Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MLT Super Beta Readers - 11/30/03 09:42 PM
This story was inspired by Hazel’s idea on the fanfic message boards about doing a story as a tribute to our Beta readers. I would personally like to thank all the Beta readers and editors I’ve had over the years. In particular, I’d like to thank Gerry Anklewicz and Carol Malo, both of whom have stuck with me through well over a dozen stories - most of which were more than 300k long. These two women have played a enormous role in improving the quality of my writing. And I owe each of them a huge debt of gratitude.

By the way, I’d like to thank both Carol and Gerry for the contributions they made to this story (surprise, surprise <g>). All comments attributed to Gerry and Carol were written by them.

This is a fanfic based on the television show, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. No copyright infringement is intended. I’m borrowing these characters for a little fun and not for any profit. For complete disclaimer, go to: http://www.thompsonlawoffice.ca/Disclaimer.htm

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By: ML Thompson <thomplaw@tbaytel.net>
(with special guest appearances by Gerry Anklewicz <gankle@rogers.com> and Carol Malo <ccmalo@sympatico.ca>)
Submitted: December 2003
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‘Hi Gerry and Carol,

‘Umm... I’ve sort of written another story and am wondering if you would be available to umm... take a look at it for me. I have to warn you... it’s got problems.


ML looked at the words for a long moment. Was it really fair of her to be asking Carol and Gerry to fight their way through another story? Not entirely certain, she hesitated, letting the pointer on the mouse hover above the ‘send’ button.

Finally, sighing, she clicked ‘send,’ cringing slightly as she watched the email head into cyberspace. Although she really wanted them to say yes, she also hoped they knew that she wouldn’t be offended if they didn’t have time to Beta read another story for her.

* * * * * * * * *
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ML chewed nervously on her lower lip as she sat down at the computer and connected to the internet to check her messages. Seven. She sighed. Most were junk mail. But... Her heart began to race as she noticed that there was one from both of her faithful Beta readers. She quickly clicked on those, ignoring the rest, and let out a breath of relief. Both Carol and Gerry were anxious to read her story.

Quickly pulling up the story, she emailed a copy to both women, knowing that if her story could be saved, Gerry and Carol were the ones to do it.

* * * * * * * * *
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Lois was going through boxes in the attic. It was spring and she was determined that this year she was going to do some serious spring cleaning. She coughed as she moved a particularly dusty box. According to the hastily scribbled label, it contained stuff that Clark had brought over when they had first moved into the brownstone. It had never been opened. She grabbed a knife and slit the tape to open the box.

Lying on top was a plain, white envelope addressed to Perry White in Clark’s distinct hand-writing. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands, wondering what the envelope contained. It was unopened. Clark chose that moment to enter the attic. He shook his head at the sight of his wife sitting on the floor, cross legged, surrounded by mounds of junk.

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‘Awk!!! ML - you’ve shifted POV’s with “Clark chose...” Clark should not be in Lois’s paragraph! Wish I could do the red line stuff that Gerry does so well <g>. Btw, are you sure you don’t want to add that Clark was wearing a bath towel, fresh from the shower??


* * * * * * * * *

Lying on top was a plain, white envelope addressed to Perry White in Clark’s distinct hand-writing. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands, wondering what the envelope contained. It was unopened.

Clark chose that moment to enter the attic. He shook his head at the sight of his wife sitting on the floor, cross legged, surrounded by mounds of junk.

* * * * * * * * *


‘No towel? Sigh.


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Having read Carol’s comments about the towel, I’m inclined to agree with her. This would have been perfect if you had Clark in a towel.


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‘Carol and Gerry

‘Sorry, ladies. Wish I could indulge you. But I think the towel would be a little too much temptation for Lois to resist (this needs to be believable, after all <g>). And, unfortunately, Lois has to resist in order for my story to develop.


* * * * * * * * *

“So this is what has you so occupied,” Clark said. “I can think of better ways to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Especially one where the kids are with your folks.”

“I want to go through some of this stuff. Since we got married, it seems as if we’ve collected so much junk,” Lois responded.

Clark suddenly frowned. It was his weekend, too. And he didn’t want to waste it sitting in a dark attic going through piles of old junk. Why did she have to choose this weekend? Wasn’t cleaning the attic what they had kids for?

He shoved his hands deep in his pockets and stuck out his lower lip.

“It’s not fair,” he pouted.

“What isn’t?” asked Lois.

“Well, you’ve always got time for the kids. And you’ve got time for work. But what about me? This is my time and yet you want to spend it sorting out junk,” he whined.

* * * * * * * * *


‘Although many many men want all of their wives’ attention, I don’t believe Clark is like that. He may be quiet, but he isn’t selfish and he doesn’t come across as childish (“pouting” - something Lois might do.) He may want to be with her, but he might see the junk clean-up as foreplay.


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Why is Clark wearing ‘pockets’? Perhaps this is a tad out of character? (OOC) Like the Suit doesn’t have pockets. Also, Clark is pretty enterprising and wouldn’t want to miss this opportunity with Lois - I’m thinking he would just be wearing a towel, tied seductively around his washboard muscles, just below his navel, a drop of water slowly slipping...


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ML sat back in her chair and stared at the screen. Neither of her Beta readers liked her portrayal of Clark in this section. Although she really wished Carol would let go of her current towel obsession. Still, Carol and Gerry’s comments did indicate that maybe she needed to rethink where she was going with this story.

* * * * * * * * *

“I want to go through some of this stuff. Since we got married, it seems as if we’ve collected so much junk,” Lois responded.

Clark smiled and sat down next to his wife. “So, how can I help?”

She leaned over and briefly kissed him. “Just keep me company.”

“I can do that. As long as you don’t mind if I try to distract you.” With that, his hand began running up her leg. She swatted it away.

* * * * * * * * *


‘Yes! Much better - Clark would definitely try to distract Lois here. Soooo Clark. But why is Lois reluctant. Something in the junk must have caught her attention. Something incriminating about Clark’s past? This is the A plot, right? Nice sexy way to introduce it, ML


* * * * * * * * *


‘Well, that’s more like the Clark we know and love. He’s willing to work with her, but we also see his playful side. I wonder how much cleaning they’ll get done?


* * * * * * * * *

ML leaned back in her chair and smiled. Victory. She found a way to deal with that section that both her Beta readers liked. And to tell the truth, she liked it a lot better, too. She read it through again just because she liked the new section so much better.

* * * * * * * * *

Clark smiled and sat down next to his wife. “So, how can I help?”

She leaned over and briefly kissed him. “Just keep me company.”

“I can do that. As long as you don’t mind if I try to distract you.” With that, his hand began running up her leg. She swatted it away. “You know, I could probably have this all done in seconds. Then we would have the rest of the day to ourselves.”

“You could? And exactly how would you decide which of my things to keep and which to throw out?”

He had to think about that for a moment before responding. “I guess I’d just keep everything.”

She chuckled slightly before turning her attention back to the box she had just opened.

“What’s this, Clark?” Lois asked, showing him the plane, white envelope addressed to Perry White.

He took the envelope and looked at it for a minute before recognition set in.

“Its my letter of resignation,” he informed her.


“Do you remember shortly after I arrived in Metropolis? Their was a heat waive and everyone thought Superman was responsible.”

“I remember.”

“Right, well, Superman agreed to leave Metropolis so I gave Perry my letter of resignation. When you proved that Superman wasn’t causing the heat and I came back, Perry gave me the letter back. He never read it. He said that he didn’t think he needed to.”

“Why’d you keep it?”

Clark shrugged. “I took a long time righting it. I guess it seemed like a shame two just throw it out.”

* * * * * * * * *


‘Well, ML, although you’re improving, those homonyms are still there.
plane = plain
Its = it’s
Their = There
righting = writing
two = to
waive = wave


* * * * * * * * *

“What’s this, Clark?” Lois asked, showing him the plain, white envelope addressed to Perry White.

He took the envelope and looked at it for a minute before recognition set in.

“It’s my letter of resignation,” he informed her.


“Do you remember shortly after I arrived in Metropolis? There was a heat wave and everyone thought Superman was responsible.”

“I remember.”

“Right, well, Superman agreed to leave Metropolis so I gave Perry my letter of resignation. When you proved that Superman wasn’t causing the heat and I came back, Perry gave me the letter back. He never read it. He said that he didn’t think he needed to.”

“Why’d you keep it?”

Clark shrugged. “I took a long time writing it. I guess it seemed like a shame to just throw it out.”

Lois tooke the envelop back from him and startted to oppen it. Sudenly, she stoped and looked up at him. “You don’t mind, do you?”

He laghed. “Would it mater if I did?”

She gave him a dirtie look before turning her atention back to the envelop. She carefully removed the letter and began to read.

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‘Is your spell checker broken? Please use it.


* * * * * * * * *

Lois took the envelope back from him and started to open it. Suddenly, she stopped and looked up at him. “You don’t mind, do you?”

He laughed. “Would it matter if I did?”

She gave him a dirty look before turning her attention back to the envelope. She carefully removed the letter and began to read.

‘Dear Mr. White,

‘This is my letter, the one for resignation. Since I’m not giving any notice, I guess I owe you an explanation. I assume I don’t have to tell and that you’ll understand that there is nothing in this letter that is for publication. I just think you deserve to know all of the truth.

‘If you have to explain where I’ve gone, I’d ask that you tell and explain to people that I have gone back to Smallville to be the managing editor at the Smallville Post.

‘I’m not quite sure how to tell you the real reason that I’m leaving. I suppose I should start by telling you that I’m Superman. As you know, Superman has agreed to leave Metropolis. I know that I could stay as Clark. However, I don’t think I can go back to hearing cries for help without doing something about them. For that reason, I’m asking that you accept my letter of resignation forthwith and immediately and so forth.

‘I don’t know where I’m going yet. If I really do act as a solar conductor, I have to find somewhere where no one will be hurt by that fact. The only place I can think of right now is the middle of the Sahara Desert. I will be letting my parents know once I find a place. So if you need to get in touch with me, please contact them.

‘I also want you to know how much it meant to me that you gave me a job at the Planet. Working there has been the greatest experience of my life. I also want to thank you for allowing me to work with the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. I will always be grateful to you.

‘Sorry if my abrupt departure leaves you in a tight spot.

‘Yours truly,

‘Clark Kent.

‘P.S. - I’d ask that after reading this letter, you show it to Lois. I’ve always wanted her to know. Tell her, I’m sorry that I was never able to tell her myself.’

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‘Good thing Perry didn’t open that letter. He would’ve fired Clark on the spot. The man has a college education. The man is a journalist. He wrote a top notch article on the ring-tailed gecko. He should be able to write better than that. He’s tripping over his own words here. Remember this is a personal letter to Perry. It won’t end up in his personnel file - we hope. So, instead of it being so sloppy, it needs to be well written and perhaps on the more personal side than professional.


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‘I’m betting this letter was written by a Superman clone. Btw, was the clone wearing a towel when he wrote this?? And *why* did Clark decide to keep this obviously fake letter?? Great A plot, ML!


* * * * * * * * *
‘Dear Mr. White

‘Due to circumstances beyond my control, I regretfully tender my notice of resignation. Although you are normally required to ask for two weeks notice, I would ask that you accept my resignation effective immediately.

‘The official reason for my resignation is that I have been offered a job working as editor for the Smallville Post and I would ask that you pass that story on to anyone who needs to be given an explanation. However, given the fact that you so graciously offered a job to a green reporter and believed in my abilities, I would like for you to know the real reason my resignation is necessary.

‘As you are aware, experts are saying that Superman is responsible for the current heat wave Metropolis is experiencing. They believe that Superman acts as a giant conductor, focusing the sun’s energy on Metropolis. As a result, he has agreed to leave Metropolis.

‘Now you might be wondering what that has to do with me. Well, the truth of the matter is that I’m Superman. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but I really hoped that by keeping my alternate identity a secret, I could have a normal life while still using my abilities to help others.

‘I realize that only Superman is officially being asked to leave the city. However, after finding a way to help so openly, I’m not sure I could go back to hearing cries for help and not responding. Also, I am concerned that if I stay in Metropolis, I will continue to direct the sun’s rays on the city. As a result, I am planning to move to a place where the sun’s rays will not be noticed. At this time, the best solution I can think of is the middle of the Sahara Desert.

‘Thank you for giving me a chance to work for the greatest newspaper in the world and for partnering me up with the Daily Planet’s best reporter. These past few months have been the best months of my life.

‘Once again, I’m sorry for the short notice.’


‘P.S. - please feel free to show this letter to Lois. I trust her as I trust you to keep this information confidential. I always wanted her to know about Superman and am sorry that I was unable to tell her myself.’

Lois closed the letter and took a deep breath. She reached over and gently stroked Clark’s cheek. “I love you, Clark. I’m so glad that there was no need for me to read this letter at the time.”

Clark smiled at her. “Well, it’s thanks to your hard work in defense of Superman, that you didn’t.”

Lois met his smile. The spring cleaning would have to wait. Right now she wanted to make sure he understood just how glad she was that he wasn’t living somewhere in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Pulling his head closer, she planted a soul-shattering kiss on his lips.

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‘Flinch! Cringe! Barf! “soul-shattering kiss”. Next he’ll say something “heart wrenching”. Remember, you want to show what’s happening, not tell the reader what to think. Describe the kiss so that the reader will wish that his lips were on theirs (or her lips on theirs - whatever!)


* * * * * * * *

Lois met his smile. The spring cleaning would have to wait. Right now she wanted to make sure he understood just how glad she was that he wasn’t living somewhere in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Pulling his head closer, she brushed her lips lightly over his. When he responded, she deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth as she pushed him gently to the floor. She didn’t lose contact with his lips as she moved over him, running her hands up his chest until her fingers tangled with a button on his shirt. He groaned when her fingers slipped between the material to stroke his chest. The sound urged Lois on and, with practiced ease, she quickly undid the buttons on his shirt. She pulled back, running both her hand and eyes down his chest until she found the top button on his trousers. Looking back into his eyes, she popped open the button to slip her hand inside his...

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OK - now I know I wanted Clark in a towel here, but this business with the trouser button - am now remembering my responsibility as an archive GE and thinking that the top button is a tad suggestive - I mean it implies a zipper, right? and well, Clark unzipped... what would the archive EIC think???


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The sound urged Lois on and, with practiced ease, she quickly undid the buttons on his shirt to increase her access to his chest. She pulled back, running both her hand and eyes down his chest.

“Lois, if you don’t quit this, I’m not going to be inclined to let you continue with your spring cleaning.”

Lois looked seriously into his eyes. Then, smiling, she leaned back in.

“That’s what I was counting on,” she murmured just before her mouth again connected with his.

* * * * * * * * *

ML leaned back in her chair. Finished. She could hardly believe how much more she liked this little piece of fluff now than she had when she had sent it out to Carol and Gerry. Maybe it was worth posting after all. But before she did...

She quickly typed up another note and sent it, with a revised version of the story, to Gerry and Carol. It couldn’t hurt to get their final comments on the story. After all, what was the point of having Super Beta Readers if you didn’t make use of them?


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