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Her fingers slid down his cheek and past the line of his jaw. Then, they curled and the upper side of her forefinger swept forward to the point of his chin and rested there.

It felt *exactly* like the precursor to a kiss.

Clark awaited his fate, unable to think, unable to breathe, unable to move.

Her eyes were on his mouth, or perhaps it was his chin. His gaze fell to her mouth. It was slightly open. Open enough that he could *almost* imagine what it would feel like if the impossible happened.

Then, her hand slipped away and dropped into her lap.

Clark felt a wave of light-headedness assail him.

Wow, well she did well with OBrian. Poor Jonathan. Poor Clark. But it is hopeful that Martha survived. Laura
So sad about Jonathan mecry , but I do believe the following almost made up for the sadness in this part:

...for the first time in his life, Clark didn't feel alone.
noooo jonathan!
oh just another wonderful chapter. So sad about Clark's dad though!!
Awww, poor Clark; such a sad turn of events regarding his Dad. Let's hope it's a red herring and he turns up alive anyway! Meantime, how are they going to track down Martha?! Lois's 'interview' of Rueben was very well done! A sad chapter but as EvelynC pointed out, the last line was a good note to end on.

Now, how on earth am I going to make the next 4-5 days pass quickly until the next update! clap

It seems to me that, if O'Brien's information is accurate, Lois will need the help of an insider to find Martha's and, *hopefully*, Jonathan's(?) new identity. Will Shadbolt help? Scardino? Menzies? smile1

Oh, but that preview! And it *would* have to come now, during summer break, when new chapters are slower in the coming! How can I stand the wait?!? haha. Which reminds me, I wanted to say that I think it's great you're spending time with your family over summer vacation. Just the thought of you taking hikes, and bike rides, and picnics makes me smile. I've never been to Australia, but I can imagine what a great place it must be for family outings. Enjoy! wave

PS - In honor of your "summer holidays", I've changed my signature. My poor Dad - we've been kidding him about that ever since. laugh
Great interview Lois had with the demented ex-agent. Sad about Jonathan though if that it true (which I hope not, but it would be quite understandable that with the stress and worry about Clark that he would have had a heart attack).

I do wonder how Lois and Clark will find Martha and it seems very likely that they'll need to enlist some inside help and, at this point, it could very well be Shadbolt.

The hug was great (and the preview looks very promising wink ).

My only concern is how I am going to wait 4-5 days between parts since 2-3 days was agony already, but it is great that you are spending time with your family too!

I too hope that some wires got crossed somewhere and Jonathan is alive frown But even if not, that still leaves the question--where is Martha??

Clark wrapped his arms around her back and clung to her.

He let her presence surround him.

Let her pervade him.

Let everything that was Lois answer the cry of his heart.

And, for the first time in his life, Clark didn't feel alone.
Very interesting. I guess if M&J were being treated humanely, it's easier to believe there were people other than Trask involved in their "care."

I still think the easiest way to find Martha would be to create Superman and have her find him. smile
I still think the easiest way to find Martha would be to create Superman and have her find him.
Now there's a good idea! I hadn't thought of that!

Your portray of Reuben was quite well crafted, I think. It felt believable and at the same time you took us on a trip similar to what Lois must have felt, starting out with hope and wonder about his actual condition, because everything he told her was sensible and had the appropriate veil to it. But then things went south after a while,probably because of fatigue on Reuben's part. And now I'm quite sure that Jonathan really is dead. And I'm only sad in an abstract way, because his death of a heart attack was something introduced into the general Superman canon so often and there had been the scare on the show, and the odd fanfic that had him die, so, yeah, it's sad, but he didn't die directly because of Trask's actions. Does that make sense? And on the other hand, how are they going to find Martha? Amy sure is on to something there.

"Shadbolt," Lois said. "It's Lois Lane. There's been a misunderstanding. Angus just delivered the sewing machine to the compound."
That's was a great idea. I had no idea how Lois was going to solve *that* mess. But you did it again clap

"Bye, Evan."

A half smile almost escaped before Shadbolt turned and hurried through the door.
clap And you're really making me care about Shadbolt and hope things work out and he gets off o.k. in the end, too.

"Is there any chance your friend would be willing to make some more for the nursing home's general use?"

"Ah ... yeah," Lois said. "That shouldn't be a problem."

"We'll pay for them - whatever's fair for materials and labour."

"OK. How many?"

"Six? Could your friend manage to make six?"

"That should be fine," Lois said. "I'll check with him."
laugh Another clever one. I do think that while they certainly have to work with a budget, six trays wouldn't be that much of a deal, but this way, they get to engage Lois more into her Dad's new life. clap

Clark wrapped his arms around her back and clung to her.

He let her presence surround him.

Let her pervade him.

Let everything that was Lois answer the cry of his heart.

And, for the first time in his life, Clark didn't feel alone.

Then, her hand slipped away and dropped into her lap.

Clark felt a wave of light-headedness assail him.
So, is she going to remember that she thinks it's inappropriate to take advantage of a prisoner? mecry
I just had a thought dance
I have a few minutes to try to catch up on FDK-FDK. Apologies in advance that replies will be short - I'm trying to get Trail6 knocked into shape.

Laura The dementia helped because without it, O'Brien probably wouldn't have spoken to Lois (or anyone) about his work. But it did make things a little uncertain.

Evelyn I do try to balance parts - if there's a downer in the part, I try to finish it on a better note.

Joy, Bellarase Yeah, Jonathan. mecry

Elizabeth Sometimes sadness can bring people closer.


My bets are on Shadbolt. Scardino's too wishy-washy to take a stand, and I still see Menzies more a threat than an ally.
You've got them pegged well. But one might surprise ...

I've never been to Australia, but I can imagine what a great place it must be for family outings. Enjoy!
It is. But this year, it's probably not what you're imagining. After fifteen years of drought, we are getting heaps of rain. Summer hasn't felt much like summer yet. And although our sympathies are definitely with those who have been devastated by the floods, for us, the rain is a wonderful gift.

But it makes 'summer' holidays a little more challenging!

DW The wait for parts - one of the reasons I try so hard to keep my buffer is so I can smooth out the waiting - you still get parts reasonably regularly even when RL gets hectic for me.


From wordsmyth.net

Trail - a path or course across rough territory, through woods, or the like.


I guess if M&J were being treated humanely, it's easier to believe there were people other than Trask involved in their "care."
Way back in the prologue, Trask handed off the parents to 'someone else' because his interest was only in the alien.


And you're really making me care about Shadbolt and hope things work out and he gets off o.k. in the end, too.
You'll hear more of Shadbolt's story soon.

Many thanks to everyone for their wonderful FDK. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond.

I was hoping to beat your fdk-fdk, but alas I failed. Late feedback is better than no feedback right? blush

I love watching Agent!Lois in action, like the way she approached the nurse after talking to O'Brien, and gleamed what seems to be vital pieces of the story.

Reuben grinned suddenly. "It's a good story, huh?"
Maybe he says this b/c he really wanted Jonathan to have died? *hopes*

"Bye, Evan."

A half smile almost escaped before Shadbolt turned and hurried through the door.
Hee! Looks like he owes Lois one. I could not figure out how Lois was going to get the machine back to Shadbolt - again Lois comes up with a great plan.

Let everything that was Lois answer the cry of his heart.

And, for the first time in his life, Clark didn't feel alone.
Great scene. My heart aches for Clark. I'm so glad he allows Lois to comfort him.

Late feedback is better than no feedback right?

My heart aches for Clark. I'm so glad he allows Lois to comfort him.
That's how it should always be! cool

Thanks, Emily.
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