Lois & Clark Forums
Lois stared ahead at the wall and concentrated on keeping the momentous nature of her thoughts from playing out in her fingers.

This man.


It was completely inappropriate, but she was attracted to him.

Really, really attracted to him.

Totally loved this part (again)!

I liked how their conversation went from something mundane such as Lois' ankle to talking about Clark's parents and washing his hair clap

So, Lois is going to go to Smallville? Will Moyne and Shadbolt be able to cover the shifts to look after the "prisoner"?

And I'm looking forward to Lois' cover story - that which she will tell Moyne and Shadbolt as she is unexpectedly to go away for a few days (and perhaps Dan too?)! I, too, wonder about what did happen to the Kents and I hope that they are fine as they can possibly be with their son being taken away from them.


Yet another awesome instalment. I hope Lois finds the Kents ...and maybe once she realizes they are not as old as she perhaps expected (given that she thinks Clark is in his 50's, maybe slightly younger) she will re-evaluate Clark's supposed age!

Looking forward to the next part with much anticipation, as always!

Lois is going to Smallville! What will she find?!
Like DW, I hope that Martha and Jonathan are alive and well--and I too worry what will happen to Clark with Lois gone? help

Or what would happen if she just took Clark with her? clap
Awesome! Thank you. It made my day. I will be on pins and needles until the next installment. Laura
You made my day also smile1 I get so excited when i see a new part up! And I'm always checking the scroll bar to see how much I have left of the chapter because I don't want it to end!!!

I absolutely LOVE your Lois. I love how easily Clark is using his powers in front of Lois and how she just takes it in stride.

Such a good fic!!!!
The thing that struck me most about this chapter is that Clark's reaction to hearing that Lois will be going to Smallville is to be afraid that something might happen to her, not fear for what might happen to him while she's gone. And I really like her reassurance that, "This is what I do." That's a good reminder to the readers, as well as Clark, that she's a decorated agent for a reason, one who is very good at her job.

I, on the other hand, am definitely worried about what could happen to him while she's gone. Longford and Shadbolt could very well just keep up the routine for a couple days, pushing in food three times a day and ignoring him the rest of the time. That would be the best case scenario, and one that I think could reasonably play out, given the change in their behavior under Lois's leadership. But with Moyne's uncle sniffing around, I definitely hope he doesn't find that Lois is gone and decide it's time to make a power play of his own.

I'm very curious to see what Lois finds in Smallville. I would be amazed if she finds the Kents mourning their dead son, but otherwise living out a normal life. I can't believe the government would leave them alone, without even watching them. But the first story did say that Trask was unconcerned with them; perhaps everyone else was, too? At least Lois is preparing herself for different scenarios -- and I'm sure her mad spy skillz will help her creatively deal with any situation.

Yet another amazing installment.

It was great to see the path of Clark's thoughts. I'm so glad that he dismissed the idea of shutting her out to protect himself. Although to do so would be completely understandable for someone in his position. It is amazing that he can allow himself to trust her at all and even more so given the scary alternative he conceives - that she could be a tool of Trask's. Lois's display of trust by allowing him to glimpse some of her insecurities went a long way. She needs him too!

And Clark accepted his powerlessness.

Her touch. Her hand in his. Her smile. In that moment, he knew that it didn't matter that heartache was coming as inevitably as an avalanche rolling down a hill. In that moment, he knew that he could hold nothing back from this woman.

She had shown such trust in him.
*sigh* He's her lobster. laugh

"No," he said. "I was sure that you would never come back, but if you did, I wanted to be ready."
Awh blush

She smiled. "You are ..."
Amazing, incredible, super? laugh

One day, she would walk away from him - just as she was walking away now. Except then, she wouldn't come back.
Luckily Lois has different plans.

Could that be why he seemed to have rejected all thought of escape? Was he convinced that if he broke out of the cell, there would be repercussions for his parents? ... Or was it because he believed that life outside of the cell wouldn't be significantly better than in it? Did he shy away from being chased like a criminal? Being hunted down like an animal? Being hated and feared for being different?
That's what I've been wondering since the door was left open that first time. Now, though, with Lois in the picture, it's a whole different ballgame.

"How do you feel about me going to Kansas?" she asked.
"Great but I insist you let me fly you there," he responded. laugh

"This is what I do. I go into places, I find out information, and I get out."

"I just can't stand the thought of you being hurt," he said.
I'm on serious high alert for the other shoe to drop. I really hope that I'm just being overly paranoid, and that this is not foreshadowing. *looks around warily* I'm also equally worried something happening to Clark while Lois is absent.

But I won't think about any of this now b/c Lois is going to wash his hair AND she's attracted to him! Woohoo!

ETA: In my reread I realized I forgot to mention this:
That would keep his mind from giving licence to the thoughts that were poised like athletes on the starting block, just waiting for a signal that it was OK to break free and revel in all the other memories.
What a beautifully crafted sentence to paint such a picture of this thoughts.
Originally posted by bellarase:
And I'm always checking the scroll bar to see how much I have left of the chapter because I don't want it to end!!!
Hah, me too, obsessively. laugh
I think Jonathan and Martha might be in Smallville, simply because there's nowhere else they could be (if they're alive). This has been an incredibly small operation, overlooked by higher-ups. Who could possibly be watching two extra prisoners?
originlly posted by Emily C
*sigh* He's her lobster.
Whahaha! Gotta love a Phoebe reference. clap
Another wonderful part! I can't wait to see what Smallville holds. Anxiously awaiting more.
I can't wait for this to continue. So of course I find myself thinking of it late at night or early in the day.

Why can't Lois just have Clark destroy all the rods from a safe distance. Look through everthing and make sure there is no more. Destroy anything kept in lead containers for safety. Take him out in the sun for a few hours so he gets full strength. Then have him be invulnerable when trouble comes. He can round all the creeps up, get some good people in there with them, show the video tape of his torture and Moynes behavior to all parties, until they conclude that he is safe and can legally get on with his life. There isn't anything they can do if he is invulnerable. Of course he needs to hide Lois and his folks first so they can't be used against him.

See it is a sickness... LOL
Great chapter! Wonderful relationship development between them, nice believable pace considering what they have gone through and what they face in the need for urgency for Lois to know enough to act appropriately.

As usual, can't wait for more. hyper
Aaarg. My computer broke. frown for the time being I'm forced to give feedback via my phone. short and to the point: I loved this part. my favorite was the "most unfair" conversation. so sweet. it had me smiling.

looking forward to more.
It really touches me to see Clark's emotions in this installment, as well as others. The way you describe his body language is so clear and vivid in my mind, I feel like I've just read volumes on what he's feeling. The same thing with Lois. In front of therapists and bosses and everyone else, she acted like the world hadn't affected her. To Clark, she let those tears shine, and I'd like to believe a small sliver of healing was able to take place inside.

Life's been busy, I don't believe I replied in the last chapter feedback. But I am avidly reading, and very much enjoying the ride you are taking us on smile It has been my way of being able to relax during the crazy-ness of life. Thank you smile
I have been thinking, yeah it happens... blush With all your talk about having to rethink Part 11 because of Part 18 and your comments, now I'm really wondering what has you so concerned and having to redo 11... My curiosity is even greater due to your quick mention. notworthy
And he needed to think about something else.

*Anything* else.

... Because no matter how she reacted to his disturbing disclosures or how tolerant she seemed of his peculiarities, two facts were immutable.

He was an alien. Worse than that, he was a prisoner.

And, one day, she would leave him.
Oh! /drags Mind out of the gutter. Which is difficult, given how Mind keeps kicking and screaming and clawing at the walls of the gutter./

Deprivation ... true deprivation ... came in being separated from Lois.

And that was his inevitable destiny.
Maybe that’s all part of the evil master plan. Which brings to mind, did we ever have a story where Tempus simply attempted to simply destroy the relationship between Lois and Clark? /heads over to Fanfic Challange/

What if this was just an act? What if Trask wasn't dead? What if they had decided that the beatings were never going to get him to admit that others of his kind were coming? What if they were trying a new tactic? Sending in a beautiful woman to ply him with her kindness? To treat him humanely so that he would spill the secret of the invading army of aliens?
help Um, can I have a diagram, please? confused

Neither of them had opened their containers. Whatever the food, it couldn't compete with Clark's smile. "You could take it as an oblique way of asking whether you can see through the container," she said. "Or you could take it as just a conversation filler."

She did. Her eyes rose to him, her smile budding. "You are full of surprises, Mr Kent."
Oooh, teasing!

"Thank you," she said. She loaded up her fork. "And thank you for re-heating my meal."
wave Michael
It is my birthday today, where is my present? I wanna another part!!!! Waaaaa!!!! Ok sissy fit is done, when will you be posting again. Laura
when will you be posting again.
Half an hour ... assuming RL will just sit down and shut up for a few minutes wallbash
Thank you, the best birthday present ever!

she is unexpectedly to go away for a few days
Time to clear up a misunderstanding. AFAIK, you can fly from one side of the USA to the other in about 5 hours. If we assume Kansas is somewhere in the middle, that's about 2.5 hours. So, if Lois were to leave really early, she could be back the same day. 5 hours of flying, 3 hours of driving from Wichita to Smallville and back, 3 hours in Smallville. Leave about 6am, return about 5pm. Does that work?

So she won't have to swap her shifts much - and she won't have to leave Clark for too long.

Elizabeth Any comment I make is going to give away too much. wink

MozartMaid Uhmm - again, if I answer definitively, I'm going to give away half of the plot. All I will say is that Lois *will* go to Smallville.

Laura I'm so glad it made your day, Laura.

Bellarase Your day, too, Bellarase. smile

Lois - I think she would have seen a lot in her job - granted, she probably didn't see too many alien creatures, laugh but it takes a lot to rattle her.

Kathy Clark wouldn't be Clark if he thought about his own safety before Lois's smile


Lois's display of trust by allowing him to glimpse some of her insecurities went a long way. She needs him too!
That's a crucial point. Lois does need Clark.

I'm on serious high alert for the other shoe to drop.
Uhmmmm. dance

Vicki I hope your computer problems get fixed quickly. Thanks for phoning in your FDK.

Lady Moira One of the things I really enjoy about writing the LnC relationship is that they can 'gel' quickly. Blame it on the soul mate thing!

Michael The cleaning up will come. Clark might just need that diagram one day. But there is no evil plan - at least not by me. I intend to keep Tempus *out* of this fic!

Laura So glad you had a happy birthday, Laura.

Again, many thanks to everyone for reading and letting me know your thoughts. My muse (I feel I know Bob's muse personally rotflol so perhaps this is the time to introduce mine - his name is Goo, and he's a workaholic!) always resonds well to such wonderful comments.

I haven't been able to find any direct flights between New York/Philadelphia and Kansas. But it's about two hours from either to Chicago, and two hours from Chicago to Wichita. Assuming she could get a direct Metropolis-Wichita flight, that might shave it to, what, 3.5 hours?

Don't forget that this story takes place in the 1990s -- before some airlines went out of business. Even if there are no direct flights now, there may have been then. And even if there weren't any in our universe, it is not requesting one to suspend too much disbelief to think that there would be in the L&C universe. If we can let ourselves believe that a man can fly between Metropolis and Kansas, we can certainly permit ourselves to believe that a plane can do so. smile

Originally, I didn't think that plan on flying would work, Corrina. But guess what I found:
Tue, May 10 Delta Air Lines 2673
Depart:6:40am New York, NY (LGA)
Arrive:8:45am Memphis, TN (MEM)
1 stop
• Economy
• 3hr 5min
• Airbus A320

Change planes. Time between flights: 0hr 45min
Delta Air Lines 3811
Depart:9:30am Memphis, TN (MEM)
Arrive:11:00amWichita, KS (ICT)

• Economy
• 1hr 30min
• Canadair
Total duration: 5hr 20min
Return Tue, May 10 Delta Air Lines 4004
Depart:4:40pm Wichita, KS (ICT)
Arrive:6:05pm, Memphis, TN (MEM)
1 stop
• Economy
• 1hr 25min
• Canadair

Change planes. Time between flights: 0hr 50min
Delta Air Lines 1960
Depart:6:55pm Memphis, TN (MEM)
Arrive:10:35pm New York, NY (LGA)
• Economy
• 2hr 40min
• Boeing Douglas MD-88
Total duration: 4hr 55min
So today you can fly between New York and Wichita round trip in 12 hours. Everything has to run on schedule, but some miracles do happen.
Hope this helps.
The travel and clock nerd.
Either you've seen my files [Splat] or you're making a reference to something I *think* might have to do with Friends. I'm hoping it's the latter [Wink] but having never watched Friends, that is a guess. [Confused]
Yeah that was me... I responded "He's her lobster" to the part when Clark accepts his powerlessness in the face of Lois. I think on the Friends ep Phoebe quips that Ross is Rachel's lobster b/c lobsters mate for life? It's been awhile since I've seen the ep. It was one of those instances in which the quote so succinctly embodied what I was attempting to convey but became more like a wtf? moment if you didn't recognize the reference smile Sorry 'bout that.

I haven't been able to find any direct flights between New York/Philadelphia and Kansas.
I couldn't find any either. Lucky for me, Lois is going from Metropolis to Kansas wink

Lynn When you put it like that ... cool

Artemis Thanks for that. A direct flight would shorten the time further.

Emily Thanks for the explanation. My laugh

Yeah, I have no problem with her being able to find a direct flight. I was just trying to figure out how long said flight would be. I think 2.5 hours is overly optimistic.
Nerding further: The distance between New York and Wichita is 1385 miles. The average speed of a jet aircraft is 500 mph. That makes a direct flight 2.77 hours. Takeoff and landing take more time, so it's at least 3 hours. Then the boarding and deplaning process at each end is around an hour even without baggage. So it's at least 6-7 hours round trip on a lucky day even for a direct flight.
Who did many flights mid country in the 1990's
What about a night flight? I've taken flights fron NYC to San Juan that left at 11 pm and got in at 4 am. In this uviverse there could be flights like this from Metropolis to Kansas.
Sure, there are night flights. That doesn't make the flight any shorter, though. It just gets you there earlier in the day at your destination. And, admittedly, Metropolis could be closer than New York. But on the east coast it will be about the same time. I've done a lot of flying from California to Washington D.C. and points in between, and the longest pole in the tent is getting from ground to plane to taxiing on the runway to lift off and back again, not the flying time. There's a saying among the Road Warriors "If you have time to spare, go by air." My personal horror is changing planes in ORD (Chicago). It is never a good experience. But we can assume that things work out the best for Lois. There would be less airport traffic and hence runway delays on a night flight.
No of course the flight would not be shorter, but the discussion I thought was: can she fly out, drive to Smallville, and get back again before her night shift? if she leaves at 6 am, maybe not. if she leaves the previous night, yes.
No arguments that it's going to be a struggle to get from NYC to Kansas in under three hours. However, if we have a fictitious city, it's not too much of a stretch to have a fictitious direct flight. And not much more of a stretch that the direct flight between the fictitious city and Kansas is under three hours.

I admit that having a fictitious airport that runs efficiently might be stretching it a bit!

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