Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mozartmaid FDK Notorious Wedding 3/? - 09/12/10 03:21 AM
So... I'm curious as to why there hasn't been as much FDK for this story... Did you not read the first one (the only piece of the puzzle you're missing is how Lois found out Clark is Superman...). Or is it the story itself? If so, what are its weak points?

Even though I saw the point of Lois being completely blind to Luthor's evilness in the series, I think it would be more realistic that she'd be aware of it. She's a smart cookie. I go into a bit more later of how he confuses her... the charming villain is a dangerous character, as we all know.

Anyway, thanks to those who have been keeping up with me! laugh
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK Notorious Wedding 3/? - 09/12/10 06:38 AM
MM, I am thoroughly enjoying the story! I have no idea why others aren't leaving feedback.

Clark suddenly had a fantasy of walking over there, pulling her up out of her chair and claiming her with a passionate kiss.
I love the description of the fantasy kiss. I wonder what her reaction to said kiss would have been, under the circumstances?

"Lois, my darling fiancee," he pronounced loudly,
Ouch! Poor Clark! whinging

"I can't believe you announced our engagement to the whole office. I haven't even said 'yes!'" she said through clenched teeth.
Well, that should provide at least a modicum of comfort to Clark. Not much, but a little.

"And I see Mr. Kent over there is terribly jealous. I can't tell you how pleased I am that you shook him off so easily. I was certain that I would have to carry out unpleasantness where he is concerned when you went out on that date with him the other night--"
Since you did ask for suggestions for improvement in your stories, I'll say something here that I usually would only say were I your BR... I don't think Lex would be as open in his threats, even if his voice were pitched for Lois' ears only.

Something isn't sitting right with me about it, and I can pinpoint it.
Did you mean to write, "and I *can't* pinpoint it"?

Clark was tempted to follow, but suddenly he had another idea.
There's a switch! Usually it is Lois trying to get into Clark's computer.

I must admit that this is a pet peeve of mine... Why is it that so many fictional characters use such easily guessable passwords? Granted, some RL people do, too. But certainly not that many, and certainly not those who are used to cracking other people's passwords and who are trying to protect extremely confidential information.

"I really hope no one else ever needs to ask for your password."
Just a reminder to all readers... NO ONE has any legitimate reason to ask you for your password. Not even network or system administrators. If the admins need to access your account, they could always reset your password to one they know. Anyone claiming to be an admin who asks you for your password is engaged in a social engineering attack. They are definitely up to no good. (Sorry for the lecture; the computer networking instructor in me just came out...)

helped the firefighters tamper down the blaze.
Um, I think you meant "*tamp* down the blaze."

<<Be careful what you wish for.>>
Ironic indeed!

I am thoroughly enjoying this story. I like how you are keeping so much of the canon storyline and yet making it your own.

Looking forward to part 4. :-)

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK Notorious Wedding 3/? - 09/12/10 05:46 PM
At least Clark knows now that Lois is playing a double game. At least he knows that she didn't accept Luthor's engagement willingly. Maybe he isn't certain what Lois's feelings for him are, but at least he knows she's not in love with Luthor.
Posted By: tooaddicted2tv Re: FDK Notorious Wedding 3/? - 09/12/10 05:54 PM
Its a great story, I did miss chapter one, but I think I figured out most of the missing pieces.

I'm assuming Clark doesn't know Lois knows?

I feel so bad for Clark and for Lois, I hope they work it out, so they can work together.
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK Notorious Wedding 3/? - 09/13/10 12:41 AM
Well, I hate to speculate as to low feedback. However, many of us have been there. I can only speculate but when I post something that gets unusually low feedback, I tend to think it means I've failed to connect with my audience. Either my story is uninteresting or it is flawed in a way that fails to generate very many positive responses.

I like your idea here. I really do. I think there is a lot of potential in the idea of mixing these S1 and S2 elements. However, I am struggling with Lois's behavior in light of Lex's obvious evil.

Good grief, in part 2 he threatened both Clark and Superman. For me, the fact that she first pushed Clark away and then allowed Lex to DECLARE that they are engaged when she'd never said yes to his proposal is really stretching things. Where is Lois's backbone?

In the canon version of her engagement to Lex, she never knew what he was. In this story, with her much clearer picture of both Lex and Clark, I have to say that I find her actions harder to accept.

Well, I hope this doesn't offend too much. I don't like to be negative, but I am trying to help with what may not be working in your story. Since you asked about feedback I hope it means that you are going to be more receptive to -- more critical comments.

Posted By: mozartmaid Re: FDK Notorious Wedding 3/? - 09/13/10 12:58 AM
Thanks for responding, guys!

I knew I was risking a bit making Lex a bit more openly threatening... But I guess I always struggled with why she would marry him at all... To me it made more sense if she had been forced. And I thought that using Lois' abrupt ending of the date from 'Lucky Leon' would be better played if it was more than because of her relationship insecurities, which is why I had Lex threaten her. Maybe I wrote myself into a corner with that?

Anyway, please stick with me. I'm on a dangerous track with this story, I think, but there are some turns that I hope you like!
Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK Notorious Wedding 3/? - 09/13/10 06:40 PM
I've been "notorious" for not leaving feedback but I want you to know I am reading and enjoying your story. I like how you are basically repeating the same actions as in the show, but with entirely different motives and circumstances. smile
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