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She'd avoided pretending to be cheery. She'd worried that it would seem as if she was minimising the gravity of his situation. It seemed unfeeling to breeze in, say a few happy words, and breeze out again to continue her life when his life had been reduced to so little.

But was a little light-heartedness exactly what he needed? Could it bring some sunshine to his closed-in world?

His eyes were on her face, and Lois smiled. She put her hand on his cheek and looked directly into his eyes. "We're OK, Dad," she whispered. "The road ahead looks hellishly hard, but you're not alone."

Perhaps there was a response in the blink of his eyes.

Perhaps there wasn't.

Oh how I wish I had waited to read this until it was finished! the waiting between chapters is KILLING ME!!!!

What a powerful story. I seriously have checked 10 times today to see if there was a new update and imagine my happiness when there was a new chapter waiting!

I will be eagerly awaiting the next part smile1
Very well done.
I have never been so frustrated and IN LOVE with a fic like this in such a long time...

I, too, should just stop torturing myself and wait until it's all finished so I can read it in one sitting....but NO I DON'T WANNA!!!! hyper

Corrina, you have outdone yourself. This is a story which grabs the reader by the throat and reaches up the sinus cavity to pull out the brain and -

Whoa. Sorry, too much angst.

Whatever happened to Lois brought her to the brink of losing herself completely. And the contrast between Lois' mental and emotional agony set alongside Clark's physical and emotional agony is so compelling that I'd stay up late to read this if I only could. It's just as well written as "Aussie Rules," but it's a completely different type of story, coming from a place light-years away from your previous offering.

When Clark saw the date on the paper and took it to the corner to read - devour - absorb it, I felt his hunger for information, for human contact. And I understood Lois' tears as she watched him begin to reconnect with the outside world, which is something she doesn't believe she'll every be able to do.

Despite not really knowing each other, they're learning to trust each other. Clark, because of the simple yet important items Lois is giving him, and Lois, because the man/alien is showing her that being human is still possible for her because it's still possible for him.

More! Please, more! You are truly a wonder and we bask in your skill - yea, in your mastery of the slowly unfolding taut adventure tale. notworthy
Wow!!! Since I'm practically speechless I'll just have to ditto everything TL said.

This story is so impressively compelling. Every chapter leaves me a little sad, but Lois shines just a tiny bit of hope in, even if she can't do so for herself yet.

There was someone new.

The realisation had come slowly as he'd recuperated from the attack two days ago.

He'd heard tiny snatches of her voice.

I think this is the first glimpse from Clark's POV. Just as Lois is slowly reaching him, giving him a little bit of kindness, finally, we are starting to see him reawaken, become active in the story. Because until now he has been the passive abused character. frown Now, maybe he will begin to be strong enough to try to reach out to that kind *her*.

Actually, he'd lost seven years.

He scooped up the food and the bottle and took them away from the door.

He sat down against the back wall, arched his knees, unfolded the paper ...

... and began to read.




And above him, Lois watched through a deluge of silent tears.
And I think we can all agree that this broke our heart! clap I can't wait to read more, even if it is heart wrenching. It's wonderfully so!
Originally posted by bellarase:
Oh how I wish I had waited to read this until it was finished! the waiting between chapters is KILLING ME!!!!

What a powerful story. I seriously have checked 10 times today to see if there was a new update and imagine my happiness when there was a new chapter waiting!

I will be eagerly awaiting the next part smile1
I haven't been posting my feedback here because, as a BR of this story, I have been giving Corrina my feedback privately. All I'll say here is... The waiting does NOT get easier as you get further into the story. If anything, I am far more "hooked" now (in the middle of the second of the sub-stories) than I was earlier.

Oh, I'll say one more thing -- If you've liked the story thus far, you are in for a real treat in the parts ahead. smile1

Riveting part again and I loved that we were introduced to Clark's point of view! Especially that he's noticed a change and the last part, with him reading the newspaper, was just captivating - to have been locked away for 7 seven with literally nothing must have been horrifying, but yet he is still capable of emotion - like holding back tears to not show "them" that he's been hurt ...

I also wish that I had waited to read the whole story, from top to bottom as waiting for the next part is excruciatingly painful, but then again, I know I wouldn't have been able to hold in my curiosity laugh

Looking very much forward to the next part (which is almost the end of the fist story)!

Thanks for the teaser Lynn! It is much appreciated!

I can't really say anything new that hasn't been said by everyone else here. My thoughts and feelings on the story echo theirs. Life's gotten much more busy for me this past week, but I dedicate time to come here and check on the story, because I. Am. Hooked!! thumbsup
She pushed the key into the external door and - much to her annoyance - her heart began to race. Moyne didn't scare her. She doubted their simmering conflict would turn physical. She'd met his sort before. He wouldn't initiate anything unless he could be sure of the outcome.
I totally understood how Lois felt here, not only because I've had that same thing happen to me -- where you know you shouldn't be nervous, but you are, despite your best efforts -- but also because that's exactly how I feel every time I open a new chapter of this story! I find my heart racing as I'm reading because things are so awful for Clark, and I have no idea how Lois is going to get rid of Moyne before he does even more damage. Yet at the same time, I just want to gobble up the story because it's so gosh darn well done.

Your scene with Scardino addressed my concerns from my previous comments. I can see that she is trying to make changes, but she's only been there a short time, and she's dealing with an agency that not only needs to be sure before it acts, but also keeps a lot of secrets. And I definitely got the sense that Dan is starting to realize he might have a bit problem on his hands, and that he might have screwed up -- not initially, but in not asking the obvious questions when he was given the portfolio -- which may make him hesitant to make a fuss about what's happening. I just hope that, since overall Dan *is* a good guy on the show, he will eventually be a help to Lois instead of another obstacle for her to overcome. *fingers crossed*

The fact that Moyne has another key to the room is disconcerting, but since he doesn't want Lois to know that, I hope it will provide Clark some protection, at least from the physical torment. And I definitely like the fact that the other agents might be starting to realize things may not be as clear-cut as they'd been told.

I'm not holding out much hope that the Kents will be alive, but it's good to know that Lois is asking the questions. And it might be beneficial in the long-run to have Dan be the one to start delving into the case. He doesn't want to, but with any luck, doing so will open his eyes a bit.

As others have said, the waiting between chapters is killing me. I literally have to leave the boards for a few days in between chapters because otherwise I'd be clicking refresh multiple times a day waiting for more!

Love it! Very compelling! You know what I was imagining? Clark escaping, and returning to meet her. She would not know it was the same mane: clean, shaven, muscular. He could get to know her as a regular guy. Probably wouldn't work, but could be cool. Great premise. Loving the story. Happy to be along for the ride.
by the way I meant your story is a great premise...lol
Ha! I knew it! thumbsup
I thought I was going to hate this story. I do hate that Clark has been tortured 7 years. I am one of the gentle readers that hates human suffering in any form of entertainment. But I am hooked, despite myself. Only now it is me being tortured by waiting for the next chapter. Have you finished the story? Or are you writing as you are posting? I want it as soon as possible<g> Laura
Bellarase Well, I'm glad you're reading because you give such lovely FDK!

Framework Thanks. Glad it's working for you.


Cannot wait for Lois to grow the balls

A huge thank you to everyone for reading and leaving FDK. I have a busy weekend ahead. I will try to post the next part Saturday evening (my time).

Laura Wow, thanks for keeping on reading. The fic had to start bad, but I did try to get the worst of it done as quickly as possible.

I'm currently writing story 2 - Bridge. I have 8 parts written and think it might get to 12. I need to keep a buffer of 8-12 parts, but you'll get each part as quickly as I can get it to you.

Thanks, Laura.

I will try to post the next part Saturday evening (my time).
Would that be Sat. morning or Sun. morning our time? I'm not sure if you're ahead of us or behind us.
I'm absolutely hooked, the way you describe Trask, his notebooks, the hatred he shows when he describes "the alien" is how I see him. It shows who is the real vicious and inhuman individual.

And I liked the insight in Clarks world, you made clear that he may have been hurt repeatedly and they may have taken away everything he held dear, but somehow he managed to remain Clark.

In a way the lifes of Lois and Clark are very similar, both were seperated from their families, no one knew where they were, both seemed to have no one who cared for them, no one to talk to... I think both have lived a very sad and lonely life, until now. Now they have each other without knowing it yet. smile

I am very worried though not surprised that Moyne has a second key to the cell. It seems Moyne is cut from the same cloth as Trask, but it seems Trask preferred emotional or psychical abuse and Moyne preferred physical abuse... both relish having full power over another individual ... it is sad that Clark was in their hands for over seven years, he has lost so many time.

Great story, can't wait for another part. I haven't been online much in the last few months because RL keeps me really busy, but I hope it'll slow down soon so I can give FDK more often.

If I remember correctly:
6:00 a.m. NYC = 12:00 p.m.(noon) Berlin/Paris = 10:00 p.m. Melbourne/Sydney/Canberra
yes, now that I think about it, they always celebrate New Years first... so that means Saturday morning hyper

edited to add: blush "always"? as opposed to "sometimes"? lol
For me it means waiting several more hours because when she posts I'll have a course in my college the whole saturday ... as they say here in Germany anticipation is the best joy laugh
Vicki As you later realised, Sat evening for me will be Sat morning for you. smile

Kathryn How wonderful to hear from you, Kathryn. Are you getting any time to write?

Your comments bring out many of the important parts of the fic - The fact that they're alone and that they've been separated from people they love.

And I agree with you on Trask, too. smile

Thanks for the FDK.

I really try to write whenever I have some spare time, but the mean RL shoos every plotbunny away ... I think next time one of them comes my way I'll tie it with a big rope and build a nice home in my flat for it wink


Well, then just send him home. If Lois doesn't want him, it's stated nowhere that he has to *work*, right?
I assume there would be 'confidentiality clauses' in their contracts, but even so, having a disgruntled ex-employee is probably not ideal in this business.

But I do wonder how Moyne mangled the bodies?
That is probably one of those details that is best left to the individual reader's imagination.

Thanks, Michael.

And Kathryn, that sounds like a good plan for the plotbunny. I hope it works for you!
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