Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont Everywhere 7/? - 07/08/10 08:55 AM
Many of you have been waiting for this. Although, I'm positive you don't want the outcome I've created. evil

Just a couple of points: I've tried to make this part as tame as possible. I pray it doesn't offend anyone. If it does, I'm sorry in advance. Second, I mentioned a while back that at some point I'd need help. After carefully reading this part, I'll ask you all for help with which direction to take our favorite couple from here. And I'll explain more in the feedback folder after a few of you have read this.

Thanks for reading. Double thanks for commenting. And I do hope all are enjoying!


Peering through the window of the cab, she watched the snow as it danced softly on the night air. The sporadic dusting had already begun to cover the hoods of parked cars and the temperature had dropped nearly five degrees since she'd left the airport- if the electronic thermostat on the dash was anything to go by. Shivering slightly, she adjusted the jacket of her sleek, new business suit. She'd long ago stopped wearing dresses and skirts except on rare occasions. The slacks proved to be much more comfortable and sensible with her on the go so much.

The driver pulled slowly up to the curb in front of a building on Carter Avenue. She couldn't help but notice that a few things had changed.

"Seventeen, fifty, Miss," the man told her as she searched through her small bag.

"Keep the change," she told him as she pulled her suitcase across the seat and out of the door behind her.

"Hey, thanks, Ma'am," came the cheerful voice of the man in the driver's seat. It wasn't often he got more than a dollar or two tip. A little more than ten was something special.

The woman stopped and looked back into the open door of the cab. "You're welcome," she told him when he turned to make sure she'd made it onto the sidewalk safely.

"And you have a nice night," he added with another smile.

"You, too." She stood up and pushed the door closed on the bright yellow vehicle. She missed cab rides. There weren't any in the small town she'd just left. In fact, there wasn't much in that town at all.

<<Except a psycho with a gun and a bad temper.>>

She heaved her small bag onto her shoulder and headed for the front door of the building in front of her.

She'd kept her apartment, faithfully paying the rent each month. There was really no reason why she had; she'd just thought it was wise to keep a place to come back to. Of course, she hadn't set out to be gone for two years. She hadn't set out to win another Kerth, a Bailey, two Merriweathers or a Pulitzer either. But she had. And chasing stories had saved her sanity.

Opting to take the elevator with her large load, she made it to the fifth floor in just a few minutes. Three locks later she was looking around the once familiar confines of her adored apartment. Her mother had come for the plants and the fish tank was empty. There was supposed to be dust covers on the furniture, but everything looked as if she still lived there. Not a speck of dust could be found either.

She set her suitcase on the floor next to the kitchen counter when she'd spotted a piece of paper lying there.


I sent Jimmy on over there yesterday to clean up the place a bit... just in case you made it in for the ceremony tonight.


PS- I really do hope we see you this time.'

A wide smile covered her face as she pulled her suitcase in the direction of the bedroom.


Why exactly had she come back to Metropolis? And on this particular night? She hadn't even made it to the ceremony when she'd won her own Pulitzer, let alone her Bailey. Yet, for some reason she just felt she had to be here.

The Metropolis Convention Center was elaborately decorated and filled with some of the country's most respected journalists. Several people stopped to greet her as she made her way further into the room.

"Well, I'll be," came a deep voice she'd know anywhere.

She excused herself from her conversation and turned toward a man who'd once been like a father to her. In some ways she felt even closer to him now. He was the only one she talked to on a consistent basis.

"Perry," she breathed as she stepped forward into the waiting arms of her old editor.

"Lois," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Let me get a look at ya', darling," he said after a moment and pushed her back, his eyes moving over her carefully. "It shore is good to see you."

"And you, Perry." Her grin widened as they stood there staring at one another.

"The hair's great," he told her as his fingers slipped through long, thick locks.

"Yeah, well..." Another thing she hadn't intended to do- it just happened. But now that it was out, she liked it.

"And the extra weight looks good on ya'."

It was only about fifteen extra pounds. She wasn't sure how she'd managed to gain any the way she worked. But again it was one of those things she seemed to like now that it was tangible.

"Talking to you on the phone is one thing, but seeing you..." He pulled her into another brief hug. "well, seeing you is better than seeing Elvis on his farewell tour."

Lois let out a low whistle. "Wow! I feel honored to be ranked right up there with the King."

Perry laughed softly, a sound she had truly missed. They talked briefly about a couple of her latest stories, Alice, Perry's sons, and even Lois' family before Perry cocked his head to look at Lois more closely.

"Somehow I knew you'd make it in for this." His voice was soft and knowing.

"Then you knew more than me," she told him as her eyes began to wonder. Now that she was here, she wanted to see the man of the hour.

"Aw, honey... There's nothing like a true love to go and make..."

"A fool of someone," she finished for him. After more than two years, Clark Kent still filled her mind and soul. When she’d first heard he was nominated for a Bailey, she’d been so thrilled for him. The story that had earned him the award was absolutely outstanding. Clark had been following a bunch of suspicious deaths in the Metropolis prison system that turned out to be a huge scandal. Prisoners were being hunted like animals by men and woman rich enough to pay for the privilege. Huge names, well known people, were taken down for that one. The series of articles that followed was some of Clark’s best work.

Then what she’d told him on the phone so long ago came back to her.

{{{{“You win the Bailey and I’ll slip the ring on your finger. We’ll leave right after the ceremony.”}}}}

That really wasn’t the reason she’d come back after all this time. There was a part of her that was tired of running. She wanted to know if she could look at him and not want to die.

She wanted to know if she could see him and not want to just hold him and forget that the past two years had happened at all.

And for all they’d once meant to each other, for whatever they might still mean to one another, she’d had to be here for him.

He’d been there for her. When she hadn’t even been there for herself, he’d been there. He’d accepted award after award for her. It was his time for the spotlight and the part of her that had loved Clark- the part that still loved Clark- wouldn’t allow her to miss this.

Not again.

Perry sighed and pushed a hand into his pocket. "He's over near the stage, speaking with Kurt Tulley." He gestured with his head, smiling when she automatically looked in that direction.

Strong, broad shoulders stretched the jacket of his tux across his back as he listened intently to what the man in front of him said. His hand moved as he talked- a trait she had once thought annoying. Now, now it was... a welcome sight.

<<I really have missed him.>>

Her feet automatically began to move. What would she say to him? What would he say to her? Did he even want to see her? She wasn't aware until just this moment exactly how badly she wanted to see him.

Her heart fluttered slightly and the palms of her hands began to sweat as she neared his side. A deep breath for courage and she opened her mouth.

"Hey, stranger," she said softly and waited until he turned to face her. Surprised eyes met hers and she rushed on. "Do you remember me? I think we might have met somewhere before. Metropolis is the place that comes to mind, but I guess you never really can be sure." She'd forced herself to remain calm- to keep her voice even.

He had to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat when he'd seen her. In his wildest dreams he hadn't felt she'd be here tonight. It had taken him so long to come to terms with her absence, but seeing her threatened to overwhelm him.

"Ah... n...no, I guess you can't..." He stared into her eyes for moment. "... be sure." On its own, his hand lifted and he cupped her elbow, giving it a gentle squeeze. "How are you, Lois?"

"I'm... good," she replied, an immediate heat coursing through her body from his simple touch. They gazed at one another a second longer before she finally stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck.

To say he was stunned would have been an understatement. The sudden onslaught of feelings threatened to buckle his knees. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, then his body managed to catch up with his mind and he slowly lifted his arms to hold her against himself. Although it had been two years since he'd seen her, standing there holding her again, it seemed like no time had passed at all.

"I'm so proud of you," she whispered against his ear.

He almost wanted to cry. Her soft breath sent a fire through his entire being, making him regret every step he'd taken away from her.

Finally Lois eased back, but slid her hands down and grasped his tightly. "You look fantastic," she breathed. And he did. He'd bulked up a little, if that was possible, and his dark hair almost shined under the large light fixtures in the room. He wore new glasses with stylish frames that seemed to make him even more beautiful than he'd ever been. She had seen him over the past two years on television as Superman of course. And while she'd felt a little rush with each glance, standing before him, seeing the real man was much more powerful.

"So do you," he replied softly as his eyes swept her body appreciatively. He pulled a hand from her grasp and slid his fingers through her very long locks. "The hair is..."

"I know," she interrupted. "Way too long for a busy woman, but..." She tossed it back over her shoulder with her free hand. "I've been meaning to get it cut. I just haven't had time." She stopped when he grinned at her. God, how she'd missed that gorgeous smile.

"I was going to say it's stunning," he told her softly. Again, he reached forward to run his hand through the brown waves. For some reason he couldn't control his wayward limb.

She felt her cheeks heat slightly from his adoration. Did he realize just how stunning *he* was?

And why did she feel like a teenager standing here with Clark? This was Clark! They’d known each other very intimately at one time. She knew his deepest secret, for Christ sake!

An awkward silence filled the space between them, reminding Lois just how raw they'd left their relationship so long ago. Finally she pulled on his hand so that she could loop her arm through his, guiding them toward an empty space on the other side of the room. The man who’d been speaking with Clark had obviously taken the hint that he was a third wheel because he'd drifted into the crowd.

"So..." she said as they walked slowly together. "Tell me about the crew at the Planet. How's Jimmy? Is Ralph still annoying? And Bobby? Is he still a good source?"

He smiled to himself. Some things would never change. Lois still appeared to be just a bit high strung.

"Well," he began, "Jimmy's great. He's writing now."

"I know. I’ve read the articles. And how about those awards for his photography? I saw that series of pictures. They were incredible."

"He's even moonlighting a bit. Takes pictures for church groups, daycares, and sports leagues. He's managed to bank quite a roll. In fact, he and I went together to buy my apartment building and renovate it."

"Really?" Lois asked as she stopped in front of the double doors leading out on a terrace.

"We've filled the apartments with a few good neighbors. It's a nice place to go home to now."

What did he mean by that? She didn't ask. Instead she led him over to an empty bench against the wall, refusing to release his hand as they settled.

“How about you?” Clark asked when they’d settled. When she looked at him questionably, he elaborated. “Any plans to invest all that money you’ve made?”

“Oh... I haven’t thought about it.” Though she’d been stunned to realize just how much money she’d accumulated over the months. Her mother had taken care of her few expenses at home and the Planet footed most of the bills while she traveled. She hadn’t had a lot of debt and once it was paid off, the money had simply collected.

“Maybe Jimmy and I should have asked you to be our other partner.”

And the word partner hang in the air between them heavily. That’s what they’d once been. The hottest professional partners as well as the closest intimate partners. How had they gone from that place to this one?

"It really is good to see you, Clark," Lois said after another unbearable silence. One of them had to break the ice, and even if she had been the one to leave, she breached the distance between them first.

"And it's good to see you," he answered truthfully as he turned to face her. He glanced down and watched as his thumb stroked the back of her hand. "So many times I've tried to call," he whispered.

"I know," she replied, the past pain quickly filling the empty void in her heart.

He lifted his eyes back to hers as an old familiar feeling wrapped its arms around the moment.

"We can't go back," she rushed on before he could apologize. It was too late for that now; too much had happened.

"I know," he answered. How well he knew. He sighed softly, then lifted his hand to cup her face, his thumb stroking the scar above her brow. He didn't say a word- simply sat there, allowing himself to feel the heat surging through his arm and straight into his heart.

Lois closed her eyes, covering the hand on her face with her own. Silent tears brushed the ends of her lashes as her soul seemed to sigh. Her very being still recognized this man as a vital part of her existence.

Those tears... that's what nearly changed his mind on that fateful night. It was also why he'd left her apartment so quickly. He couldn't stand to see her cry. He was almost relieved when she blinked several times, then opened her eyes. A soft smile played across her lips and he offered one in return. He allowed her to pull his hand down and cup it between both of hers.

Before either could say another word, an usher stopped in front of them. "It's time for the presentation to begin."

Clark glanced at the young man. Would it be wise for Superman to blow the poor fellow across the room?

"Thank you," he offered instead.

"Guess we better..." Lois said with a gesture of her hand. "Be a shame for the man of the hour to miss his moment."

<But you missed yours.>

The one thing she'd always sought professionally and she hadn't even come to accept it. Why? Would she tell him if he asked?

Did he want to know?

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, then stood to gently pull Lois to her feet. "You do know Perry booked you a seat at the Planet table?"

"As long as it's the one beside you," she replied with a grin and hooked her arm through his again.

"I think we might be able to accommodate you."

<I might not be able to survive the night though.>

God help him. Tomorrow he'd probably be physically ill, but tonight... just this one night he'd feel whole again.


The Bailey Award for Excellence in Journalism... Such simple words, even if they packed one of the most important punches in his professional arena. But right now all he could think about was the woman standing in the middle of his living room. He glanced once more at the now familiar case he'd placed on the bookshelf and the ring adorning the appropriate finger of his right hand before slipping the jacket of his suit from his body. He loosened the knot of tie as he started toward his bedroom.

"Make yourself comfortable," he shouted at Lois- a mute point. She'd already kicked out of her shoes and was settling on Clark's sofa.

How had they ended up at his place? Clark asked himself as he shed his shirt and tie. It almost felt like he was choking to death.

Could it have anything to do with the woman in the other room?

He toed off his shoes and reached for his glasses. Leaving his wire frames on his bedside table had become a habit, but he stopped just before he dropped them.

She knows you, he reminded himself. That's one reason...

Stop! He shouted internally.

<I won't go there.>

He glanced at the glasses in his hand, then carefully placed them on the table before heading into the kitchen.

Lois snapped her cell phone closed when Clark came into the room. He'd shed his button down shirt, sporting a tight, white muscle shirt.

<<I wonder if he knows how good he looks in white.>>

"I hope you don't mind me getting comfortable," he said as he placed a can of cream soda in front of her.

"It goes both ways," she replied as she lifted a sock covered foot with a smile.

She had to remind herself to breathe when he shot a devastating grin right back at her. Lifting the soda can to her mouth, she watched every move he made when he walked across the room, gathered a few things, then sat. His black pants pulled tight across his...

"So," she said just a little too loudly. "I believe you've painted in here."

"Yeah," Clark answered as he looked around, like he hadn't seen the place before. "Historic tan, antique white, and battleship grey," he offered as he popped open his soda and took a healthy gulp.

"Is the sofa new?" she asked as she ran her hand over the fabric beneath her.

"No. Mom recovered it." He held out the items in his hand to her. “I believe these are yours. The Kerth and Merriweather crystals are on the bookshelf.”

She glanced up to where he pointed before turning her attention back to the items in Clark‘s hand. Lois immediately recognized the leather jacket on top. It contained her Bailey certificate. She took the things from Clark, then opened another leather bound jacket. Her name was emblazoned in gold under the words she’d longed to see since she was a child. ’Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Journalism’. Somehow she’d thought it would have felt different than this.

She opened another box and pulled the platinum ring from its case. Just as promised, and because she was last year’s winner, she’d slipped Clark’s ring onto his finger earlier that night. For the briefest of moments, she’d pretended it was a golden band.

Clark fingered the ring he wore, thoughts of another one dancing around inside his head as well. He’d kept the engagement ring he’d bought Lois so long ago. It was a reminder of how easily he could lose everything.

“This is… the best one by far.”

He looked over to see she was running a finger across the certificate that held both their names. He downed the rest of his cream soda, then stared at Lois. "What are we doing here, Lois?"

She slowly leaned forward and deposited her treasures on Clark’s coffee table as she rolled that question around in her head for a moment. Finally she looked up at him. For the first time she noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses. It hadn‘t been so long ago that she‘d finally realized just how much of himself Clark hid from the world. And she’d finally realized what he sacrificed every day to be hero to the world.

"I've missed you," she blurted out before she could change her mind.

"You were the one who left."

His voice was more than slightly accusatory, striking a nerve. "*You* walked away," she said with a pointed finger and stood up.

“At least I didn’t run and hide!”

<<Damn him!>>

This was exactly why she'd stayed away so long. She thrust a foot into a shoe as more of her buried anger seeped to the surface.

Clark dropped his head. He hadn't meant to say that- to make her angry. But...

He lifted his head and looked at her- really looked.

<But nothing.>

He watched her struggle with her coat, then quickly stood and made his way over to her. His strong arms encircled her waist and he buried his face against her neck.

"I was a fool," he whispered, then spun her around to face him. She barely had time to think before his mouth covered hers.

"Wha..." she protested just before all rational thought fled in a rush. She moaned loudly, dropped her bag, then wrapped her arms around his neck.

<<Don't stop!>>

<Shut up!> Clark told the little voice in his mind screaming loudly just before he surrendered to his heart’s desire, and his libido, for the first time in his life. His hands smoothed down over Lois' back, boldly grasping her buttocks and pulling her aggressively against himself. When she moaned again, he trailed kisses down her neck.

"I want you," she breathed as she, too, gave up the fight with rational thought. She’d missed this man, every day. She’d constantly felt him within her spirit. Now she wanted to feel him in every other possible way.

He grinned against her mouth as he reclaimed her lips. As his tongue continued its assault on hers, he began to walk her backwards toward his bedroom.

When her legs touched his mattress, Lois pulled back to look up at Clark.

"Don't, Lois," he said quickly. "Don't think about this. Don't say anything. Let's just... feel," he told her as he spun her around again. His large hands roamed her body, sending electric charges through her clothes, his hot breath caressing the skin right behind her ear. "Let's do this. Right here, right now. Let’s give in the way we didn‘t before." And with that he ripped her shirt open.

She wasn't shocked by his audacity; she was excited. And incredibly turned on.

No. That was an understatement!

<<When did he do that?!>>

His hands were smoothing over her body again.

"Do you like that?" he asked softly as his fingers found all of her sensitive areas.

"Yes," she couldn't help but breathe. All thought was gone now. There was nothing but here and now... with this man. She would finally give in the way she hadn’t before. She would finally take what she’d wanted so many times in the past.

Someone had obviously stolen his brain, Clark thought vaguely as he continued the sensory assault on Lois. There was no way *he* would ever act this way.

But right now all he could think about was being as close to this woman as he get.

<<This is going to happen.>> Lois thought as Clark continued to kiss her neck, her face, her lips. There was so many times she'd wondered about doing this with him. She'd asked herself more than a few times if this might have kept them together.

Her closed eyes popped open as he...

<<Oh! Just like that!>>

Has it been that long? That she was so easily excited?

"Oh, God, Lois..." He breathed, now completely lost to this woman.

<<Traitor!>> She thought when her body began to hum from every touch, every kiss.

Any other time, any other situation in the world he would have never done this. But Clark Kent had just met his sexual demon.

She could hear the blood rushing through her veins as her body seemed to know his just as intimately as his knew hers. His hot breath rushing across her neck was testament to that fact.

He couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Nothing he'd ever done felt as good as finally knowing Lois completely. <Heaven!> That was the only word to describe how he felt. Kiss after kiss, touch after touch... he was in heaven.


Another sixty point headline... across every national paper in the country- and it didn't even stir the faintest emotion, good or bad. Lois slammed the paper down angrily and looked out the window of her hotel room. She was in yet another city chasing down another hot lead. Her thoughts, however, were still in Metropolis.

{{{{"Nothing's changed, has it?" he asked her softly. "Not really."

It was more of a statement then a question. "Not what needs to change," she answered as she slipped on the tee shirt he'd given her.

"I don't have a single regret, Lois," Clark said as he slid across the bed, the sheet still draped over his lap. He reached out to grasp her hand, pulling her to him.

"Not one," she replied and pushed her hands through his hair.

He smiled just before they kissed softly. "Thank you." His hands smoothed up and down her thighs and buttocks.

"Thank *you*." She rubbed her nose across his playfully.

Clark chuckled, then wrapped his arms around her for a hug. "I won't say good-bye."

She couldn't say anything as her emotions threatened to get the best of her. Taking a deep breath, she leaned back to grasp Clark's face. "My super man," she whispered just before she kissed him gently. Her thumb smoothed across his lips as she seemed to look into his very soul. Then she straightened, pulled from him, and disappeared from his room... from his apartment... from his life...


What the hell had she been thinking? Sleeping with Clark like that?

Three times... they'd...done that three times... on the bed.

Then again in the shower... in the kitchen... on the sofa... How many times had they made love?

Is that what they'd done? Made love?

Did she still love Clark?

She threw up her hands and growled in frustration. Of course she loved him. That was her problem. That had always been her problem. Loving Clark had nearly killed her when he'd told her they couldn't be together. Loving Clark had driven her from Metropolis. Loving Clark had taken her back again.

{{{{Lois looked at the man lying in front of her. His deep, dark eyes seemed to look straight into her very being. Did he know the power behind those brown orbs?

They'd made love... again. Now they were simply lying on the bed looking at one another. They'd been holed up in his room for nearly three hours now and neither had said much other than to voice their pleasure.

She reached out to smooth his hair back. They’d both changed so much, grown tremendously from who they’d been back then. Those changes, that new maturity, is what had led them here. To this place, taking advantage of stolen moments they might never get again.

Stolen moments they hadn’t had the courage to share before.

"Mmm," he moaned appreciatively. "That feels good." His hand reached out to her, gliding across her bare hip. "Why did you come back?" he asked, the question she knew he would.

"I never took it back," she replied softly and rolled over. She stared up at the ceiling, looking for the words to voice her feelings. There was no sense lying to him. "I was devastated," she said simply.

"I know," he admitted as he leaned up on his elbow.

"I wallowed in self pity as long as I could, then let my anger take over. I had to get away."

"Do you know how hard it was to let you go?"

She looked at him then as if he had two heads. "Do you know how that sounds?"

"Yeah. And I know how it felt." This time he was the one to push her hair back. "So many regrets," he said softly.

So much to say. But not now. Too much had happened. They couldn't go back; they couldn't change any of it.}}}}

Yes, loving Clark dictated her life.

And loving Clark was the reason she was in a mess now.

Her hand smoothed over her flat mid-section. Their night of passion had proven more tangible than she would have liked. Why the thought of birth control had never entered her mind was still a mystery. The most brilliant female journalist in the world was also galactically stupid when it came to a certain man that moonlights in a cape.

What did she do now?

She'd tell him, of course. That was never in question. But where did they go from there? Would they even keep this baby?

Lois turned from the window in shock at that thought. Yes! Yes, they'd keep this baby! This baby was part of Clark. And Clark was the only part of a long dead breed. This baby would mean the world to him.

This baby already meant the world to her. This baby meant there would always be living, breathing proof that her feelings for Clark Kent were stronger than his resolve to stay away from her. This baby was also proof that his feelings for her was just as strong.

Yes, they'd keep this baby.
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