Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont Everywhere 9/? - 01/23/11 09:39 AM
Okay... I posted a feeler for this story and got more response than I expected. The general consensus was to post. So...

I know it's been a while. This version is finished, so I hope to post daily or every other day. I'm ready to wrap this one up so I can get it to the archive. I have more fic sitting on my HD and want those wrapped up, too.

To refresh everyone's memories...

Everywhere TOC

A few notes to help with ease of reading. **** denotes breaks between scenes. < > denotes Clark's thoughts. << >> denotes Lois' thoughts. {{{{ }}}} denotes scenes of past events. ^^^^ denotes journal writings. ++++ denotes the passing of a significant amount of time.

Okay, let's see how this goes.


If he had his powers, he was sure he'd push the transport. It couldn't travel fast enough to satisfy him.

"Think they missed us?"

He turned to look at the man beside him. Jimmy had aged since they'd been gone. He could still pass for much younger than he really was, but there were tiny lines around his eyes that hadn't been there before.

"I know I've missed them," Clark answered truthfully. He'd missed them all. His parents, his co-workers, his friends... neighbors, the tons of people shouting for Superman's help... all of them.

He'd missed her, too. He'd missed her the most.

He'd relived their night together often. There were times he thought he could still feel her.

"There it is, CK!"

Jimmy was the only one that still referred to him with any respect of his former life. He'd shared his secret and even in his Kryptonian garb, he'd always been CK to his younger friend.

The blue and green sphere of Earth was never more beautiful than it was at that moment. Within hours they would be standing on familiar soil again.

For the first time in years, Clark felt a tear slip through his lashes.


"Aw, man. I have never been so happy to breathe smog!"

Clark chuckled as he watched Jimmy step up on the curb. They'd reentered the atmosphere, choosing Metropolis as their first destination.

"Let's make this quick," Clark said as he strode up the back alley toward the rear entrance of the Planet. "An official return will have to wait until my folks know their son's home."

"Absolutely," Jimmy agreed. "I sure can't wait to see my own mom."

As the small group made their way through the doors of the garage elevator, Clark began to tremble. Six and half years was a lifetime when the only place you want to be is home.

Lady Zara had remained on New Krypton, taking her rightful place on the throne. Ching had been indoctrinated as a Lord because of his bravery in the line of duty. The couple had been married and were now leading their people. Lord Dar, Council advisor, was the only one that had returned to Earth with Clark and Jimmy. He'd give an official statement and descreetly leave just as they'd returned. It was felt that Superman should be the one to receive all the acclaim. Besides, if the world hadn't faired well in the superhero's absense, their descretion might save them from possible uprising.

A few minutes later Clark and Jimmy were pacing back and forth inside the archive room. They'd accousted a runner and sent him to bring the Chief back.

"I still don't see why the Sam Hill I just *have* to see these files," they heard Perry's voice as he neared the archive door. They both stopped and waited with bated breath until the older man stepped into the room. He stood motionless, his mouth clamped tightly closed in surprise.

"Chief!" Jimmy breathed and launched himself at his editor. This man had always been like a father to him, and until this minute he hadn't realized just how much he'd missed Perry.

It took a couple of seconds for Perry's body to process what his mind was telling him. He finally lifted his arms and hugged Jimmy just as fiercely as he was being hugged. "Jimmy," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He drew back to look into the eyes of the young man before him. He wasn't such a young man anymore, he thought as he noticed the age lines on Jimmy's face. He wondered how much strife this new person had seen since he'd been gone.

Jimmy clapped Perry's arm, a wide grin covering his face. "Did ya' miss me, Chief?"

"Like Pricilla missed Elvis when he joined the Army!" They chuckled together before Perry stepped toward Clark. "And I missed you, too, son," he told Clark and reached out to pull him into a hug.

Clark had watched the reunion in silence, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He wouldn't speak for fear his voice would break. This was a happy occasion. When Perry released him, he smiled as brightly as he could.

"Now, you two are home for good, right?" He looked between them, half fearing their answer.

"We're home, Perry," Clark assured him. He waved a hand at the other man with them. "This is Lord Dar." The man bowed his head slightly. "He will give the official Kryptonian statement."

"I'll send a runner for my tape recorder," Perry answered.

"Superman will hold a press conference in a couple of weeks," Clark continued. Perry also knew his secret. It had been unavoidable if they were to pull off Clark's absense. "Until then I'm going home to see my folks."

"And I'm going to see my mom, too," Jimmy added. "I can't wait. A great big pot of beef stew and biscuits..." His voice drifted off to catch up with his mind. It really was good to be home.

Perry ran a hand across the back of his neck. As glad as he was for his boys to be home, there was a lot that had changed. "Ah, listen... There's a few things..."

"Please don't tell me there's something wrong with my mom," Jimmy begged.

"No, no, son. She's just fine. In fact, she's great. Lost a ton of weight, went back to school- she's a proof reader for Stern Publishers."

"Wow! I guess she's putting her passion to use." Jimmy grinned broadly as he thought of his mother. She'd always been an avid reader. In fact, he'd brought her back a ton of Kryptonian literature.

"It's just... well..." He stopped and looked up at Clark. "I guess..." He sighed heavily.

"My folks?" Clark asked, worried that the look on Perry's face couldn't possibly be good news.

"Your folks are good, too, Clark. Look, let me go get a recorder." And before anyone could protest, Perry was gone.

"A very queer fellow," remarked Lord Dar.

"Perry's the best," Jimmy was quick to let him know.

They were all left to wonder about what Perry had said. Had that much really changed since they'd been gone?

Before they could ponder long, Perry was back. Instantly all business, the small group settled at a table as Dar delivered the official Kryptonian statement. Jimmy and Clark added snippets of information here and there. Finally satisfied with the amount of information, the editor ended their briefing. He said good-bye to Jimmy because Dar had agreed to deliver the younger man to his mother's house. Jimmy promised to email pictures and articles to Perry for publication over the next couple of weeks before taking his leave. Dar would return for Clark in a few minutes. It would be nearly a week before Superman could take to the skies and the quickest way to get to Smallville was via Kryptonian transport.

"So, ah..." Perry began to break the silence between them. How did he broach the subject of Lois? Clark really needed to see her first.

"It's okay, Perry. You can tell me how she is," Clark told him, dying to know.

Perry smiled knowingly. "She's still a fireball," he said, relieved. "She left the Planet."

"What?" Clark brows shot up his forehead. That was definitely something he hadn't expected to hear.

"Traded in all those fancy awards for a much slower pace. Even chasing lunatics around the globe wasn't enough any more."

What could have influenced Mad Dog Lane like that?

"Do me a favor, Clark. Go see Lois before you go home."

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that, Perry," Clark admitted. There was a time he might not have said that, but that was a different time and he was another person now.

"Trust me, son. You need to see her." Perry reached out to clasp Clark's shoulder. "Besides, it's on your way. You can find her at the Smallville Post."

"The Post?" Now he was curious. What was Lois doing at the Post? What was she doing in Smallville for that matter?

"Go see Lois." Perry clapped his shoulder again. "That's an order," he finished.

Clark didn't have time to protest because Dar entered the room again. He said good-bye to Perry and slipped back out of the Planet as discreetly as possible.
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