Lois & Clark Forums
Merry Christmas!

The good news is that it's a long part. The bad news is that it ends on a bit of a downer.

(I didn't plan ahead enough to try to get something nice for Christmas - sorry!)

I'll look for a more uplifting preview.

Clark scanned the room. "We should clear this stuff away."

"Yeah," she agreed. "A few of these things would be really hard to explain."

"Like the Winnie the Pooh sleeping bag?" Clark said, his tone suddenly imbued with a definite whiff of teasing. "And the apple-scented conditioner?"

Lois scrutinised his face before replying and saw no trace of shadows. "And the almost-finished-and-then-pulled-apart-again jigsaw puzzle?"

Clark tried to rein in his smile, and the effect - eyes that were lit with amusement and a mouth that hovered alluringly on the precipice of laughter - was electric. His eyes narrowed. "Have you been spying on me, Ms Lane?" he asked.

His feigned sternness called to something within her. Something she thought had been left in the dark place where Linda had died. Something that couldn't help but respond to him. "Absolutely," she said with a jaunty grin.

Clark pursed his lips and sucked in a hissed breath. "I'll have to be more careful around you." Before she could reply, he sprang to his feet and offered her his hand.

Lois smiled, remembering his self-conscious reaction when their fingers had collided over a jigsaw piece. His progress was remarkable. She had to keep reminding herself that there *had* to be damage. Alien ... human ... it didn't matter. *No one* could suffer what he had suffered and not be terribly wounded.

She slid her hand into his, knowing that his gesture - and her response - would not be trivial and insignificant to him.

He smiled as his large hand closed around her smaller one.

She'd never met anyone who appreciated the tiny things the way Clark did.

He pulled her to her feet. She didn't withdraw her hand, he didn't loosen his, and suddenly, they were standing together, connected.

She stared into his brown eyes.

His beard parted, and he smiled.

Oh THANK YOU for the lovely christmas present!!

This was a lovely chapter. I love the openness between Lois and Clark, and how she is thinking how to get him out of there. Such powerful stuff. And so sad to think he might have to deal with the rods again frown But I know you'll fix it and make it all ok!
a christmas present!!!! lovely part and thank you
The best Christmas present; another awesome chapter! Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!

Yes, indeed, thank you so much for the Christmas present! I certainly didn't expect one today, but was so happy to see it here. Awesome chapter! dance
Wow the best Christmas present to date! Loved it. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of the day. Laura
Yay! A Christmas present, thanks so much for the update. Loved it. Merry Christmas, now to sleep for a few hours.
While she waited for the time to pass, Lois checked the assortment of things she had bought yesterday. She had prepared well. She had known she would need some of these things ... she just hadn't thought it would happen so soon.
Wow, that’s called planning ahead. Also, just how many, or few, days has this story been going on, actually? You’re spinning a great tale there, I just tend to get lost in the web of tightly woven fabric a bit when I’m not keeping a timeline of the events blush Usually, a day up or down isn’t really that important because the stories stretch out over days or are over in a couple of hours, but with yours, it’s just wave Michael
This was a wonderful chapter! Thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you for posting as soon as you did. A very Merry Christmas to you!
Thank you. Warmest Christmas wishes for you, too. And thant you the wonderful Christmas gift. I loved it!

I'm still having technical difficulties and cannot copy and paste - so no quote thingy today. But I will tell you my favorite parts. For emotional impact... "I will not leave you." My heart just stopped when I read that. And for most masterfully written... the last paragraphs, starting with the "gathering memories like a farmer gathers wheat" image. Beautiful. Very nicely done. notworthy

I also loved how well they worked together during Scardino's visit. Lois quick on her feet, coming up with just the rIght answers while Clark cleans out his cell at superspeed. Just a tiny preview of what it would be like if they were, say, partners. smile

Altogether an excellent part. I can't wait to read more!
Just wanted to thank you again for posting when you did. I'd just finished putting together a kitchen set dizzy so you're timing couldn't have been better!

And what an update it was. I really liked the tone between Lois and Clark. Yeah they may not be admitting their feelings to one another, but in their heads things are progressing nicely. I'll just have to survive until we get to the conversation you alluded to in your fdk-fdk. wink

So it is a Kryptonite implant (thanks for my virtual cookies, they were delicious laugh ). I maintain that Clark just needs to think 3-dimensionally in order to escape. That might be slightly less obvious than Lois's bulldozer solution, hee!

But she knew. And was horrified. "Clark! You weren't thinking that I would bring one of the rods into the cell, were you?"

That was exactly what he had been thinking. It was as clear as a neon sign on his face. "Sorry," he mumbled.
Now they're even from when Lois was briefly afraid when she was thrust in his cell. The coveralls/painter plan is a much better plan.

Lois reached across the short distance between them and laid her hand on his for a tiny moment. "The rods are never coming back," she promised. "Not if I can help it."
Oh how I hope this is true, especially in light of what is discussed later in the update.

Love that Clark was on the ball and "cleaned up" the cell. Enjoyed Lois's subterfuge with Scardino.


The name alone was enough to dump icy trepidation onto her heart. "I thought he was on leave."
Not good at all. frown

He heard the click of the lock and jumped to his feet as his heart did a little dance inside him.
Awh. blush

That thought strengthened him. He could take another dose of the poison if he knew that Lois -

His thoughts stopped and clattered around his mind.

If he knew that Lois cared about him.
"I'm not leaving you," she vowed.
Simply lovely.

"I made a deal with Scardino. His part is to leave me on this operation."
Sorry to be dim, but is Lois referring to her veiled threat of exposing the operation as the "deal" or is it something else that I missed?

That would be his gift to her.
Funny, she's thinking the same about him. Oh these crazy non-communicating kids. Can't wait for them to find out they want the same thing!

As always can't wait for more - especially given the promise of banter in the preview. laugh
Thanks for this part - I didn't expect anything over the weekend, and so, didn't check! I'd certainly would have checked had I known this was up, but it was a lovely surprise this afternoon!

I like Lois' quick thinking when Scardino arrived, but she probably (in her mind) prepared for a sort-like conversation that was bound to happen some time.

I am a little concerned about the pill-thingie that was inserted in Clark - will Lois have to perform surgery, with some Kryptonite in hand and remove it just before they escape? I, too, think that the escape will occur far quicker than I anticipated as Menzies is trouble (and Moyne, maybe Shadbolt?, too).

Eagerly anticipating for the next part!

I'm behind on FDK-FDK, but it's been an interesting week. My ISP decided to upgrade my package and blew up my modem - so no Internet for 12 hours, and then another 12 with dial-up!!

Then, two days ago, I posted part 14 in the morning, went on a bike ride, and arrived home to discover that my hard drive had died. Yep, died - nothing retrievable.

Because I'm obsessive about backing-up, I didn't lose any of my fics (if I had, that would have been major mad mad mad ), but it still takes awhile to re-install everything.

So, hopefully, I'm back on track now. hyper hyper

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