Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Female Hawk FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 04:19 AM
FDK goes here.


Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 06:00 AM
Was it kinder to warn her before they left? Or kinder to let things take their course and try to be there for her when she had to face that not even the magic of a Caribbean paradise could achieve the impossible.
Option 2. And it should be interesting clap
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 07:54 AM
I'm anxiously waiting for their talk. And I really hope that Martha and Jonathan are all right. Maybe they've packed their bags to talk some sense into their son? (Hopefully!!!) thumbsup
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 09:37 AM
Good part!

I have to admit that I have been imagining several endings to this fic, most of which have Lois give up her job to become a housewife, so that she can always be at home to welcome Clark when he comes home, so that he won't feel neglected. I have not been happy with these imagined endings, which is part of the reason why I have reacted testily to this fic.

But this was so much nicer! Lois and Clark are working together again, as the hottest team in town. I won't protest if Lois gives up her editor job to become a reporter again so she can work with Clark, as long as she doesn't have to stay home all day to persuade Clark not to leave her.

There was something ominous about Martha and Jonathan's absence. Let's see where you will be taking this.

Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 11:48 AM
Aw, this was so nice!

I loved seeing them fall in love all over again.

Watching them work together was also nice. It reminded me of the scene in the show where Luthor's ex has found a Lois Lane look-alike (sorry, I forget the name of that episode). There's a scene where they are out on the sidewalk and Lois hooks her arm in Clark's and asks if he thinks she is crazy. He responds to the effect that he thinks she is brilliant, "but there's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy". That is the mood I got reading this. The two of them off investigating, enjoying each other's company.

I was a bit surprised that Lois put off Clark every time he brought up that they needed to talk. Was she "being Clark" (and thinking it would be better to just be a friend without doing too much analysing), or was she really that anxious to go out and investigate the case with Clark, or what?

It never occurred to me that Lois would quit her job to stay home with kids. Just because that seems out-of-character for Lois. I wouldn't have had a problem with it, per se, if that's what happened, I just would have been a bit surprised. You had another story (if I recall - how embarrassing if it turns out to be someone else's story! blush ) where Lucy ended up watching both her own and Lois's kids during the day while Lois worked. That seemed like a good compromise to me. But, to be honest, as long as it were written convincingly, and it was Lois's own decision, I wouldn't have a problem with her either continuing to work or staying home. Assuming she ever becomes a mother.

So, Clark is really going off on the vacation, huh? I can't wait to read that part! laugh
Posted By: Seme Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 12:21 PM
i'm still loving this story. It's so cute the way they are both falling in love all over again.
Well written, it's so vivid I can actually picture what they are going through
Posted By: elizabeth Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 02:25 PM
Nice work! Sorry I haven't posted after every chapter - RL has been quite busy of late - but I am following each one with great interest.

I agree with the others; it is nice to see them 'fall in love all over again'.

I wonder if Clark just used Jonathan and Martha's not answering their phones as an excuse to go visit them so he could have another chat with his Mom.... and if so this is a nice wee red herring in the closing lines of the chapter. smile

Great stuff, eagerly awaiting the next instalment.

Posted By: EvelynC Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 02/28/10 05:59 PM
smile1 They finally had the start of some good conversations, although they ended too soon by one of them or the other. Lois is doing a wonderful job of making Clark feel cherished and wanted; just taking a day off to spend time with him at home or working on the story, that together with the evening before, looks to me like it has given him enough so that now he is coming to realize that he cannot leave her or try to force her to leave, and he's already not shutting her out so much.

Their falling in love all over again is so wonderful. That's what keeps marriages going through tough times: you keep remembering why you married them, why you love them, and work on communicating that and renewing your commitment to each other; sometimes one partner giving more than the other. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it also takes a lot of effort, very worthwhile, but a lot of hard work. Lois has really stepped up to it now with the reaching out during the evening and next day, and it appears that Clark over the past year had been doing his best to accommodate what he thought Lois needed -- supporting her being Editor and what he thought was her need to escape not being able to have a child, until he started panicking over her tears.

“Lois,” he began. “Lois, you need to accept that we can’t -.”
I'm getting the feeling that Lois cut him off here because she's afraid that the talk he wants to have is about the trip and that the weekend away won't be enough to fix their marriage and that's why he doesn't want to go; but we see that Clark is trying to talk to her to make sure she knows that the weekend away is not going to bring them the child she wants. I think Clark took a huge step in bringing this up when they were having such a lovely breakfast in bed, and after he had been trying to decide if he needs to make sure she knows that before they go or be there for her after (for which I think the answer should be both, as she needs to know asap what’s really on his mind, and he what’s on her mind and support each other no matter what happens).

It is frustrating that they still didn't have the talk they need to really communicate and get on the same page, however they've already come a long way and their hope in each other for their relationship is building. But they both still "have a lot of 'splaining to do." clap
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 9/15 - 03/04/10 07:39 PM
I'm hopelessly behind in responding to FDK blush


There’s not much story left…
No comment, just highlighting that you said it laugh

Thanks, Michael.

Bakasi We get to most of the talk in 12. Hope you like it when you get to it.


Ann I don't think Clark has complained once about Lois's long hours, so it is unlikely that he would force her into giving up her job.

But this was so much nicer! Lois and Clark are working together again, as the hottest team in town.
I do understand that you didn't like the way I pulled Lois and Clark apart, but in order to justify putting them back together again, we had to start with a situation that had deteriorated.

Thanks for the FDK, Ann.


I was a bit surprised that Lois put off Clark every time he brought up that they needed to talk. Was she "being Clark" (and thinking it would be better to just be a friend without doing too much analysing), or was she really that anxious to go out and investigate the case with Clark, or what?
Basically, yes. She wanted to build the bridge before they tried to cross it ... or put another way, she wanted them to have a good base of closeness before they tackled the possibly more contentious issues.

Assuming she ever becomes a mother.
Yeah ... maybe it's because I said there would be happy ending. smile1


I wonder if Clark just used Jonathan and Martha's not answering their phones as an excuse to go visit them so he could have another chat with his Mom
Uhmm - I didn't think of that.

Thanks for your FDK.

Evelyn I enjoyed your musings about marriage generally and this situation specifically. Of course, as readers, we see both sides and just want them to sit down and spill their feelings. But they don't know what the other is thinking ... and I think in RL, relationships are rarely so simple that the first attempt at a heart-to-heart chat fixes everything. Sometimes you 'test the water' with a comment, but don't take it any further right then.

I think the arrangements for child care are very individual for each couple. My husband and I did what we believed was best ... and it was for us. We have no regrets. I think you hope that others, whatever their decision, reach the same place.

Thanks, Evelyn

DW Thanks for the comments. It certainly took Clark a little while to fight his way out of the fog and start to see things a little more clearly.

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