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Posted By: Terry Leatherwood FDK - The Wonder of Love - 6/15 - 10/19/10 09:27 PM
Ah. The soup thickens and needs more garlic.
Posted By: Deja Vu Re: FDK - The Wonder of Love - 6/15 - 10/19/10 09:53 PM
Hehehe. Lots of great parts here.

“Assuming, of course,” Clark chimed in, “that the ‘ideal mate’ she mentioned doesn’t call a press conference and scoop us.”
LOL. Somehow, I doubt that will be happening. :p

I loved your descriptions of Lois and Clark's differing reactions to Perry, particularly this one:

Clark looked like he’d just been told a funny joke in church during a sermon. Lois looked like she’d just bitten into an apple and found half a worm.
I also loved this bit from Perry's thoughts, as it had a very Perry White flavor with all of the "know that he knew" and "knew that he knew" stuff:
Back when he’d known that Clark was Superman but hadn’t wanted either of them to know that he knew, it had been tough at times. Now that they knew that he knew, it was easier, but making sure that no one else picked up any clues from his conversations with them was still stressful.
And pwahahaha at this:

Still, he’d rather have that stress than wonder why Clark had the bladder control of a gerbil.
"Uh, I gotta go pee, Chief."
"What in the Sam Hill are you drinkin', son? That's the third time this morning!"
"Uh, Gatorade?"

She and her husband – a decent man, if a bit dull – had been married for half a decade, yet there were no children.
Pwahahaha. I absolutely love her low opinion of Clark in light of her high opinion of Superman. Boy, she is in for a rough surprise!

As if Lois’ life wasn’t complicated enough.
Hahah. Indeed!

Great chapter. The soup is indeed thickening, and I'll be interested in seeing the garlic! laugh I wonder how long it's gonna take WW to figure out CK=S?
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: FDK - The Wonder of Love - 6/15 - 10/21/10 04:10 AM
Ooh! This is getting good and it's very entertaining! I thought it might be Clark to figure out Diana Prince/WW, but maybe she'll figure out CK=S first? And won't she be surprised! Clark is such a boy scout, and probably won't be aware of the signs that WW think she's in love with Superman. How will Lois handle it?!

Eagerly looking forward for more!! hyper
Posted By: ccmalo Re: FDK - The Wonder of Love - 6/15 - 10/21/10 05:47 AM
oh, oh. WW's targeting Superman for sperm donor (i thought it was going to be Batman) and having thoughts of turning him into a 'beck and call' mate. What's worse she appears to be in love in with him and Lois senses it.

I was out of town at my niece's wedding this past weekend and I missed a posting. Sorry! But it was a beautiful wedding. The bride was a radiant vision in white, the groom looked like he'd been smacked with a two-by-four, the bride's 85-year-old grandmother did the Electric Slide, and the bride's mother danced to the DJ looking better than any sister of mine should look.

Yikes. Reading that last part is just a little creepy, even to me.

Anyway, on to the feedback!

Glad you like the little humor bits scattered around, Deja Vu. And WW doesn't think she needs to know who Superman is when he's not being super - yet.

You won't have to wait long to find out how Lois handles WW's interest in Superman, Mozartmaid. That's coming.

Despite Batman's obvious qualifications, Carol, WW wouldn't pick him over Superman. Diana hasn't learned to look below the surface yet. But she will.

I'm surprised no one commented on the guest appearances by three M*A*S*H characters at the derailment scene. They were Frank Burns, Margaret Hoolihan, and Sherman T. Potter (under assumed names, of course). But don't worry, I grade on the curve.

Next chapter up in moments.
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