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Posted By: Artemis FDK: Ch. 14 NIghttime in the Daytime - 08/22/10 06:53 AM
Thoughts? This may be shorter than 20 Chapters. It's winding up, but there are still some ends to tie up.
/whispers, the post-title says 15 instead of 14/ blush

Clark was beyond taciturn. Even Henderson had been surprised at the frown on Clark’s face as he had led him back out to the Lobby.
You know, I really fully expected Sam Lane to escort Clark back out, running smack into his daughter laugh You do know that if it doesn't happen this fic, it will have to happen in the sequel.

“It’s because you do, honey.”

Clark perked up instantly. “Honey?” His lips twitched in the beginning of a smile. “So I was right and we are more than partners?”

Lois let her face relax into a smile. “Yes, we are.”
So, was the 'honey' a calculated response or did it just slip out and Lois went with the flow?

Then his tall guy with boots and the glare of a hawk in his eyes came in and really began the interrogation for real. He seemed convinced I was pulling a charade and lying.
Hmm... Was that just another ploy to get Clark to remember or is Sam Lane serious about this? But then, he doesn't know about his best agent taking cover in Lois's bedroom, so... Come to think of it, knowing that wouldn't help the situation, either. evil

“On three. One, two...” Lois pushed him off the ledge.
To be expected...

“Can we both share the bed and just snuggle, no funny business.” Clark turned his puppy dog eyes on her. “I think it would help me remember.”

“Well, that expression of yours tells me that your memory is starting to come back. Yes, I would like that. At least we will see another sunrise together.”
So, funny business in the morning?

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Ch. 14 NIghttime in the Daytime - 08/22/10 03:20 PM
blush wishing it were true? Fixed now. Thanks
You know, I really fully expected Sam Lane to escort Clark back out, running smack into his daughter [Big Grin] You do know that if it doesn't happen this fic, it will have to happen in the sequel.
Sam Lane has more to do in this story. Actually, I didn't think of that because I was concentrating on basically a duet between Lois and Clark.
So, was the 'honey' a calculated response or did it just slip out and Lois went with the flow?
It slipped. She's tired and getting rattled and frantic.
Oh, she's pulling a Tez on him?
Looks like it. But how did she manage to bend it?
Hmmm. Because she's frantic to get him to save the world? Seemed like good imagery though. I guess Tez was stronger than a human. Oh, well.
So, funny business in the morning?
To motivate him? Sounds like an idea.

Thanks for reading!
Amnesiac Clark = very frustrating. I've read other fics where people have Lois do various things to stimulate Clark's memory - but here, maybe just "laying in bed" with him will be enough.

(If that sounds like a wish for another nfic chapter - you're absolutely right.)
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Ch. 14 NIghttime in the Daytime - 08/22/10 11:55 PM
Artemis, sorry for not replying sooner, but right now things are incredibly busy at school. I have no time to quote, but I liked this chapter a lot. It was very sweet that Lois was able to tell Clark that there really was something between them, and they were really more than friends, and yes, they had even done that! Honestly, Clark will be incredibly motivated to try to remember now, won't he? laugh

I also very much like the fact that Lois made Clark understand right away that he is indeed Superman. He may not be able to take it in yet, but he can't deny it. Of course he will realize that he must save the Earth all over again, and he will do it, too.

I'm very glad that this fic is back! thumbsup

Posted By: DW Re: FDK: Ch. 14 NIghttime in the Daytime - 08/23/10 07:29 AM
It was sweet that Lois told Clark the truth about their relationship as well as his other identity.

Looking forward to the next part!

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Ch. 14 NIghttime in the Daytime - 08/23/10 10:12 AM
Many thanks for all your replies. I will try to get to the next part sooner. Life is very busy for me right now. I'm living at the computer doing artwork & stuff, but that should be over soon.
Who thought retirement was easy?
Originally posted by Artemis:
blush wishing it were true?
That you already posted 14 *and* 15? Or that there are only 4 parts left instead of 5? peep

To motivate him? Sounds like an idea.
Or Clark's subconscious kicking in and Lois's subconscious playing along. laugh

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Ch. 14 NIghttime in the Daytime - 08/24/10 06:50 AM
Hi Michael:
That you already posted 14 *and* 15? Or that there are only 4 parts left instead of 5?
Yes! goofy For some reason my brain kept saying 15,15,15 even though I knew it was 14.
It's just been a hectic two weeks and it's not over yet, so I'm not sure when I can get to the story. But I have loose ends to tie up. I'm hoping to increase my writing pace at the end. Or in showbiz parlance "bring it on home!" when you up the energy and do the big finish.
Then I'm going to switch gears and try your "The Ghost of Love, Past, Present and Future" challenge and see what I can do with that.
Glad you are reading!
Originally posted by Artemis:
Then I'm going to switch gears and try your "The Ghost of Love, Past, Present and Future" challenge and see what I can do with that.
grumble laugh

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Ch. 14 NIghttime in the Daytime - 09/24/10 09:37 AM
Sorry for the long delay. It has been a hectic month. I tried multiple times to get here and do this and always something came up that needed my immediate attention.

Michael is right. A human being can't take a Bowie knife and stab concrete or steel and have the strength to make the knife blade bend. Tez was superhuman himself to be able to bend the bar he was attacking Clark with. I've always loved that scene, BTW, especially K Callen's expression when she was being Tez.

Also, when I wrote this part, I forgot that I also liked the scene with Jonathan hitting Clark with a baseball bat and it hurting his arms and wanted to do a similar scene here. Too many thoughts to juggle at the time, I guess. To save you all from digging through Chapter 14, here is the changed scene:
Clark remained at the table, staring unseeing at his empty coffee cup. Had he really not realized how hot it was? Was there a possibility Lois was right? How could he forget something as fundamental as being Superman? On the other hand, he had forgotten he’d made love to this wonderful beautiful woman who was trying to help him.

Suddenly, he felt Lois trying to massage his back with some sort of implement. “Oh, that feels great, Lois! I didn’t know I was so tense.” He was a little puzzled and bewildered when he heard sounds of heavy breathing, effort and small gasps coming from Lois. What was she doing that took so much effort?

Lois stopped suddenly with a final cry of “ouch.” From behind him, Lois said. “I’ll say you are tense! Want to see what I was ‘massaging’ you with?” She came around to his front gripping a Bowie Knife with both hands. She dropped it on the table in front of him with a clatter. The blade was bent raggedly at the tip.

Breathless from her physical effort, Lois panted, “I saw that on the shelf in your closet when we went to look at the Suits. I’ve been literally stabbing you in the back repeatedly. It was like trying to knife concrete. Stand up and take your shirt off.”

The first thing Clark did was exclaim, “Lois you’ve hurt yourself!” Reaching out, he took her wrist and held it gently. “Well, at least it doesn’t seem broken. But why did you do that?”

“To show you that you are invulnerable and convince you that you are Superman, of course,” she said matter-of-fact, though still out of breath. “Now stand up already.”

Clark raised his eyebrow in an expression familiar to her, but obediently stood up and removed his shirt. If they had made wild passionate love as Lois stated, she had seen him without his shirt before.

His expression with the lift of the eyebrow gave Lois hope that memory was returning. She accepted his shirt with her good hand and then showed him the knife slits in the back. She said softly, “What’s the price of one shirt if it convinces you that you can save us from Nightfall.”

Clark picked up the knife and held it in his hands and stared at it. He tried to prick his finger, but nothing happened. He pushed harder and the blade moved, not his finger. Then he let it fall to the table in resignation and turned to look at Lois. “All right. I’m getting convinced. But I still don’t know how to be Superman!” Seeing that Lois was transfixed by the sight of his bare chest, he said, “Umm, I’ll go put on another shirt.”

He turned to go and Lois put a hand on his arm to stop him. “You don’t remember your apartment, so look for your shirt in your dresser with your x-ray vision. Just don’t think ‘heat’ and start any fires.”
So today is the day I'm going to work on this. I'm hoping I will finish Chapter 15 this weekend, even if it is shorter than standard, because I'm leaving for a month and won't have computer access.

Thanks for still reading.

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