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Posted By: mozartmaid FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 4/10? - 12/01/10 05:06 AM
Feedback welcome! laugh
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 4/10? - 12/01/10 07:51 AM
What a wonderful emotional chapter.

But she couldn't very well invite him to share the bed with her now, could she? She knew that was asking for trouble.
Watch out Lois!

What if he was stuck with the old Lois? That would have been perfect three years ago, but now, after all they had been through together, they couldn't recreate that. His Lois was a different Lois, as different as if they were different people.
What a neat way to show that circumstances have changed both of them. And if that series of events were to change- what would be the impact? (Gotta love time travel)

"Clark, *you* gave me this ring. Or rather, you will give it to me," she said softly, all the emotion of what that meant to her evident on her face.
Great emotions in this scene. At first I was concerned about disrupting the time line but you've provided a good explanation (HG Wells monitoring) to account for that.

Looking forward to more...

Posted By: DW Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 4/10? - 12/01/10 11:37 AM
Great chapter again!

I was a bit surprised that Lois asked Clark to share the bed, but then again, they are married and having to ignore him like her past self, did couldn't be easy and confident Clark was fun, but a bit slow on the up take that he gave Lois her wedding ring laugh

Looking forward to more!
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 4/10? - 12/01/10 03:11 PM
Great part again! Just a little nit or confusion about this
"I mean that we get married. In about 3...no, thanks to a clone and an alien invasion, actually 4 years. We go through hell together, Clark. But we get through it and end up together," she said honestly.
The Honeymoon episode is Dec. 12, 1993 and the marriage is October 1996 and they are waiting for their first Christmas together, so the 3 years makes sense. I don't get the four years with clone and alien invasion. It could feel like four years, but in real time it is still 3.
Keep it coming!
A nice non-angsty revelation for '93 Clark. He's got to be joyful that Future Lois knows all about him and is OK with it.

'93 Lois, on the other hand - still hasn't gotten the revelation. Looking for fireworks there.
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK A Tempus Twisted Christmas 4/10? - 12/03/10 05:37 AM
Oh, I'm so glad Lois 96 told Clark 93 the truth. It shows how far Lois has come - not to want to indulge in a little payback!

And I thought the timing - the Honeymoon Suite -was inspired!

"It was that kiss, wasn't it? It freaked you out," he said, running his fingers through his hair nervously. "I'm sorry, Lois, really I am. I should have never have done that--" he stood up and began pacing around the room. She couldn't bear to see him so guilty, especially when he had absolutely nothing to feel guilty about.
Aww, but evil minds can't help but blame Clark to *some* extent. After all, that kiss surely hadn't helped Lois to keep her distance.

"Thanks, Lois," he said simply. "That sofa is pretty uncomfortable. I'll sleep on the top of the sheet. You won't even know I'm here. I promise to be a perfect gentleman. "
huh Poor Lois.

"Good night, Clark," she said tightly. <<Oh, God, what have I done?>>
Isn't it more like 'what will I do?' huh

Will there be a future revelation, too?

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