Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lois_Lane_Fan Ficathon: Finding His Lois (1/?) - 02/07/10 05:16 PM
This is my fanfic for the ficathon. It was requested by BJ. I apologize for getting this in at the last minute, but I just was never satisfied with what I'd written until now. I kept trying to perfect it. This has gone through several revisions, so I hope you like what I ended up with. I hope the Congo is an exotic enough location for you. It seemed like the logical place for this to be set since that's where alternate Lois was last seen.

Finding His Lois (1/1)

“This time will be different,” he kept telling himself. “This time I will find her.”

Ever since he’d met the Lois Lane of the other world, he’d known that she was the only woman for him. The only problem was that she was engaged to another Clark. That just proved to him, though, that Lois Lane and Clark Kent belonged together. If the other Lois and Clark could find each other and be happy, then why couldn’t this Clark find his Lois?

So, ever since she’d left, Clark went out searching for his Lois every day. Unfortunately, he never seemed to have any luck in finding her. He was starting to worry that she really was dead -- that he’d lost her before he’d even had the chance to meet her.

Sometimes, he’d venture away from the Congo, hoping that she’d somehow made her way somewhere else. That seemed plausible. Most of the time, though, he stayed in and around the Congo. After all, that was the last time she’d been seen by anybody.

Today, Clark decided to try something different. Usually, he kept to the air, but this time, he decided that he might be better off on foot. He landed on the ground, and he immediately started super speeding through the jungle. As he kept running, he noticed a person, and swerved to the right in order to avoid this person.

“You just came out of nowhere and practically knocked me into that river, you idiot!” the woman yelled. “You do realize, of course, that the current is so strong, I’d probably never be able to get out if I fell in there!”

Clark sat up and took a moment to regain his composure. Just when he was ready to give this woman a piece of his mind, he took a better look at her. Then, it hit him – it was her!

“Lois Lane!” he yelled excitedly.

Her angry look dissolved and was replaced by confusion. “Do I know you?” she asked.

“No,” Clark replied. “But I’ve heard a lot about you. I’ve also seen your picture on Perry’s desk.” He figured talking about the Lois from the alternate world wasn’t the best way to introduce himself, so this explanation worked much better.

“You work at the Planet?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied. “What happened to you? Why have you been missing for so long?”

“Long story short – I had a lead that I followed that lead me deep into the jungle, and I got lost. I’ve been lost here ever since. I’ve tried to locate somebody who could get me out of here, but I’ve never been able to do so.”

“Wow,” replied Clark, taking it in just how long she’d been living alone out in the wilderness.

“So,” Lois started, “are you going to be able to get me out of here and back to Metropolis?”

Clark hesitated for a moment before saying, “I’ll get a helicopter to take us out of here by tomorrow morning.” He knew he could just fly her out himself, but he had to admit that spending the night with Lois in such an exotic location was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.

“Well, if we’re going to be staying here overnight, we’ll need a fire to boil our water. It gets rid of the bacteria,” said Lois. “How about you start a fire while I go gather up something to eat. Think you can handle that?”

“Sure,” replied Clark. This would be an easy job, seeing as how he had heat vision.

Lois turned around to leave, but as soon as she had her back to Clark, she heard him say, “Done.”

“Done?” she said. “Don’t tell me you already made a fire within a few seconds.” When she turned around, though, there it was – a huge fire.

Clark smiled and said, “Um… I was a boy scout. That’s why I was able to get the fire started so quickly.” He was not ready to tell her about his powers yet.


Later that night, after having eaten dinner, Clark couldn’t help but pull Lois closer to him. Lois came willingly and sat on his lap. Somehow, she was strangely attracted to this man she’d just met. It could have just been the fact that she had gone so long without human contact, but she had the feeling that it was something more.

“What made you come after me?” asked Lois.

“It just seemed to me that there was something special about you,” answered Clark. “I can see now that I was right.”

Lois pulled his face up to her face and kissed him on the lips. “You sure were right.”

To be continued…

Screen name: BJ

Three things I want in my fic:
1. Alt-Clark and Alt-Lois
2. An exotic location
3. Flirting and/or smoochies

Preferred season(s)/holiday [if applicable]: as long as it involves Alt-Clark and Alt-Lois, I don't care

Three things I do not want in my fic:
1. non-canon pairings (e.g., no Dan/Mayson together with Lois/Clark respectively)
2. kids or next-gen
3. heavy angst
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