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Posted By: mozartmaid FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/10/10 04:12 AM
I must say in all fairness, that not all Frenchmen are as bad as Claude... don't want to start a war here laugh
Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/10/10 06:32 AM
Hey, there hyper (Oh, and I love that she sensed him before she saw him!)

I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next!
Posted By: DW Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/10/10 10:59 AM
I really liked this part with Lois desperately trying to intervene and help young Lois with the Claude situation (and I'm so glad she slapped him - coz he sure deserves that and more) smile It was also a very "in character" thing for Lois to do.

Also, I'm glad that Clark showed up ... finally!

It had been Lois' first year at the Planet, and the events of the party had codified 'rule 3' of her work rules: never sleep with anybody you work with. Everything had been going so well that year, until Claude Montreux had walked into her life and stomped all over her heart.
He did it on Christmas Eve? clap It also gave me an idea for a Tempus twist. Tempus could give Claude a Bobbit-moment and leave him to die, but plant enough evidence to point towards Lois. It would probably not be enough to actually convict her for Claude's murder, but it might cast some doubts. Especially if he also goes back and arranges for Paul's demise, too. Not sure where this could lead. It's just idle speculation of evil tricks Tempus could play on Lois devil

Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/10/10 02:14 PM
Great chapter! I haven't seen most of Season 3 or 4 so I'm not familiar with Claude. When do we learn about him? Great moment to bring us to - seeing Lois develop her 'code'. Great to see Clark finally on the scene too.

Posted By: choucky Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/10/10 11:50 PM
Bonjour !

Je suis française et je voulais juste dire que non (!!!) "mon petit chou" ne renvoie pas au légume, dans ce cas, mais à un gâteau à la crème très français et délicieux. Cela se traduirait donc mieux par "honey" !

I can try to say that in my very bad english : "mon petit chou" is not a little cabbage, but can be translated by "honey", because a "chou" is also a little delicious sweet cake in french.

Great story ! I like it !

Choucky (= little "chou" !!!) goofy
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/11/10 12:55 AM
Thanks for the feedback! smile

Darth Michael:
He did it on Christmas Eve?
Yeah, the slimeball...

I'm sensing a theme. Tempus is going to be able to snatch Lois two more times. The next time, Clark will actually be almost in reach until in part ten, he will be able to catch her.
We'll see...

This was a nice interpretation of the Claude-episode there. [Clap]
Thanks smile You know, I think that Claude is mentioned only once, in the pilot ep. But we seem to make a lot of him (reference-wise at least) in fanfic. I thought it was time he showed his face so Lois could punch him out! laugh

It also gave me an idea for a Tempus twist. Tempus could give Claude a Bobbit-moment and leave him to die, but plant enough evidence to point towards Lois. It would probably not be enough to actually convict her for Claude's murder, but it might cast some doubts. Especially if he also goes back and arranges for Paul's demise, too. Not sure where this could lead. It's just idle speculation of evil tricks Tempus could play on Lois [Devil]
Ohh, you ARE evil! evil

Great chapter! I haven't seen most of Season 3 or 4 so I'm not familiar with Claude
Thanks! Actually, I tried doing some Claude research before I finished the chapter. He's only mentioned once... in the pilot laugh But it's a blink and you miss it moment--when Lois and Clark are tied up in the warehouse and she spills her guts to him...

Je suis desolee que j'avais trompee... mais dans ma dictionaire, il est ecrit: chou=cabbage. Je comprends que c'est utiliser comme un mot tendre, mais vous-voyez, c'est aussi une legume! Qu'est-ce que je peux faire, alors? huh

Merci pour les commentaires comme meme! J'espere que je n'ai pas offenser. C'est trop genial d'avoir les lecteurs partout dans le monde!! laugh
Posted By: choucky Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/11/10 01:14 AM
No offence at all ! I thought it was funny ! goofy

But I have to say that, fortunately for us poor french girls, all french guys are not like Claude !

Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 8/10 - 12/11/10 12:14 PM
I think most of us would like to go back in time to some of our difficult moments, to do exactly what Lois did -- help things play out differently, with the knowledge and maturity that several years experience will bring. So go Lois! Clearly this is not how Tempus intended things to go, which only makes it that much more satisfying to her.

Also, to Choucky, thanks for the info that "chou" is also a little cake. I haven't studied French since high school and early college (alas, many years ago!), so I've been enjoying your posts and seeing how much I still understand. In high school French class, I, too, learned that "mon petit chou" meant "my little cabbage", even though it was used like "honey". So it's great to have the information that it's a much more literal interpretation than I ever realized.

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