Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Female Hawk FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/25/10 04:12 PM
I have a huge weekend in RL, but will try to find the time to post 9 sometime during the next 2 days.

Thanks to everyone for reading and giving FDK.

Posted By: robinson Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/25/10 06:56 PM
That was so sweet and lovely. I loved how Lois made Clark's favorite pizza and he made the dessert pizza. You could almost see them falling in love again.

They are finding ways to have kids in their life without being their natural born parents. I am a firm believer that teenagers need people in their lives that are young professionals with no children.

Posted By: Seme Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/25/10 07:29 PM
I agree with u Robinson.

Great addition Hawk. Hope u'll find the time 2 post part9.
Posted By: sarahg Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/25/10 07:52 PM
i need a pizza, yummy! and great part!

hope your weekend goes well!
Posted By: flowerpot Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/25/10 08:14 PM
that's really sweet... love the characters, especially vivienne.

you can tell from the snippets the history clark has with them... probably earning their trust over time..

was lois at all aware of all the time he's spent with them? surely it would've come up in conversations?

good to see them both relaxed and just enjoying each others' company for once.
Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/26/10 07:02 AM
Oh, wow, this was so beautifully written! notworthy

You did an excellent job of setting the scene and creating a mood for this pizza party.

Flowerpot's comment was very insightful - your snippets *do* show the history Clark has with these kids. At least Clark was doing something productive with his time, rather than sitting alone at home night after night (which was sort of the image I had been forming in my mind up until now.) How sad that Lois was so off in her own world she never realized. (Actually, I do believe you mention in an earlier chapter something about his volunteering with a youth group, so Lois had a factual knowledge of his activities, but I don't think she, or I, realized the kind of emotional involvement he had developed with these kids.) Her actions tonight, though, were very encouraging.

My best line of the chapter was Lois's simple statement about "Clark being Clark." And tonight, we got a chance to see just that - Clark being Clark. He is able to joke and pal around with these kids, but at the same time he is very much the adult. We see how he gently guides, leads, and admonishes them. I *loved* how he instructs the young men in the basics of gentlemanly manners. And his invitation to 'come back when you're married and you can kiss you wife at my table' was so cute! What a great father he would be. How sad that they are unable to have, or even adopt, children.

All together a thoroughly enjoyable chapter. I'm looking forward to MORE!

Good luck this weekend with whatever it is your plans are. I hope all goes well.
Posted By: DW Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/26/10 12:22 PM
I loved this part - it was so happy, fun and the dessert pizza - wish I could have one of those smile1
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/26/10 01:05 PM
Another great part! Left me feeling all warm and fuzzy in between. hyper

Posted By: EvelynC Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/26/10 08:31 PM
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/27/10 03:19 AM
I have been far too critical of this fic, and when I said that Clark only wanted Lois if she could have a child, I knew I was being completely wrong and unfair even as I wrote it.

For all of that, I think that a major injustice is being done to Lois here. I think it has to do at least partly with the assumptions of how much time Clark and Lois can be expected to have at their disposal, and what they are supposed to do with their time.

A major theme of this fic is that Lois has misused her time. She has spent, almost wasted, all of her time at work, and therefore she has had little or no time for what really matters. She has, for example, had little time for her sister:

The sisters had a reasonably good relationship ... had, occasionally, experienced times of closeness when they had more openly shared their feelings and hopes and dreams.

But ... this last year.

Lois sighed.

This last year.

This last year, her life had been nothing ... except work.
Not only has she ignored her sister, but she has not stayed in touch with Perry:

Lois shivered a little with anticipation as she waited for her knock to be answered. She hadn't been sure about coming, but now she was here, she realised her instincts hadn't failed her.

The door opened and there he was – Lois sprang into his arms and let his comforting presence encompass her. Then, she leant back and drank in his big smile.

“Perry,” she said. “It's so good to see you.”

His grin was like a salve. “Darlin',” he said. “It does an old man good to see your pretty face.”
And she has ignored Clark, thereby leaving Clark with an ocean of lonely time that he has had to fill by coming up with creative solutions. He has, for example, apparently spent a lot of time with the teenagers that we met in chapter eight:
you can tell from the snippets the history clark has with them... probably earning their trust over time..

was lois at all aware of all the time he's spent with them? surely it would've come up in conversations?
Vicki agreed with Flowerpot that Clark had probably spent quite a lot of time with the teenagers to fill his lonely evenings:
At least Clark was doing something productive with his time, rather than sitting alone at home night after night (which was sort of the image I had been forming in my mind up until now.)
But seriously, would there be anything else that Clark could do with his time, apart from being a coach and mentor for some teenagers? Well, for starters Clark is Superman. What would Superman be expected to do with his time? I checked out USA Today just a few minutes ago to find out what Superman would have been expected to do right this minute, if he had existed:

Winter storm slams Northeast

Severe weather cuts power to at least 1 million people and disrupts travel.
8.8-magnitude earthquake hits central Chile
The earthquake would certainly require Superman to be in Chile perhaps for days in a row to help out. And if he needed to take a break from the earthquake chaos, well, there would always be the people hit by the winter storm in the United States to require his assistance.

Anyway, Clark lives in Metropolis. There must be sirens going off there at least a dozen times every day. Superman could certainly spend hours every day helping out in Metropolis.

My point is that Clark could so easily let his unpaid job as Superman become a full-time occupation. But Clark also juggles a paid job as a reporter. Clark is an investigative reporter, and investigations can't all be carried out at superspeed, particularly when Clark himself is unable to solve the case and find the evidence he needs right away. Here in this fic, he hasn't been immediately successful in his investigations. Remember, too, that he has to interview people, and interviews can't be conducted at superspeed.

I'm sure that Clark needs a lot less time than an ordinary person to do the journalistic work that he does, but that doesn't mean he won't have to spend at least a couple of hours being a reporter every day.

Between being Superman and being a reporter, Clark finds time to fly to Smallville and talk to Martha. The flight there can be done at superspeed, but the talk to Martha can't.

Clark can also be immediately available when Lucy needs someone to come with her and confront her cheating husband.

Clark can also build a relationship with a group of teenagers. He can invite them to his home for a full-time pizza night. He can promise the parents of the kids that he will be with the kids all night and assure their well-being.

And in spite of doing all this, Clark can still sit at home all alone and pine for his wife who refuses to come home.

It doesn't make sense. Superpowers or not, Clark can't be in two different places at the same time. He can't talk to people at superspeed, and he can't build relationships with other people at superspeed. Realistically, Clark would be enormously pressed for time.

But in this fic Clark has all the time in the world to multitask at will, whereas Lois can't find time to do anything at all but work. Lois is the one who gets blamed for spending time away from her husband, but Clark, who would realistically be forced to stay away from Lois for days and nights in a row each month, is the one we are asked to commiserate with for being neglected. This Clark has so much time that he can deliberately stand his wife up when they have a lunch date and spend time at a children's hospital instead. Just to have somethig to do.

I have complained earlier that I think that Lois and Clark are treated very differently in many fics. Lois gets blamed for her shortcomings, but Clark gets commiserated with for his.

Posted By: Vicki Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/27/10 04:59 AM

Even as I was writing the words about envisioning Clark sitting alone all night at home, I realized that being Superman meant he more likely spent his evenings flying around rescuing people than sitting alone staring at four walls.

I actually considered going back and correcting my statement, but then decided not to because it occurred to me that the author really hadn't given any indication that Clark had been filling his lonely hours as Superman. It seemed to me logical that Clark *would* spend his spare hours as Superman, and as I thought about this more and more, I realized (and Corrina, correct me if I'm wrong) that the whole idea of this fiction seemed to be to explore the possibilities if, instead of Clark spending too much time as Superman (as actually happened on the TV series), what if the shoe was on the other foot? What would happen if Lois were the one spending too much time at work? How would that affect the relationship?

Also, and I'm too lazy to go back through the previous 7 chapters to verify this, but it does seem to me that when Lois was feeling particularly guilty about what had happened, images of Clark sitting home in an empty house did pass through her mind.

Regardless, it turns out that Clark *wasn't* sitting at home brooding, and he *wasn't* filling up his spare time on endless impersonal rescues of nameless victims; he was with these kids. Which, I think, says a lot about Clark.

And, although I cannot condone Lois's earlier actions, I will give credit where it is due and say I am so impressed by her realization of what has happened, her ability to empathize with what it must have been like for Clark, and her determination to set things right. I especially give her credit for her response to Clark's words that he didn't want to go away for the week, because 'it won't achieve what you hope it will' or something to that effect. From her point of view, it appears that Clark has given up on the marriage, and yet she has determined that *she* will not to give up without a fight!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 02/27/10 06:46 AM
Oh my, I had some catching up to do! I really like the change in your story and I hope that Lois and Clark will be able to solve their problems. This really was a step into the right direction. Thank you very much for posting this story. clap
Posted By: Female Hawk Re: FDK - Treasure Chest 8/15 - 03/01/10 05:17 AM
Kathy Glad you liked it, Kathy. Thanks.

Seme Thanks. 9 and 10 are posted!

Sarah I hope this part starts to make up for all the heartache in the earlier parts.

Weekend went well, thanks!

Flowerpot Yeah, the conversations were meant to show exactly that - Clark has invested time in these kids.

Regarding it coming up in conversations - that's been a part of the problem - how little they have talked other than as EIC and reporter.


Vicki Yes, early on, I mentioned that Lois had read a report in the Star about this program and that Clark was one of the volunteers.

What a great father he would be. How sad that they are unable to have, or even adopt, children.
I could justify having an entire chapter on a pizza party because it achieved so many things. It allowed Lois and Clark to spend time together in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. It told us (and Lois) how Clark had been spending his time. And, as you pointed out, it contrasted with what might have been.

Thanks, Vicki.

DW Thanks for your enthusiasm. Glad you like the fic.

Michael Yep - this was definitely the calm. wink Thanks!

Evelyn True - maybe they both learnt things about each other.

RE happy times - I did say this wasn't 15 parts of angst ... though early on, it must have seemed like it.

Thanks for your FDK.


And in spite of doing all this, Clark can still sit at home all alone and pine for his wife who refuses to come home.
That's what Lois *thought*. It was never a part of the fic (other than the very early scene on her birthday) that Clark had actually spent night after night waiting for Lois.

Thanks, Ann.


that the whole idea of this fiction seemed to be to explore the possibilities if, instead of Clark spending too much time as Superman (as actually happened on the TV series), what if the shoe was on the other foot?
Yes and no. We haven't actually got to the whole idea of this fic yet. However, certainly the situation we started with (that had developed over many months) is as you described it.

Thanks for your explanations!

I especially give her credit for her response to Clark's words that he didn't want to go away for the week, because 'it won't achieve what you hope it will' or something to that effect. From her point of view, it appears that Clark has given up on the marriage, and yet she has determined that *she* will not to give up without a fight!
Great point.

My intention in writing this fic was not to blame either Lois or Clark, but just to explore a 'what if' situation and enjoy bringing them back to together again.

bakasi Thanks for taking the time to catch up and leave some comments. It's always encouraging to hear that people are enjoying the fic.

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