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She waited, her eyes riveted to the half-naked, traumatised figure of the prisoner. Finally, he unfurled and clambered to his feet.

Lois grimaced at the agony inherent in his movements. She didn't know exactly when Moyne had bashed him, but by now, his bruised muscles and broken skin must have seized up.

And another dose of the Achilles rods - albeit short - would have compounded his anguish.

He swayed a little, one hand extended as if trying to overcome dizziness. Slowly, he straightened to his full height and looked towards the door. Recognition lit his face when he saw the bowl and towel.

He limped to them, sank to his knees, and drank from cupped hands.

When he had finished drinking, he dried his hands on his shorts and cautiously unrolled the towel.

He stopped.


My goodness, I can't imagine you getting enough in 8 parts to resolve any of this even a little bit. But I'm anxiously awaiting each part to see whatever you have in store for us. Poor Clark-- I'm more convinced that Moyne, maybe with Trask, killed those other two men and then pinned it on Clark when he was incapacited by K at each time. Were those other men going to report what was really going on there, perhaps? hyper
I'm thinking that, at the most, 8 parts will be enough to take us up to the great escape. Or, maybe not even that. Perhaps story 1 leads up to Lois entering the room, and story 2 details their interaction in his jail cell. I could be totally off base here, but that seems to be the pace we are setting.

It's a good thing he's Superman and his body has the ability to heal itself. I don't even want to know what his teeth must look like after 7 years without a toothbrush, nor what his body looks like after being substained so long on one cup of water and a bowl of mush a day. frown

Will the mattress and pillow be the next thing to make it into his cell?
This is such a well-written story! I can't wait to see where you take us, though it is excruciating waiting for Clark and Lois to finally interact face to face. They've both been through so much, and now you've added in that her father had a stroke! Poor Lois! I'm really enjoying reading it though, and eagerly awaiting reading the rest!
Well done. I wonder when she will find out that he can read and write and speak dozens of languages?

This Lois must speak several herself because of her line of work.

Good to see what is keeping her in Metropolis. Sam's condition is well chosen. I assume you picked it because it will force Lois to see beyond the exterior of a person.
Excellent part (again). I, too, am anxiously waiting for when Lois enters the cell and interacts with Clark.

I also thought that Sam's condition was chosen well!

Looking forward to the next part (and I was happy that Lois took Shadbolt's key and I hope she does that to Moyne too and the other one!)

oh how i love this story. you couldn't post fast enough!! Thank you so much for this fabulous journey.
Uuhm, while I know there's nothing that could be done and all, I do feel I need to mention it blush There's one teeny tiny thing I don't like about this story

The posting schedule. Two days between parts in AR was hard. 3-4 days between parts in TMTY is pure torture help But I'm guessing it serves as just one more way to make us connect with the torture Trask put Clark through help

Okay, now back to the happy bits. Okay, not happy, but, oh well...

I didn't Sam's stroke coming. And unless there's an unexpected turn around, he will probably stay this way and serve as a means for Lois to stay, and to have some real world connection to suffering in addition to her ward, with whom she can't connect but through a one-way mirror.

It's too bad the VCR was set to looping, otherwise Lois could have verified Moyne's story and figured out that it's all fabrication. After all, I do not think Clark would attack somebody trying to remove the empty bowl and towel. Maybe, and that's a big maybe, if it's still half-full. But it would serve little purpose for him. Better to let them take it and hope for a fresh bowl.

And Lois is going to feed Clark prime restaurant food hyper wave
I just caught up with this story and although I'm totally hooked, I'm peeking through my fingers to read it. I already love this Lois for her kindness and hope beyond hope that Clark will come out of this experience with his sense of self intact.

I can't wait for Lois to can the good-for-nothing that works for her so that she can start giving Clark a decent meal and a real bed to sleep on at night.

More, please. Pretty please?


8 parts to resolve
Ah, no. You could probably consider that each story finishes with a cliffie, rather than a resolution. Except for - hopefully - the final story!

Vicki No, not so far off base.

I'm willing to say this ... Story 1 is called 'Junction'. Story 2 is called 'Bridge'.

Mozartmaid I felt I needed to give Lois some trauma so she could more easily empathise with Clark.

Framework Clark was captured at 21 - his knowledge of other languages may be less than we're accustomed to.

DW Uhm ... it could take awhile for them to interact.

bellarase Yep, it's a journey. Junction ... Bridge ...

Michael Phew! If your only dislike is the posting schedule, I'm happy!

Will you also give us more glimpses of all the stuff that happened to Lois and haunts her memories?
Glimpses? Yes.

Brenda If you're managing to read - even through your fingers! - these early parts, you should find some of the later parts a bit easier.

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful FDK - and for reading a fic that's a bit sad

I'm willing to say this ... Story 1 is called 'Junction'. Story 2 is called 'Bridge'
You are a talented writer and playing your story out very well. The answers we are wanting, the scenes we are hoping to see, will take their time it seems. You are the author I can see who writes the 1,000 page stories, because you are meticulous with your setup, and you enjoy your readers getting a good intrigue smile

I am enjoying the ride!

You are the author I can see who writes the 1,000 page stories,
That is never my plan! Somehow it just works that way. Thanks for the comments.

I really liked the justopostioning of Clark's tortured body and soul vs. Sam Lane's stroke tortured body and soul. This story has drawn me in. I want to know what happens next. I see a late night of reading ahead of me. smile
Hi Virginia!

Welcome to the boards. Thanks so much for reading my story. I hope you enjoy it. smile

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