Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Artemis FDK: Pt. 7, Nighttime in the Daytime - 02/14/10 05:25 PM
Well, I finally got this part done. It took longer than I expected. I'm off to have a knee replaced, so I'm not sure when part 8 will be up, but it has been started.
Hope you enjoy!
Posted By: cookiesmom Re: FDK: Pt. 7, Nighttime in the Daytime - 02/14/10 07:32 PM
I am still enjoying this story, and I hope everything goes well with your knee.
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Pt. 7, Nighttime in the Daytime - 02/14/10 08:06 PM
Thanks, cookiesmom, and I fixed the quotation. It did rather take the wind out of the sails to not have it. I added "Superman continued" to set it apart more.
Thanks again. Yes, the new knee should be a great improvement.
So Clark is working *three* jobs - FBI, Daily Planet, and Superman?

When will he find time to romance Lois?
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Pt. 7, Nighttime in the Daytime - 02/14/10 10:10 PM
Yes, three jobs it is. And he is still in the learning mode for Superman. I think he will find time to romance Lois anyway. After all, he *is* Superman.
Thanks for your comments, Iolanthe
Very nice update smile

/does a little nitpicking on script that served as basis and but never was this obvious on the show due to different medium/
Why would someone have a (manually!!!) triggered stopwatch that counts nano-seconds. clap

Wish you the best for the surgery and a speedy recovery! smile

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Pt. 7, Nighttime in the Daytime - 03/01/10 09:46 AM
Hi DM:
Right on both counts re comments on the script. I originally had Nigel push Monique off the roof as was shown in the Ep. Then I thought, what am I going to do with Albert? So I figure Albert's a throw away character and I've upgraded Nigel's role in this universe anyway.
As for the stopwatch, you are so right. The only thing I can say is that it was for dramatic effect in the TV show. I left it that way because I have bigger fish to fry, or romantic/hot scenes to write.
Knee update. All is well with the knee but the major computer is in the computer hospital and I can't write on the laptop worth beans. We got malware that was truly evil while we were gone and it needed a pro to fix it. So as soon as it comes back, I'll be working on Part 8 in between physio sessions on me evil knee bending machine.
Glad to hear some folcs are still with me!
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Pt. 7, Nighttime in the Daytime - 03/01/10 09:48 AM
Ignore. Double post because of flood protection warning. AAARGH.
/whispers/ Albert was Nigel's name in NEB. So, continuity wise, you could just rename Albert to Nigel wink

x's fingers for binary health care system smile

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Pt. 7, Nighttime in the Daytime - 03/01/10 05:06 PM
Hi Michael. Yeah, I knew that, but Nigel was already a long time employee of Lex by my episode.
He wouldn't have been under the spotlights with the other two.

Anyway, I'm up on a lightning fast machine!!!!!
So back to work!
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