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Posted By: Kathryn84 FDK: Life isn't fair ... (1/2) - 02/12/10 03:19 PM
Any thoughts, suggestions, rotten tomatoes?
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: Life isn't fair ... (1/2) - 02/12/10 03:31 PM
This is so beautifully written. I loved it. You can feel their pain and their love for one another. Very well done!

Have it your way, every way
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Life isn't fair ... (1/2) - 02/12/10 03:31 PM
Yikes, as someone who suffered from infertility issues this captures the hopelessness you feel. However, there is donor sperm if Lois wants to conceive and can have children. There are egg donors and surrogates and other means of adopting, like trying an international agency. I never bought the Lois wasn't good enough theme. That was just too stupid for words. There is always hope! For me it was international adoption. Now I know they do end up having children, but you captured the depressing mood of the moment very well. Laura
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Life isn't fair ... (1/2) - 02/13/10 01:49 PM
Wow! Poetic and poignant!
Posted By: Kathryn84 Re: FDK: Life isn't fair ... (1/2) - 02/19/10 03:25 PM
robinson Thank you, Kathy!

Laurach I agree with you. I also didn't like the scenes concerning the 'adoption option'. That was really unlike Lois and Clark - usuallly they fight until they have found a solution and there they just seem to accept it.
I'm happy everything worked out for you. A friend of mine tries to get pregnant for about one or two years now ... when I see her depressed ... well I hope everything will work out for her as well.

IolantheAlias Thanks!
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Life isn't fair ... (1/2) - 02/20/10 07:53 PM
Hi Kathryn,

This was beautiful. When I read it, I can feel the deep sadness for both Lois and Clark.

I have to admit that the symptoms that Lois described would make matters worse. When you desperately want a baby, having pregnancy symptoms when you know you aren’t capable of having children is itself the ultimate manifestation of “Life isn’t Fair.”

I loved the end where you covered the fact that as Superman, Clark is used to fixing things. I would think for him, this would be even worse. Superman’s job is to fix things that others can’t.

One final note before I head for Part 2. I gather that this is set in series continuity shortly after “Family Hour” and ignoring the mystery baby at the end. You might consider a note at the time establishing continuity and time. I find those to be helpful.

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