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Posted By: MLT FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/29/10 10:01 PM
The Italian in this section was provided courtesy of Sara “Lieta.” I hope I got it right when I filled in the details because I really don’t have a clue what it says laugh

ML wave
Ooh, two parts at once for me!

I'm really liking the memories flooding back, mixed with the revelations for present-day Clark.

Molly is such a good friend. But if she's such the computer guru, has she met James?
A very painful section to read. Well done.

Google Translate gave me
"The flight to Casablanca GendellAir 5340 and ready for departure to exit C-16. Please go to the gentlemen passengers on the outgoing C-16, "
Which made no sense to me.
Aha, I figured Molly would help with Charlie, but I'm glad to see Perry in on it too. Glad Lana is out of the picture also. The flashbacks worked out very well! You've kept up with the complexity of time travel in a really believable sense. clap

Now post some more!
Wells stared down at the ticket in his hands, debating again the wisdom of what he was about to do. He could see no real problems arising from this course of action. But still... once it was done, it couldn’t very well be undone.
Is Wells going to rescue Lois? I hope for once he does something right. dizzy

Charlie was Lois’ son. Lois hadn’t had a son when Clark had gone into the past.
Well... Yes... Duh! :rolleyes:

“How old are you going to be?”

“Five,” Charlie responded before bounding away.
Any time now he is going to do the math...

Charlie had turned five in August of 1993. That meant he’d been born in August of 1988. Which meant in turn that he had been conceived in...

November 1987.
You're getting there, Clark. wink

Charlie was his son.
Finally... For a super guy it took forever to add two and two. rotflol

“You’re better than the real Santa,” Charlie said.
Oh! How sweet! [Linked Image]

“So now that your Gaagle thing is doing so well, any other projects in the works?”

Molly nodded. “I’m working on something I’m calling Headbook.”

“What is that?”

“It’s going to be... sort of a social networking site. People will have their own page where their friends can come by and leave messages or where they can post pictures... You know really make the internet a place where people can connect with each other.” Molly shrugged. “I guess I just feel that technology is starting to separate people from each other and I am hoping this will allow people to reconnect again - even if it’s not in person.”

“Sounds like a good idea.”

“And I’ve begun to play with another idea. I think I might call it ‘mytube.’ It would be a place for people to post their videos.”
ROTFLOL! Molly has monopolized the internet. rotflol

“Well, he’s such a great kid. How can any man walk away from his own child?”
Err... wallbash wallbash

Still, Molly hesitated. “No, not now. Charlie seems to have really good hearing and... I just don’t want to take the chance. But I think someone needs to know... I know I swore to his mother never to say anything, but if something were to happen to me, and then Charlie got sick and needed a donor or something... I just think someone else needs to know. His grandparents should be here soon... Will you stay until after they pick him up?”

Charlie nodded. He had no idea what could be so serious that it could make Molly this paranoid about Charlie overhearing. But if she thought it was important, so did he.
Is it now that he finds out that Molly and Lois doesn't remember him and that Lois didn't know he was Charles's father?

More then 12 hours until next post... thud Where do you get a time machine when you need one?

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/30/10 09:31 AM
What a delightful part in so many ways! I loved the utter, complete waffiness of Clark's interaction with his son. And little Charlie's defense of his mother's desk, and his statement that she is going to come back to him, because she promised... ya hear, Lois?

But what's wrong with Clark's memory? First he realizes that Charlie is his son, then he seems to forget it. Are we seeing a whole number of timelines intertwining here?

You wrote Clark, Molly and Charlie so well that I almost - almost!!!! - didn't miss Lois. (But of course I did.) Anyway, I love Molly. Gaagle and Headbook, imagine that! laugh

Okay, but it's time for Lois to return! Seriously! I'm very, very much looking forward to the next part of this, ML!

Posted By: DW Re: FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/30/10 11:28 AM
Aawww. That's so sweet ... Charlie protecting his mother's desk and loved the interaction between Charlie and Clark - Clark is going to break up with Lana, right????

And what's up with the timelines??? And memories??? Did Clark's actions create another couple of paradoxes and existing alternative timelines??? dizzy

Also, I so hope Wells will fix his very big mess and save Lois!

Looking forward to the next part!

Here's one more hoping that Wells is indeed going to solve this mess and save Lois. Though I still can't make out how that would work: if he saves Lois, she gets to meet Clark in 1993, so there's no need for Clark in 1997 to go back in time. Thus, he never meets Lois in 1987, she doesn't get pregnant and there's no Charlie... Will we get back where we started? Will Wells solution work? Will there still be Charlie? Or just Lois&Clark, but no Charlie? (or at least not a 9 year old one)

So many questions... while you, ML, have all the answers...

Loving it!!!
Wow, that was a great part. So much has changed. So much confusion. But Clark figured it out immediately and of course, now he's going to go nuts realizing what he didn't know for years clap

I do wonder how Molly is able to foresee all these things. And can I ask her for next weeks lotto numbers?

He was amazed to see Molly blush. “Actually, they did, but I have a date.”

“Anyone I know?”

Molly shook her head. “Old friend from college.”
Oh no, Ryan back eek


PS: Did I mention my having perfect love for the new posting schedule?
Poor Charlie! So Wells did, presumably, rescue Lois at the price of turning Charlie into an orphan. (At least as far as anyone knew. I guess that technically he wasn't one, since Clark was still alive; and, for that matter, Lois would be alive again, so to speak.)

Sunday afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese.
Did you wish to make that "Chunk E. Cheese"?

But there was just something about Charlie that made Clark unable to deny him anything.
Hmmm...Perhaps his origin has something to do with it? ;-)

All that had changed, however, when Lois had gone missing. Charlie now was one of the most important things in his grandparents’ lives.
That is good, anyway. I'm glad that they were supportive of him.

The rift being healed by the death of a mutual loved one -- reminds me a bit of Romeo and Juliet. (In a good way.)

Molly shook her head. “Old friend from college.”
Oh, no... Don't tell me Ryan's back. <shudder>

Molly nodded. “I’m working on something I’m calling Headbook.”

Charlie seems to have really good hearing and.
I wonder whether "really good" is a transitional state between "normal" and "super"?

Charlie nodded.
Oops...Now you did it in reverse. wink This should be "Clark nodded."

Thank you once again for changing to a daily posting. I'll only have to wait until tomorrow morning to get my next fix. smile

Posted By: Seme Re: FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/30/10 02:28 PM
Great story...........I'm loving it!!!!
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/30/10 04:13 PM
Glad you guys are enjoying the story - and the new posting schedule. I don't dare respond to most of your questions for fear of giving something away. But I will answer this question:

I didn't understand the beard thing. If he was gone, how did Perry know about it? While he was in 1987 was there a version of him in 1997 who grew a beard?
The reason he had a beard after one of his headaches in 1987 was because he, for reasons yet to be discovered, grew a beard in 1997. Then he shaved it off in 1987, returning to 1997 without the beard.(Okay, let's all now synchronize our headaches. laugh )

ML wave
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/30/10 04:29 PM
Oh, and, one more thing:

Google Translate gave me
"The flight to Casablanca GendellAir 5340 and ready for departure to exit C-16. Please go to the gentlemen passengers on the outgoing C-16, "

Which made no sense to me.
I believe the Italian says:

The flight GendellAir 5340 for Casablanca is ready for departure at gate C-16. If it pleases you, passengers, bring yourselves to gate C-16."
It's not the way we would say it, but apparently it is the way it would probably be said in Italian. But even if the wording is a little unusual, I suspect that might make more sense to you. laugh

ML wave
Posted By: BJ Re: FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/30/10 05:44 PM
/me heaves a big sigh of relief.

Thank you, ML. I loved this part, that Clark has returned, has figured out the truth about Charlie, has somehow protected his secret, and that even though Clark didn't immediately know that Charlie was his son, he's still been acting father in Lois' absence.

My wild speculation for today is that somehow Clark's secret is still a secret because of the incident with the shooting. Or maybe it has something to do with growing the beard?

If Tempus still showed up as in the original timeline, wouldn't there have been much more havoc caused by a different Lois Lane showing up? Charlie would probably know right away that she wasn't his mom, but how would a young boy explain that? And talk about reopening the wounds... dance
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - The Time Traveler's Wife - Part 7a - 09/30/10 06:47 PM
One more question that I think I can answer without giving anything away.

But what's wrong with Clark's memory? First he realizes that Charlie is his son, then he seems to forget it. Are we seeing a whole number of timelines intertwining here?
And what's up with the timelines??? And memories??? Did Clark's actions create another couple of paradoxes and existing alternative timelines???
Pay close attention to the years on each part in the last section. I think you'll find that Clark isn't forgetting and remembering. If he figures something out, he will know it from then on out. But he won't know it previously. So watch the dates.

I hope that Molly isn't seeing Ryan. I like the idea that it's actually James Olson, but am not optimistic that it'll turn out that way.
This one I'm going to give you for free: I promise a happily-ever-after for Molly at the end of this story. laugh

ML wave
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