Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Artemis Nighttime in the Daytime, 8/? - 04/21/10 02:20 PM
Since it has been so long since I’ve posted, I’m repeating the introduction to this story. Here is the TOC to the earlier parts: TOC here

This is my original version of an alt-universe story in the Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman universe. This Clark is similar to the one created in the LnC episode “Tempus, Anyone?” by John McNamara in that he was orphaned from the Kents at the age of ten, but his personal history diverges from there.

The time frame of this series of stories is 2003, 10 years after the LnC series. This is the second story in the series and follows “All the Daytime and the Nighttime.” It would be helpful for the reader to read that first. The premise here is what would happen if FBI Special Agent Clark Kent, undercover as Charlie King, a bartender, first met Lois Lane as Lola Dane singing at the Metro Club.


Superman turned back, pointing at Luthor, “Make it happen.”

Luthor held out his hands placating, “Me? I admit nothing. However, let's assume that these tests continue. You can't be every place at once, Superman. As long as you stay in Metropolis, innocent people will die. Are you willing to accept that responsibility? If I were you, I'd think about it.”

Calmly, Superman crossed his arms over his chest in what was becoming his iconic pose and continued in a smooth voice. “People were dying by accident, by villainy and some by their own hand before I showed up and they will continue to do so. What I can do is to get the rates of accidents and villainy down,” he narrowed his eyes at Luthor, “so more people live full and hopefully productive lives. How they live them is their choice. What I intend to do is to keep some people from trying to shorten them with increased violence and pandering to bad habits.”

Relaxing his pose a bit and trying to sound reasonable he continued, “None of us know what natural disaster will fall next.” Superman paused to note Luthor’s startled reaction. Did he know about Nightfall? “And I intend to help save what I can as best I can. With all your resources, you could help do that too.”

Another eye twitch showed on Luthor’s face. Superman continued further, "Like any other citizen of the planet, I must obey the law. I am not above it. You, it seems, believe you are. Either above it or in intentional violation of it."

Luthor tried to protest, “I hold a certain position in this city, this state, and, dare I say it, this country.”

Superman agreed with a nod of his head, “Yes, you do. And there is nothing that would please me more than to see you dethroned and behind bars, like any common criminal. That day will come.”

Turning to leave again, Superman got the last word, “Think of this Luthor, you have to live on this planet too. If it goes down, you go down.” On that word, he exited and hopped up on the railing again. “And if you ever want to find me, all you have to do is look up.”

With that, he slowly lifted off the railing, moved out several feet and just hovered there. Then in an eye blink he was gone and a sonic boom filled the air.


Part 8. The Interview

Clark didn’t know what to think about his little talk, as Superman, with Lex Luthor. He knew he had rattled Luthor’s confidence, but the man was a consummate high roller. Lex played his cards close to his vest and had the cold-blooded emotions of a born killer. But getting any proof of his wrongdoing was going to be very, very difficult for either Clark the government agent or Superman the superhero. But maybe Clark the newspaper reporter could do something to speed the process along.

Weaving between the high spires of Metropolis late at night, Superman knew he still needed to get his message of “I’m here to help” out to the world in the right way. He hated to admit that the tests had put him off his game. What he most wanted to have was the comfort only Lois could provide. But right now, he needed to face the interview with her alter ego, “Mad Dog Lane.”


Finally alone at her desk, Lois had watched everyone on the day crew depart the Daily Planet. The night crew had yet to show up, a fact that was not surprising on a busy news day. There was only so much the paper could hold. Lois was really not sure why she was still here, still hoping to get the interview with Superman that he had promised her. She had so much to ask this god in a cape and tights. Admittedly, some of it was of a personal nature. She found him very attractive. After all, what red-blooded female wouldn’t? What this meant in comparison to her relationship with Clark, she was unsure.

“Face it Lane, maybe a super being doesn’t like Earth women.” Well, it wouldn’t hurt to find out, would it? On that thought, it suddenly seemed hotter in the office. Lois slipped off her heels with a great sigh of relief, unbuttoned a few buttons on her blouse, ran her hands through her hair and propped her feet on her desk, rocking the office chair back. She had dispensed with her sling, but the right arm was still in an elastic bandage. She was staring at the colorful pile of M&M’s on her desk, wondering if taking her feet down was worth the pleasure of eating a few more when she heard a whoosh of air and felt a presence in the newsroom that hadn’t been there a moment before.

A shadow came her way, and a deep masculine voice said, “I hear you've been looking for me.”

Without turning to look, she knew who it was and answered to herself in a low voice, “All my life.”

Of course, Superman heard that. He stopped, momentarily unsure. Was he about to set Clark up for a fall? ‘Don’t think of yourself in the third person,’ he admonished mentally.

Lois closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She pulled her feet down, self-consciously pulling her short skirt down at the hem and turned to face her visitor. “Everybody's looking for you, wanting to know more about you.” Lois added in her thoughts, ‘And so do I.’

“Ah, Lois Lane, intrepid reporter for the Daily Planet.”

Was he mocking her? She looked at him closely and decided he was simply being sincere. “You know my name, but I don't really know yours.”

The deep voice continued. “Superman seems to have caught on.”

“Where are you from? I mean, you're not from Kansas, that's for sure.”

Superman walked forward to stand in front of Lois when she turned her chair sideways to her desk. “Frankly, I don’t know. I just know I can do all these things to help people. That’s why I am here. To help.”

Lois noticed his expression and read it as sincere and hopeful. But what did an alien – for he must be that since he could fly – know about human expressions?

Lois continued the conversation in a professional manner while her mind ran on a different track. “So you’ve said before.” Looking up at him so close to her, Lois said almost unintentionally, “You seem to have all the ... the parts ... of a man.”

Superman replied softly, “I am a man, Lois. Just like you are a woman…” The statement, full of innuendo, hung heavy on the air between them.

“Well, I am glad you're here, particularly since you saved my life after the accident on the I-95, but why are you here?”

This was more difficult than Clark thought it would be. She was so close, so pretty, so unbuttoned. He gulped out, sounding less businesslike. “To help.”

“To help who or what specifically?”

Superman gestured with a sweep of his arm, “The world, humanity, the good guys.”


Seeming flustered, he passed his hand through his hair, mussing it. “The bad guys?”

In full reporter mode, Lois gestured, “I need more of a quote, you know? Like 'I have not yet begun to fight.' Or 'Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.' If you said you were here to fight for truth or justice or the American way, something like that, that would be a quote.”

“Can I get back to you?”

Lois again waved dismissively, “I'm a reporter. I have deadlines. I have an editor who’s ravenous for copy he can print.” Seeing Superman take a long look around the office, she said softly. “We’re alone. I checked already.”

He continued to stand there, looking at her, looking like he was considering her suggestion for a motto. Finally, he said “Truth and justice sound good. You can use that.”

‘Truth, justice and the pleasuring of Lois Lane’ he added silently to himself. (note 1)


Lois stared up silently at Superman as he just continued to stand there, watching her with an unreadable expression on his face. Suddenly he started to chew his lower lip in a very human gesture. Then, with a softly mumbled, “I can’t do this,” he seemed to deflate from his stiff posture, turned and sat down in Lois’ guest chair, pulling his cape up to cover his knees. She saw him put his right spandex covered blue arm up on her desk and run his left again through his hair, messing it up further.

Superman looked her directly in the eyes. “Lois, I need your help.” He reached for her stapler, picked it up and began to play with it mimicking another nervous human habit.

Automatically, she found her voice saying incredulously, “You need my help? Whatever for?”

On a whim, Superman put down the stapler and extended his hand, palm up, out to Lois. He really had no clear idea why he was doing this or what he hoped to accomplish. He also had no idea of what he was going to say next.

Suddenly, something occurred to him. “Lois, would you put your hand in mine?”

Clark could see the surprise and doubt across her face and almost read her thoughts. ‘What was this super powered man up to?’ He smiled slightly, trying to allay her fears.

Timorously, she extended her good left arm and laid her hand palm down in his upturned right hand. To Clark, it felt like a small frightened bird had landed on his hand. He gently closed his hand around hers. He saw her eyes widen and he sighed in relief. “You feel it too,” he said softly.

She nodded her head yes, evidently speechless at the connection between them.

Suddenly the elevator dinged and the small hand of Lois flew out of his hand.

There was a rush of air as Superman vanished.

The elevator doors opened and the night editor emerged and walked down to the bullpen, waving acknowledgement at Lois with a cheery “Still here, Lane?”

“Hi Frank,” Lois replied and waved her bandaged arm back at him. “Yep, working late to get the next story.”

“Still on the Superman beat, I see,” he teased.

“Well, you never know when someone with such a busy schedule can show up.”

On the word, Clark jogged out from the direction of the Men’s room. He had wanted to change back to Clark, but had been afraid that the distraction of Lois would cause him to not be able to concentrate properly and he would wind up buck naked in front of her. Sometime he wouldn’t mind that, but not now and not in the newsroom. So he had supersped to the Men’s room to change.

Lois looked over at Clark as he came up to her desk. There was something funny about his hair, but she couldn’t place what the difference was. “Hi, there. You came into work here after all.” She smiled warmly at him.

He sat down in the same chair he had just vacated as Superman and heard her continue, “I was thinking you got stuck at the other place.” Clearly, she was referring to the FBI office. Now what was going to happen when he told her about his third job and a new persona?

Clark asked softly, “Are you done here for tonight? I thought maybe we could have a quiet late dinner at my place. I haven’t had dinner tonight. Too busy, like you.” Clark still didn’t have a real plan, but he figured getting somewhere private was paramount in any plan.

Lois hesitated. Clark thought he could read her mind. ‘Was Superman coming back?’

The elevator dinged again and three more of the night crew exited together. They all waved greetings and called out to Lois and Clark as they filed by. That certainly put paid to the idea of a private conversation in the Daily Planet bullpen.

To tip the decision in his favor, he continued. “I finally finished decorating my place and I wanted to show it off to you. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to have you over before. You’ve been so generous in hosting me at your place. Oh, and another thing, I don’t have my car with me.”

Lois looked puzzled. “You didn’t drive over?”

Shaking his head in the negative, Clark said, “No. Someone dropped me off. I hope you don’t mind driving.” He looked at her bandaged arm. “If your arm still hurts, I can drive your car to my place and then take you home after dinner. My place is somewhat on the way to yours from here.”

“How will you get back to your place?”

Ah, the ever practical Lois Lane. “Cab? Bus? Walk?” He finished the thought to himself hopefully, ‘Fly?’ Clark continued, “It’s a nice night. It won’t be a problem. I have to do my daily physical training anyway.” He smiled a half-megawatt smile to cajole her.

After looking at the smile, Lois acquiesced. “O.K. You’re on, Clark.”

Clark smiled a full megawatt and held out his hand to Lois in the exact same posture he had used as Superman.

Lois gladly laid her good hand in his and wondered why she felt an electric tingle again.


The Metropolis apartment Clark Kent had chosen was not in the nicest part of the city, but it was in an older section with a lot of character and charm, had been renovated with modern plumbing, and had good security.

Clark was also pleased that Lois had let him drive her newly repaired Grand Cherokee Jeep, which he drove with great skill and professionalism to his place. She seemed somewhat distracted and stared out the passenger window several times, ending each time by looking up.

Clark pulled up to the garage gate and began to exit the Jeep. “Wait here, I’ve got to punch in the code. The automatic opener is in my car inside.”

Lois nodded and watched Clark go over to the gate. He moved with a grace and power doing that simple task that she really hadn’t noticed before. Why was that? Had she stopped really looking at him since he had cooled off their relationship after that one morning after the White Orchid Ball? But then recently in the conference room, things seemed to be heating up again. Was he going to come clean about his apparently ricocheting emotions tonight at dinner?

He turned and came back to the Jeep, evidently seeing something in Lois’ expression and gave her a warm smile. “There we go,” he said softly as he slipped back under the wheel. He pulled in smoothly next to his own car, which Lois recognized from that Mad Hatter’s wild ride after the Ball, picking her up at her parents after her hospital stay and the side trip to the Costmart parking lot. Hmm, a lot of the important things in her life were connected to that car, she mused.

Clark turned off the engine and handed her the keys. “This is Mrs. McDonough’s space and she doesn’t drive anymore. So she lets me use it if I have guests.” Clark looked at her rather blank expression and put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently, asking softly, “Are you alright?”

Lois smiled at him. “Yes I’m fine, Clark. Just tired, I guess.”

Clark smiled back, “Here let me get the door for you. That arm must still hurt.” With that, Clark helped Lois exit the car, took her up the garage elevator to the fifth floor and his apartment. He was truly thankful his keys had survived the several costume changes to Superman and back. Somehow he felt Lois would be shocked if he picked up his key from the flowerpot beside the door.


After Clark took her coat, Lois went over to the bookcase and started reading the titles there. “Do you mind if I look around, Clark? You have a very interesting book collection. Wow, some of them are in foreign languages.” He noticed her running her fingers gently over the spines. The gesture sent a shiver down his spine as he thought about her touching him.

Clark cleared his throat. What was she talking about? Oh, yeah. “Those are from my travels. Souvenirs, really. And I certainly don’t mind you looking around, Lois. Go ahead. Getting this stuff here from Virginia and Kansas is what held up having my place ready.”

He hung up his coat and moved directly over to the kitchen area to begin preparing the food. “By the way, do you mind Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner?”

“Leftovers?” Lois was a little surprised and looked over at Clark in the kitchen, holding the freezer door open.

He smiled and laughed. “You won’t be disappointed. It’s a Kansas farm Thanksgiving and my mother Sarah is a great cook. Not to mention my sister Rita, who is a domestic goddess. My brother Pete and I do manly things like run to the grocery store for them and chop wood for the fireplace. Which is for effect more than heat since they have a furnace.”

Intrigued by this family tableau, Lois asked, “What about your father?”

“If he can make it, we just let him preside over the table festivities.”

“If he can make it?”

“My father is the family doctor for Smallville and the smaller villages around. For some reason, babies love arriving at holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” She smiled back. There was no fireplace in this apartment, but she felt warmed by the atmosphere and easy conversation.
“When my Dad was stationed in Naples, there were many small villages in the countryside. We used to go out to see the festivals and attend Mass on Christmas Eve.” At his look, she replied, “No. We’re not Catholic, but the services were just too beautiful to miss. Dad always believed in cultural diversity.”

“Good for him. I’m a big fan of cultural diversity myself.” Clark continued the thought to himself, ‘You can’t be more diverse than an alien.’

Lois sashayed over to him and flirtingly said, “I learned how to sing when I sang with the church choir in Italy.”

“I wondered where you learned that. Certainly not in journalism school. They taught you very well! Your singing at the Metro Club was bellisima, but somehow, I don’t think they taught you those songs.” His voice rumbled in his chest and he ached to kiss her, right here, right now. Why not? He did admit to some fear she might not feel as warm to him after he told her he had to go knock a rock out of its orbit to save Earth.

The kiss was long, deep and full of promise. They both had hopes for that promise as they slowly moved apart. Clark ended the by raising his hands to her neck, then running down her shoulders and gripping them gently. He felt her shiver beneath his hands. He continued his touch along her arms, very conscious of her damaged right one, and then entwined her fingers with his. Slowly he brought their joined hands between them and stepped back. He raised her hands to his lips and gently kissed them just before he let go.

“Dinner. Let me get dinner started or we may forget to eat,“ Clark whispered.

“Would that be so bad?”

He needed to be as tough as steel at this minute. Their future, and the future of this planet, depended on it.

“Maybe tonight it would be,” he said mysteriously. “You go look around the place and critique my decorating skills and I’ll go demonstrate my microwaving skills.”
Clark began removing plastic containers from the freezer and putting them on the counter. “Oh,” he said casually, “if you want to use the bathroom, you have to go through the bedroom.” He looked up at her and shrugged a shoulder. “Sorry about that, but it is a bachelor pad. But feel free to use it and to look around. There are no girly photos hanging about.” He winked and turned back to his work.


Lois did as he suggested and wandered into the bedroom and saw the bathroom. Each room was painted in pleasing, soothing colors and the curtains, bed linens, towels and artwork were coordinated. “Wow, Clark has quite and eye and a talent for decorating.”

Lois had said that softly aloud and it caused Clark to look through his bookcase and interior wall to see her standing before the large window, admiring the non-view. The non-view patio afforded him the chance to depart and return unseen. He’d chosen this location before he had a costume to hide his identity, but it would work just as well for Superman in his garish colors.

As she continued back into the kitchen/living room area, Lois noticed his desk.
A small laptop computer sat in front of family photos. These were more recent photos of the family grouping she had seen in the Smallville Sentinel showing Clark with Pete, Rita and his parents Sarah and Roger. Another photo showed Pete at a dais at some astronomy convention based on the information on the screen behind him. Beside the pictures sat a small plaque with the inscription “Those that speak do not know; those who know do not speak.” That was weird. Lois’ father had the same sign on his desk at home.

While Lois was busy investigating his apartment, Clark put the turkey, twice-baked potatoes and vegetables in shifts through the microwave. But for his Mother’s secret gravy he used his heat vision so he could heat it and stir it simultaneously. He also set his coffee pot to perking. The perking sound reminded him of his revelation to his sister Rita. He could only hope this one would go as well. It was definitely more important to him.

He must have been distracted, because he suddenly felt fingers walking up his back. Hastily putting his glasses back on, he turned with a smile and found himself with an armful of Lois. “Hi there, beautiful. Have a nice walk?”

Lois smiled. “The tour of your apartment, or the finger walk up your back?”

Clark smiled back. “Both. But I enjoyed the last one the best.”

Just then, the microwave dinged. “That’s it. Dinner is served, Madam.”

“But I’d rather do this,” Lois protested. Her stomach then burbled, probably at the scent of the good food. She sighed, “Yes, I guess it is time to eat.”


Lois leaned back in her chair. “You were right. That was fantastic food. If it is this good reheated, what was it like the fresh at Thanksgiving dinner?”

Leaning back as well, Clark smiled. “Actually, pretty much the same. It’s all in the skill of the microwaving to not overcook it. How about some oolong tea to finish up?”

“Oolong? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it. My family is pretty much coffee country. Not to mention my driving need for caffeine in the morning.”

“I’ll remember that. Why don’t you go sit on the couch and I’ll get the tea started.”
Clark cleared the dishes and began a commentary on the tea to cover his nervousness.

“Oolong tea is both a green and black tea and the name in Chinese means ‘black dragon tea.’ I discovered it during my travels to the Wuyi Mountains in
Northern Fujian, a province on the southeast coast of China. This is the most popular tea served here in Chinese restaurants.”

Clark moved over to the couch, carrying a glass jar with curly black leaves in it and a glass teapot and two empty cups. This was a classier version of what he had shown to Rita and he hoped for the same quiet understanding after his little demonstration. Setting the items on the wood coffee table, Clark continued in a professorial manner, “Notice the holes in the glass jar. This goes inside the tea pot. It’s not necessary to use a glass teapot, but it sort of makes the whole thing more fun. Generally you use 2 teaspoons of tea per cup of water. This is a four cup glass teapot.”

Lois stared at Clark in total confusion, noticing he was apparently not noticing her reaction. ‘What is all this going on about tea about? I thought maybe we’d be snuggling on the couch.’

Apparently continuing smoothly, although he was as nervous as the proverbial cat on a hot tin roof, Clark said, “Oolong teas should be heated to 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit and steeped three to four minutes. Good quality Oolong can be brewed several times from the same leaves and actually improves with reuse. Most teas don’t. It is common to brew the same leaves three to five times, the last being best. But these are fresh leaves, so we’ll see how good it is.”

Clark continued, “The purists think any tea that comes in small dunkable bags is not fit to drink.” Turning toward Lois on the couch he finally acknowledged her total bewilderment but seeming acceptance of whatever mysterious thing he was doing.

Taking a deep breath, he said in a deeper voice, “Lois, I need your help.” Extending his hand toward her, she took it and he felt the familiar sensation and suddenly was positive this was the right thing to do. She indeed was the one. Never in his life had he felt this way about a woman.

Looking at him quizzically, Lois wondered why that sounded so familiar. But why would it? This was Charlie King the bartender from the Metro Club, and this was Clark Kent, FBI agent now stationed in Metropolis, and this was Clark Kent undercover as a reporter at the Daily Planet on the track of Lex Luthor and his illegal and nefarious activities.

Clark continued, “Actually the world needs your help. I really can’t do this alone anymore.”

“What on Earth are you talking about? Why does the world need my help and how can I help? And what can’t you do alone?”

“Actually, more accurately, I don’t want to do this alone anymore.” With a gentle squeeze, he let go of Lois’ hand and turned back to look at the tea pot on the coffee table again. He rather dramatically removed his glasses and put them to the side. Lois was now seeing him in profile. Staring intently at the glass teapot and not wanting it to boil, he had to ramp up the heat slowly. The aroma of tea began to fill the air around them.

Clark turned back to Lois to look at her. Seeing him full in the face without his glasses, Lois breathed, “Oh, my God.”

With a quirk of smile, Clark said softly, “Lois, I’m Superman and I’m here to help. And to do that right, I need your help.”

Lois was stunned, floored, dumbfounded and speechless. For a moment, anyway. Then she grinned impishly and wisecracked, “Well, I guess you do really have all the parts of a man.”

Clark regarded her in silence as a blush crept slowly up his face. “Lois!”

Her eyebrow arched. “You can’t deny it. Not to me anyway,” she teased.

Clark felt relief at her teasing and seeming easy acceptance of all of who he was.

“No, I can’t.” He again reached a hand out to her good hand. “And you have all the parts of a woman. A very beautiful woman. A very desirable woman,” he said deep voice.

“So that means I get to interview you right here, right now?”

“Yes, you do. I’ll tell you the whole story, but you can’t print all of it and you will see why. First, you do know that my brother Pete is an Associate Professor of Astronomy at KU…”

Clark poured out his whole story to her; his childhood, wandering the Earth, the trip to Antarctica, the impending doom from the asteroid, Luthor’s tests of his abilities and his confrontation with Luthor. She was particularly fascinated by his recounting of that incident. Somewhere in the middle of all this, he poured tea for them and they both drank it.

After quite a while, a more relaxed Clark put his left leg up on the sofa, his left arm on the back propping up his head and said, “Well, I’ve talked a long time. Do you have any questions?”

“So if I understand right, you’ve had these powers…”

“I prefer abilities…”

“These abilities since you were 16?”

“Yes, I in varying degrees. They all take time to develop fully.”

“So you had them during the whole Metro Club slash Toaster’s thing?”


“The getting me out of the fire?”


“The amazingly well placed hole in the wall?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“The water tank that doused the Toasters?”

“Yes, the best way to short circuit them.”

“Did Toni Taylor know about you?”

“No way! The only people who know are my sister, my brother and now you.”


“Nope. Not that I’ve told him though. I don’t know, that guy is really perceptive.”

“So who made that amazing…er, disguise you wear?”

“My sister Rita.”

Lois’ eyebrow arched again.

“She measured the wetsuit I wore to the moon,” he stated in protest at her apparent thought.

“You’ve been to the moon? How?”

“I put on my wetsuit and air tank and flew there. Why?”

Lois just shook her head and said softly, “This is a lot to take in. Maybe you can really move that asteroid.”

“I have to try, Lois. Otherwise they’ll try to blast it with nukes, which could actually be worse for the planet. They have evidence that the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago was only four times bigger than Nightfall.”

Suddenly Lois dropped his hand and got up to pace and wave her arms. She just simply couldn’t sit still anymore. “You have to admit, this is a lot to take in.”

Clark sat back in the couch and looked at her with a mixture of relief at her taking this so well and amusement at her being so true to her personality. “I agree.”

“And although my mind can sort of grasp it, the big city girl in me doubts it.”

“So what can I do to help prove it to you?”

Clark saw her wet her lips before posing the impending question. “Oh, oh, this is it,” he thought.

“Take me flying,” Lois asked in a small voice.

“Gladly,” Clark said in obvious relief. "It’s getting late. How about I fly you to your place and then come pick you up for work in the morning in your Jeep?”

Clark got up and motioned to her to stand there. He zipped into his bedroom to change, still not confident he could do it smoothly and zipped back out before she could reply.

Lois’ jaw dropped as he stood before her as Superman. “Wow. I guess I just needed to see for myself.”

Clark smiled at her, reached out his hand and cupped her cheek and brought her in for their first kiss while he was The Suit.

(Note 1) Thanks to Sue S.

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