Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: amberlea Ficathon: House Is Where the Hurt Is (5/7?) - 04/13/10 10:03 AM
As usual, thanks to my beta IolantheAlias!

Here's the TOC .

From part 4:
“Well, I just had an interesting conversation with the two people who drove from Metropolis to visit him. So you might start with them.” House turned and started to make his way to his desk. “Oh, and check for drug use while you're at it,” he threw over his shoulder.

Foreman, Cameron, and Chase pushed back from the table. Dr. Foreman shook his head slightly as he gathered his notes. Dr. Cameron rolled her eyes in the general direction of House.


Part 5:

Dr. Chase slid open the glass door to Adam's room, and the trio of doctors entered. The room was silent as they entered, as if the occupants had been awaiting company.

“I'm Dr. Chase,” he began, as he approached a cabinet and pulled out some supplies. “I'm going to take some blood to run some tests.” He looked up at Adam, who nodded slightly in affirmation. Dr. Chase set to work.

Clark watched with morbid fascination as Dr. Chase inserted a needle into what should have been invulnerable skin.

Lois turned an appraising glance on each of the newcomers, then observed as Dr. Chase finished drawing blood. “What are you testing for?”

With the practiced ease of someone accustomed to evading a question, Dr. Chase replied in a reassuring voice, made all the more soothing with his pleasant accent, “Just running some tests to figure out what's wrong with Adam. We'll have some results in a few hours.” Disposing of the trash in the bio-hazard bin, he left the room.

Dr. Foreman stepped forward, to the end of Adam's bed. Addressing Adam, he introduced himself and his colleague. “I'm Dr. Foreman, and this is Dr. Cameron. Are these relatives of yours?”

Adam shook his head.


Adam nodded.

Lois took the opportunity to introduce herself. “I'm Lois Lane, and this is Clark Kent.”

Dr. Foreman nodded in perfunctory greeting. His focus turned back to Adam. “Okay. I need to ask you some questions, find out your history to assist in our diagnosis.” At Adam's expression of understanding, he consulted his notes. “You've been living in India, correct?”

Adam nodded.

“How long?”

Adam looked to Clark for help. Clark supplied the answer, “About two years.”

Dr, Foreman glanced at Clark, then jotted down his response.

“Do you have a job?”

Adam shook his head, but then met Clark's gaze again.

“He was studying under some religious teachers. In return for their teachings, he would do odd jobs, handyman-type work.”

Dr. Foreman looked at Adam, who affirmed Clark's explanation. “Okay. Have you been injured recently?”

A negative response from Adam.

“Have you had any of these or other symptoms before?”

Intent on his notes, Dr. Foreman missed the look that passed between Adam and Lois and Clark. When he did look up, Adam shook his head.

“Any drug use?”

Another negative.

Dr. Cameron stepped up. “What about in religious ceremonies? Or any homeopathic or herbal medicines used?”

Adam paused, genuinely considering the question. In the end, he shook his head once more.

Dr. Cameron persisted. “Were you knowingly exposed to any diseases? Did you come in contact with any sick people?”

Adam nodded. He looked at Clark beseechingly, needing Clark to be his voice and explain what he could not.

“I think,” Clark spoke slowly, “that Adam probably did a lot of work in the slums and with the untouchable caste as part of his religious studies.” He looked to Adam for confirmation, then continued. “So he's probably been exposed to some things, but I don't think he was knowingly infected.” The knowledge that Adam should not have been affected by anything he came in contact with was a silent weight hanging around him and Lois and Clark.

Adam made eye contact with Dr. Foreman again, awaiting the next question, but it was Dr. Cameron who spoke up. “Is there anything else you can think of? Anything at all that might help us with your diagnosis?” She deliberately made eye contact with Lois and Clark as well as Adam.

With a small, helpless shrug, Adam shook his head. Dr. Foreman finished his notes, closed the folder, and exited the room, followed by Dr. Cameron.


“Blood tests came back negative for drug use,” Dr. Chase reported as he dropped a folder on the table and dropped his seat into a chair.

The announcement was met with frustrated silence, save for the “bounce...bounce...thunk” of House's rubber ball hitting the floor, then the wall, then returning to his hand.

After a moment, Dr. Foreman spoke up. “Could it be associated with the train derailment?”

Bounce. Bounce. Thunk. “Well, unless Supey has flown over a bunch more people that I haven't heard about, I'd say no.” Bounce. Bounce. Thunk. Sarcastic responses did not require more concentration from House than was necessary to maintain the ball bouncing rhythm.

“He's done some work in the slums. It's possible he contracted something.” Dr. Foreman stared at his notes, willing the answers to appear.

“Symptoms don't point to anything specific,” Dr. Chase countered.

Another silence, then Dr. Cameron stated, “They're not telling us everything.”

Thunk. House was too stunned to release the ball again. “I'm sorry, did I just hear that right? Cameron thinks someone is lying?” Even his disbelief was sarcastic.

“I didn't say they were lying. I just don't think they're telling us everything,” Cameron retorted, unwilling to be sucked into House's distorted view of humanity.

House took aim again. Bounce. Bounce. Thunk.

Bounce. Bounce. Thunk.

Bounce. Bounce. Thunk.

Bounce. Bounce. Thunk. Suddenly he stopped. “Well, why are you all sitting there? Chase and Foreman should be testing for the smorgasbord of third world diseases, and Cameron should be getting more information from our patient and his mouthpieces.”


“How are you feeling, Adam? Are you tired?” Lois noticed the drawn look on his face with concern.

Adam laid his head back on the pillow in response.

“I know we haven't really had a chance to discuss this, Adam, but I want you to know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you get better,” Clark stated emphatically.

Wide-eyed, Adam's head shot up from the pillow. With tremendous effort, he managed, “N...n...n...no!” He grabbed Clark's hand and squeezed hard, shaking his head.

Lois took hold of Adam's other hand and squeezed gently. “Okay, Adam, it's okay. But if it comes down to it, can we tell them as much as we need to so they can help you?”

Adam turned an imploring expression on Lois.

“What if we promise not to tell them everything?” she asked, with a meaningful glance at Clark.

Adam looked at Clark and then back at Lois. He nodded, then relaxed, once again laying his head on the pillow.

With a small squeeze, Lois placed Adam's hand down on the bed, unfolding her fingers from his. “We'll get some coffee and be back in a little bit,” she whispered.


Seated in the nearly deserted cafeteria, Lois and Clark were conversing in hushed tones when Dr. Cameron approached.

“May I join you?” Dr. Cameron indicated an empty chair at the table.

Lois nodded as Clark greeted the doctor. “Good evening, Dr. Cameron.”

When she was seated, Lois cut to the chase. “How can we help you?”

Apparently dissembling, Cameron said, “House said that you drove from Metropolis. Are you good friends of Adam's?”

“Yes,” Lois replied neutrally.

“How long have you known him?” Cameron continued, conversationally.

“About two years,” Lois answered in the same expressionless tone as before.

“How did you meet?” Cameron gave no indication that she was aware of Lois's less-than-friendly attitude.

“We met through a story we were working on.”

Cameron was impressed with Lois's ability to answer questions without actually providing any information. She glanced over at Clark, who was studiously gazing into his coffee cup.

Deciding the disarming approach was going to be useless on these two, Cameron went for a different method. “What aren't you telling us?” she asked, directly but not accusingly.

Clark looked up from the his coffee cup to meet Lois's eyes. Before either of them could answer, or lie, Cameron's pager sounded. With a deft move, she grabbed it and checked the display as she stood. “I have to go,” she muttered as she dashed off.

Wordlessly, Lois pushed away from the table as Clark gathered their coffee cups and threw them away. Not more than half a dozen steps behind her, they followed Dr. Cameron to Adam's room.


to be continued...
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