Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Ice Blue 1/? - 03/03/10 06:52 PM
I decided to respond to the challenge myself. laugh It hasn't been beta'd, so I wasn't sure whether to post it, but after some thought, I decided to just go for it. Hope you enjoy. smile

Ice Blue

He’d been reaching for something in his desk drawer when his fingers came to rest on the glittering piece of jewelry. Ah, yes, such a tragedy that had been. He took it out and inspected it once more, threading it through his fingers.

It was a gross miscalculation on his part; he’d honestly thought she’d like it, or at the very least, look radiant in it. She was beautiful, and the only woman of her kind in existence. It seemed fitting that something so rare and lovely should be appropriately decorated with something equally exotic. Such a pity….

His musings were interrupted by Nigel’s approaching footsteps. Without looking up, he replaced the necklace in the drawer and took a long drag on his cigar. “Tell me, Nigel.” He exhaled, letting the fumes waft into the air and fill the room with the smell of finest Cubans. “Who is the most powerful man in the world?”

“By all accounts, Sir, that would be you,” came Nigel’s regular reply.

Lex smiled, leaning back in his chair and stretching his legs out onto his desk . “Go on.”

“LexCorp industries have all done exceedingly well this quarter,” Nigel continued, “Which combined with the…untimely…death of Mr. Francis DuPont, and subsequent acquisition of his assets, makes you now the fourth richest man in the world.”

“<Mr. Luthor…>” His secretary’s voice cut in over the intercom. “<You have a young visitor...>”

He reached over and press the button. “I’m busy. Send him away.”

“<Yes sir.>”

With that interruption out of the way, Luthor waved for Nigel to continue.

Nigel obliged. “Recent territory disputes have been settled in our favor, extending our reach into Metropolis’ south side…”


The years that followed were just as kind to Luthor. His empire expanded; his grip on the police tightened; his laboratories’ innovations even helped him to elude the ravages of aging. Nothing could stop him.

With a smirk, he stared out the window of his penthouse, clipping the end off of a cigar as he surveyed his kingdom.

As if on cue, Nigel entered.

“Tell me, Nigel,” he said, his smirk broadening into a grin. “Who is the most powerful man in the world?"

Nigel was silent.

Lex turned around, his forehead crinkling with a frown. “Nigel?” he pressed.

“He’s gotten stronger, Sir,” came his valet’s reply.

After a long pause, Lex lowered his cigar. “How much stronger?”

“His strength has spiked considerably since his last physical,” Nigel replied. “He is now capable of lifting a sixteen-wheel truck with ease. Also, his senses are definitely far beyond the normal range…”

Lex sank into his chair as Nigel gave him the lab’s latest report. By the time he finished, the grin from earlier had devolved into a full glare. “Well then,” he said quietly. “This is…unfortunate. He will need to be…dealt with.” He glanced at the forgotten cigar and, after some consideration, tossed it in the waste basket and pulled a new one out of the case.

“With due respect, Sir,” said Nigel, “might he not be a valuable asset? He is, after all, your step-son.”

Lex shook his head, lighting the cigar. “No. No, I think not. Where you see an asset, I see a liability. A complication. Besides, Nigel….” He leaned back and took a long drag. “Think of the great benefits to science that an extraterrestrial corpse would provide.”

He reached over and hit the button for the intercom. “Have Mr. Ochotnik brought to my office.”


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