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Posted By: Deja Vu FDK - Some Things are Meant to Be (32/34) - 05/03/10 01:39 PM
Ah, yes, he does have that whole secret identity thing going on, doesn't he?

Sorry my posts have been less frequent. The end of the semester has been hectic. But it's almost over (as is this story, incidentally, heh).
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK - Some Things are Meant to Be (32/34) - 05/03/10 04:11 PM
I'm not usually one to wish for a quicker ending to a story I'm enjoying, and I am enjoying this one, but even I'm ready to strangle Clark for his incredible lunkheadedness. (Is that a real word or do we folc have claim to it?)

I see by your title headers that there are two instalments left. That means he has to wake up and smell the Lois' pretty soon.

Looking forward to the double revelation.

Tank (who doesn't see any real reason to have Krytpo/Jericho in the story, but doesn't think it actually hurts anything either)
Really, this Clark is frustrating the hell out of me. He'd better get his stuff straight soon. Laura
So, did Lois leave the paper there, knowing Clark would look at it, and it's basically a subtle hint for him to get off his heinie and tell her?
Posted By: Seme Re: FDK - Some Things are Meant to Be (32/34) - 05/04/10 08:22 AM
Enjoyed reading this part also.
Clark is such a big coward....
Posted By: DW Re: FDK - Some Things are Meant to Be (32/34) - 05/04/10 10:48 AM
And Clark just continues with his lunkheaded thought process - hopefully he will wake up in the next two parts!
He trotted up to the door and scratched at it persistently. When Lois finally opened the door, she looked down at him. He had in his mouth a bouquet of chocolate flowers which had been carefully wrapped in plastic so as to defuse drool. She bent and took the flowers from Jericho’s mouth and said in a loud voice, “All right, Clark. Come out from hiding.”

CK = S
Wonder how/when she found out but I'm guessing you are going to tell us in the next two parts laugh

Thanks for the feedback folks. Yikes, though-- I never meant for this fic to be such a Clark-bashfest. Heh. But that's all my fault of course for portraying him as such a thick-headed mule. blush

Tank-- I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it, but I am definitely sorry for making Clark such a lunkhead. *ducks* But his character is definitely something I'll think about a bit more when I start making edits for the archive.

I love how you put this: "That means he has to wake up and smell the Lois' pretty soon." That's basically right, heh.

As for Krypto, I definitely know where you're coming from. I was hesitant about putting him in here. But as an animal lover who wanted to use him at some point (without him taking over the story and making it about him rather than Lois and Clark), I figured I might as well just run with it to add just a bit of uniqueness to the story.

What I tried to do with animals in this story was to use them as catalysts or transitional objects of sorts. Krypto is something Clark could touch without fearing of causing harm. Then Krypto showed how Clark could touch others without harming him. Caring for the bird leads Clark and Lois to confront their care for each other--though it works out in a sort of strange way. And then there are of course the lions...

So, the animals all do play their parts (and I tried to use animal language where I could to tie things together thematically), but they definitely could have been omitted; other objects/people could have done what they do. And it probably would have been better that way. But I did have some fun doing it as I have it, so I guess if Krypto at least doesn't take away from the story, then I shouldn't take him away from the story?

Sorry for that ramble, heh.

Laura-- Yikes! Sorry to hear that. frown At least it is almost over?

Iolanthe-- Hahah. That might be too subtle for Lois.

Seme-- Heh. Yeah, he's a coward. But at least his reasons for cowardice are better than most people's...?

Michael-- Heh. smile I really enjoyed that bit with Jericho!
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