts Lois over the next couple days! smile

More, please!

Sorry for the delay in replying. I've been busy finishing Trail.

Joy Yeah, the stabilising is going to take a bit of time. And then ... who knows? wink

Laura This chapter was an extension of the last. This is a slightly slower part of the story.

Kathy I agree that the intensity of the past few chapters needed something to balance it. I struggle with the slower parts - but they're necessary.

SJH Farm work? That's an idea. She has done a bit of gardening.

DW I think Phoebe must have had some idea about her nephew. But her family loyalty was strong.

Bellarase Lois alone in Metropolis would not be good for her at all. Clark knows she is much better off with him smile

Evelyn Menzies - he's one of the 'highest-ups' and has been for years. I think it's realistic that he would know a lot of 'secrets'.

Vicki The hair washing will happen!

Some of the nuances are deliberate. Some are happy accidents. wink

Michael The link that both Malcolm and Moyne used drugs is probably beyond the scope of this fic - but the suggestion is definitely there.

Many thanks, everyone.

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