Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lynn S. M. The Case of the Flying Man (7/7) - 04/28/10 01:28 AM
The Case of the Flying Man (7/7)


It seemed to Clark as though the city of London were dissolving around him. Then he was back on his sofa giving his wife a not-very-brotherly hug. He leaned back to drink in the sight of the woman he loved more than life itself, and whom he had thought he might never see again. He shook his head. What made him think such a thought, especially when he was right in the middle of enjoying a rare night at home with Lois? For some reason, an image of Mr. Wells came to him, along with one of Lois dressed as a prostitute; but he couldn’t recall why. Strange.

He saw that his own befuddlement was mirrored by a similar look of confusion on Lois’ face. He decided to ask her about it.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. I just had the strangest feeling; kind of like the pins and needles of a foot waking up after being asleep, only over my whole body. But the sensation only lasted a second, and then it just disappeared. Do you think it means anything?”

Clark replied, “I don’t know. I guess time will tell.”

He then went back to conducting his own very personal research on his favorite subject.
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