Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BarbP FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/12/03 08:14 AM

Wonderfully written!!! The "falling off the wagon" is a very real occurrence. And when it happens, it usually does with a vengeance -- which this one did! Sometimes the person slips deeper into a hell of his/her own making before being able to rise out toward sobriety/being clean.

Throw him a life line quickly!!! That life line can come from a therapist, a friend or from the inner reaches of his own soul.

Can't wait to see which way you take us -- I'm sure we're still in for a roller coaster ride.

(I'm really mixing metaphors)

But love your work!!!!

Great job!

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/12/03 09:23 AM
Too bad Clark is worse!! frown

Stop torturing Clark and bring Lois!!! notworthy
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/12/03 12:21 PM

Great piece. smile1
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/12/03 02:37 PM
He swallowed it?!

Mayson= razz

And he was recovering! He was clean! Look what she made him do!

Okay. I'm with Jose. Bring Lois. wildguy

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/12/03 03:07 PM
AHHHHH!!!! NOOOO!!!! Poor baby, now what! More soon. Laura

PS Great job
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/12/03 05:18 PM
I have to disagree with some of the gentle readers. As much as I love Lois Lanes, I can't see how her inclusion into this story would do anything but cheapen it.

This is a personal crisis for Clark. One that he has to find the inner strength and resolve to overcome. It won't work if he gets a 'magic bullet' cure in the form of Lois walking into his life.

I can see the Yvonee needed to push Clark down even farther into the depths.

Tank (who wonders if Yvonne plans to have Clark recover at all)
Posted By: Tarkas Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/13/03 04:54 AM
Push, push, push... that's Mayson in any universe, isn't it, and it never works! You think she'd learn... :rolleyes:

Strange as it may seem to be in agreement with Tank confused , I too think that introducing Lois into this story would lessen its impact -- unless done really well, which is always possible with an author of Yvonne's calibre, but don't ask me how to do it. Nonetheless, Clark needs someone -- perhaps even Mayson, if she can just get past her own self-absorption.

I shall be interested to see where Yvonne takes this.

Posted By: gerry Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/13/03 06:32 AM
Poor Clark. He's really hit bottom now, swallowing the kryptonite. Hope it doesn't do lasting damage.

Julie, I don't agree with you.
And he was recovering! He was clean! Look what she made him do!
Mayson didn't make Clark do anything. In the long (and short run), he, and only he, is responsible for his own actions. She just brought on the inevitable challenge that he wasn't ready to face.

I'm on Phil and Tank's side here. Lois herself can't be the cure. Clark has to cure himself, and only then, will he be ready to meet his Lois.

Posted By: rivka Re: FDK: Addicted (part 7) - 12/15/03 12:32 AM
I agree with gerry. Mayson didn't make him do it; and contrary to Clark's expectations, George could not have "saved" him (though he might have been able to help him save himself).

Clark is responsible for his own actions, and a big part of recovering from an addiction is admitting that.

I also agree that Lois cannot be the "cure." Even if she shows up before Clark has gotten himself stabilized, her presence will not relieve his dependence.
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