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You're tall. You're dark. You're handsome.

Lois's words reverberated around Clark's mind.

You're an animal - a dirty inhuman animal.

Trask's condemnation circled slowly, eyeing the newcomer, unwilling to give ground easily.

You're tall. You're an animal. You're dark. You're dirty. You're handsome. You're inhuman.

He was distracted from the conflict when Lois pulled into a rather dilapidated service station and stopped next to a gas pump. "Could you fill the tank, please?" she asked.

Clark hesitated. "Ah, OK."

Lois smiled. "Thanks." She handed him the keys, lifted her bag from the back seat, climbed out of the Buick, and walked away.

Oh loved this chapter!!

I love Shadbolt and Scardino's reactions. Hopefully they will just let it go... But somehow I don't see Lois and Clark being that fortunate.

Thank you so much for all the quick updates!!!
This just gets better and better. I am once again addicted. I was very happy to see this here tonight. I have a hard time waiting for more but I have no choice so I will.Loved it. Laura
Oh, where to start? I think this is one of the best parts of them all. There were quite a few lines I liked, so many that people would think I'd just quoted the whole part.

I love how strong--and wise--Lois is being while Clark is adjusting. It's very telling that after only a handful of days, she already knows enough about Clark to know that if he can survive seven years of imprisonment and torture, he can get through this time...even if he doesn't think he can.

Clark is trying very hard, which I'm delighted to see. He has an inner strength that you've captured so well, his inner character given a greater chance to shine through despite this incredibly dark situation.

The ending made me laugh out loud--until I read the little preview. It's so poignant seeing his imminent expectation to be condemned by everyone he meets, and heartbreaking how he thinks he deserves to be considered less than human.

I can't wait for the rest of the story--thanks a lot!
Terrific! To see Clark taking steps in the right direction, in spite of his major fears, is just wonderful! You set the pace just right, so believable... actually can't think of the right word I want right now.

Absolutely love how you're taking us through all this and so hooked to see what Scardino does next! And is Scardino's worry about Moyne going after Lois a real one? So many questions to find out answers to. smile1
Posted By: DW Re: FDK - Trusting Me, Trusting You 3:Trail (3/?) - 02/05/11 05:42 AM
That was an excellent part indeed! And this story really is getting better and better (if that is possible, but I think the anxious waiting and desperate need to find out where you are taking this adds to that) laugh

I am glad that Shadbolt figured to give Lois more time to get away, but now I am wondering what Scardino will do? And should Menzies pitch up there to "kill the operation"? I also think they should just torch the place ...

Great baby steps that Clark is taking, being out in the park and eating lunch - which is such a "normal" thing to do. And it is awesome that this Lois is so patient with him.

I am also looking forward to more smile1
Why is everyone wondering what Scardino will do? Shadbolt is going to play Scardino like a violin. Woooooo Shadbolt!
Yeah, Shadbolt! I'm still thinking he might be the one to help them find Martha. I loved that he figured it out and decided to give Lois time.

"Tall, dark, and handsome" laugh Yes, that about covers it. Lol on "let him stew on that".

I grew up in Macintosh apple country. We also took drives once or twice a year to Pa. to visit my grandparents. Now I'm homesick. smile

Things look better today than they did yesterday. Baby steps, but still encouraging.

Loving this story.
I really adored this part, and as others have said, my addiction is back full-force. Frankly I'm not sure how I survived ten days without.

But if she had done this without the approval of anyone, what she needed most was time.
Yay for Shadbolt! I love how he draws his conclusions about Lois from the crazy stuff in her office.

I'm extremely worried about Moyne. If Scardino's got a bad feeling about him, then that's enough for me to believe he's not where he's supposed to be. I just hope Lois on top of everything else has got 'Don't disregard Moyne' on her mental checklist while driving West.

Great, now I really want a diner hamburger. laugh
His eyes travelled a wide semi-circle from left to right. They could walk *anywhere*. They could cross the road, they could walk through the park, they could continue ahead. His sweep finished with Lois, and her head turned to him with her ready smile.

He was so fortunate to have her.

Without her ... without her, he would be lost. Hopelessly lost.

Impulsively, he slipped his hand into hers.
Things are looking up! As Lois says, tiny steps and there may be a few backward, but Clark seems to be making progress and apparently looking hot while doing so, laugh so I'll stew on that!
looove this! I am dying to see what Shadbolt does next and whether Scardino does the right thing too
looove this! I am dying to see what Shadbolt does next and whether Scardino does the right thing too
Oh, man, I am hearting Shadbolt all over the place!

You know, I think meeting Lois Lane turned out to be a pivotal moment in his life, too, not just Clark's. For seven years, he'd done nothing to make waves, nothing to rock the boat, nothing that would make him think too hard about what was happening. And now, after just two weeks with Lois, it's like he's rediscovered himself. He's using his skills again and examining his moral compass. And I totally love the guy for it.

So the big question is, what will Scardino do now? Is it too much to hope that he might decide to bulldoze the place before Menzies shows up, figuring it's better to take a small punishment for denying Menzies a view of the dead prisoner than to have his entire career destroyed for letting the prisoner escape? Fingers crossed!

As for your mention of Moyne ....ARGH!! I knew I should expect that we wouldn't be seeing the last of him, but I was hoping, hoping, hoping that he would be lost in the bush somewhere, not going AWOL to take revenge on Lois. And that's still a possibility ... but somehow I think you have something more spectacular (and aggravating and terrifying and ..) in mind.

Shadbolt jolted backwards, his heart hammering, his brain reeling. He spread his hand across his mouth, his fingers and thumb pressing deeply into his cheeks as he braced himself to look again. It was still there - the bony deadpan face of a skeleton surrounded by a shock of dark hair.
You know, I do find it curious that he hasn't reached the obvious conclusion: The rods killed the prisoner and he immediately started to decompose hyper I did *not* see this coming. Also, it wasn't strictly necessary for the story, after all, he could have just followed orders and not gone to the compound. So, what else is going to go on there?

He took the two cups, and Lois lifted a flap from the centre console, revealing two hollow rings and a rectangular depression.
For some reason his line stuck. I've got no idea, but had the fast food industry already evolved into cars having hidden food holders and people regularly eating in their cars while driving? Otherwise, this might be a serious hyper

Can't wait for the next part!

Still loving and enjoying this story. Can't wait to see how everything will unfold.....

Keep the EXCELLENT job !!!!!
Ah ha, I see the evil plan now.

Instead of Corrina's normal long 'journey' toward the happy ever after for her 'different' Lois and Clark, she has planned a twist in plot.

Moyne is out there, and knowing him he probably has his own kryptonite rod. He'll find a way to track the doomed couple down and deal with them the way the government wants.

We know that Clark will suffer a long time before he dies at Moyne's hand, but hopefully Lois' end will be quick.

An evil plan but now that I've exposed it, Corrina won't be able to surprize the gentle readers when it comes to pass.

Tank (who is still waiting for Lois to facilitate her disguise with a proper haircut)
Michael said:
Maybe she should really just try to kiss him. He might respond.
Now,there's an idea. smile1

You know, Corrina, ever since you told us you were going to "have fun" with the kiss, curiousity had gotten the better of me. I am *so* waiting to find out how this kiss is going to play out (and when!) If we go by Clark, who is clearly not ready, it appears we'll have to wait for awhile. On the other hand, I do like Michael's idea - maybe Lois will use a bit of "shock therapy" smile
Real Life has been pretty busy for me, and while I have not taken the time to comment, I have still taken the time to read the story and stay caught up with it. When my own books of leisure have taken a back seat at home, this story has been one I haven't let pass me by.

So I am just letting you know the power of your writing. Amidst a busy life, your story still takes priority smile
I'm happy to see that Clark comes out of his shell even if the steps are small...

Thumbs up for Shadbolt, I love that he seems to trust Lois.

I hope they won't meet Moyne soon ... Clark really needs more time to heal and meeting Moyne would destroy much of the progress Lois made with Clark.

I'm curious what Scardino will do, and how Menzies will react when he discovers a) the prisoner is gone and b) Moyne seems to have deserted...

Great part, love it!
I am having serious withdrawal from this story... Please come back soon! wave
Thank you so much for all the quick updates!!!
You're welcome. However ...

Those of you who read AMH as I posted it might remember that parts slowed a bit in the middle while I travelled to Montreal, Canada to visit my daughter. Well, my daughter will arrive home in Oz on Thursday morning!!
smile1 I am constantly amazed by the readers in this fandom. I was a little concerned about the early parts of Trail - I felt that they had to be a little slower while Clark tried to find his feet, and I wasn't sure how that would be accepted. Thanks!

Evelyn See reply above. Thanks for the reassurance that this isn't getting bogged down.


like McIntosh apples
We don't get McIntosh apples in my part of the world, but when I was in Montreal, I went to an apple farm that grew them. They were delicious - very similar to Pink Ladies - my favourite apple.


And it is awesome that this Lois is so patient with him.
It's a balance - when to push a little, when to back off.


Shadbolt is going to play Scardino like a violin.
Uhmmm. Close. Maybe.


I'm still thinking he might be the one to help them find Martha.
Two agents + one superhero - that might be enough to find her!


Clark seems to be making progress and apparently looking hot while doing so,
Did you ever expect anything else??? wink

Joy Shadbolt and Scardino ... I haven't finished with either of them yet.


I think meeting Lois Lane turned out to be a pivotal moment in his life,
Great point.


For some reason his line stuck. I've got no idea, but had the fast food industry already evolved into cars having hidden food holders and people regularly eating in their cars while driving
I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to ascertain if a 1990 Buick Regal came with cup holders. Eventually, I discovered that you could buy cup holders and fit them to your Buick - so Sam's car has them!!

Seme Thanks - so glad you're still reading.


We know that Clark will suffer a long time before he dies at Moyne's hand, but hopefully Lois' end will be quick.
eek eek /anxiously looks to Goo to see if he has any other ideas in mind./

Vicki The 'fun' with the kiss... Because Lois *didn't* kiss him in the cell, we got the conversation when he asked her if she had almost kissed him. The fact that they hadn't kissed made it more telling when Clark blew Lois a kiss through the pane of glass on the final morning in the cell.

I already have a conversation written for Story 4 which wouldn't work if the kiss had come quickly.

I hope that qualifies as 'fun' wink smile

Shock therapy ... cool

LadyMoira Thanks for taking the time to leave FDK.

Hopefully the fic is giving you some relaxation in a busy life.

Kathryn Shadbolt, Moyne, Scardino, Menzies - uhmm.


Please come back soon!
I have to go out this evening. If I get in early enough, I'll try to post Part 4 then. If not, it will be tomorrow morning.

Again, love to everyone for such wonderful FDK. You are the best!

Eventually, I discovered that you could buy cup holders and fit them to your Buick - so Sam's car has them!!
Yeah, I was thinking, did they have them in 1986 (?), as in, was Clark shocked by the way people are nowadays consuming food laugh

The 'fun' with the kiss... [etc.]
Oh! blush I thought you were talking about their first actual, physical kiss.

Well, I have to admit, I had fun reading The Conversation and kiss-blown-threw-the-window. smile
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