Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deja Vu FDK - Some Things are Meant to Be (31/34) - 05/01/10 10:57 PM
Who saw the thing with Cat coming? goofy
Nice with the Cat thing. Wow with the Lois and the bird-kiss fest. Come soon and fix them. You left half your story in Italics. Looking forward to more soon. I hope you do an nfic version, that last scene had a lot of nfic potential. Laura
Posted By: DW Re: FDK - Some Things are Meant to Be (31/34) - 05/02/10 09:24 AM
Yeah, didn't see the think with Cat coming and definitely not the pet groomer thingie.

“Lois,” I said hoarsely. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at me with sultry eyes. I could feel my resolve slipping as fear set in, and I closed my eyes. “I can’t do this with you.”
Lois so misinterpreted this statement - Clark actually believes that he can't do that with any girl.

Cannot wait for 32 hyper
shock shock shock And the pile-up continues! shock shock shock

“Lois,” I said hoarsely. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at me with sultry eyes. I could feel my resolve slipping as fear set in, and I closed my eyes. “I can’t do this with you.”

The flames between us were suddenly doused, and I could sense her backing away. I opened my eyes, and she managed, “I see,” her lips trembling and her face red. Then she was scrambling to put her shirt on as she fled toward the door.
I wondered about what best to say to this bit. And all I can come up with is, that Lois probably couldn't be more hurt if Clark had physically thrown her out the door.

BTW, where did the the Cat story-line come from?

Is the Cat / animal-groomer thing a subtle reference to Krypto/Jericho and his clipping and fur dye? Or is that way too subtle for Cat?

I thought we were wandering over into nfic-land too, and I kind of wanted to go there - and then, poof, a cold shower over everything. frown

Yes, you're definitely taunting us with cliffhangers!
Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

Laura-- Thanks. I had fun with that Cat thing. LOL @ "bird-kiss fest"--wonderful way of putting that. Sorry about the italics thing--I normally check for that, but it's the end of the semester, and things have been kinda crazy. It should hopefully be fixed now.

As for an nfic version, I really don't think I'd be any good at it, heh.

DW-- Who knew Cat had such aspirations? laugh It would actually probably be pretty interesting to be a pet groomer in Metropolis...I imagine you'd still hear a lot of gossip if you had some bigwigs coming in.

Lois so misinterpreted this statement - Clark actually believes that he can't do that with any girl.
Yeah, misunderstandings definitely don't help things at all...

Michael-- Hahaha. Yes, the pile-up does continue! And I think how you put it is right-- "Lois probably couldn't be more hurt if Clark had physically thrown her out the door."

As for the Cat storyline, are you noting it came out of left field or wondering where the inspiration came from? If the former, well, I have been trying to set up storylines for the supporting cast...If the latter, well, "animal groomer" just seemed to fit with the theme. And it is still relevant to Cat's interest in (albeit unorthodox) style.

Is the Cat / animal-groomer thing a subtle reference to Krypto/Jericho and his clipping and fur dye? Or is that way too subtle for Cat?
Haha. Definitely too subtle. This is the real deal.

I thought we were wandering over into nfic-land too, and I kind of wanted to go there - and then, poof, a cold shower over everything.
Hahaha. Whoops. blush

Yes, you're definitely taunting us with cliffhangers!
Heh heh. Got to give some reason to return, don't I? smile
Posted By: Seme Re: FDK - Some Things are Meant to Be (31/34) - 05/04/10 08:24 AM
I didn't see the Cat thing coming. I would have thought she would have preferred to groom cats. lol

Poor Lois
Seme-- Hahaha. Well, both cats and dogs could be included in the job description! laugh

And you're right-- poor Lois...
As for the Cat storyline, are you noting it came out of left field or wondering where the inspiration came from?
Yeah, was thinking about the left field. It would have been great to see more glimpses and hints of her abusive short-term relationship earlier in the story. Not the actual abuse, just maybe a hint that she has a boyfriend. That he is nice. Later on, that she's not really happy. Etc.

Michael-- Ah...Well, I was meaning more to imply that she was promiscuous and that it was a one-night (or few-nights) stand which got abusive rather than a boyfriend type. But I'll think about what you said when I do my edits for the archive.
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