Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BJ FDK: Ficathon: House is Where the Hurt is (1/?) - 01/27/10 09:19 AM
Wow, what an interesting and tantalizing start. Your great descriptions of the devastation and the efforts of the volunteers made me feel like I was there; I could feel their desperation and pain. As you intended (I'm sure), I have so many questions about Adam, about his abilities and/or heritage.
He kept searching, moving at an almost inhuman pace, with superhuman determination that set his face into a mask of stone. He could not allow himself to process the sensory input any more than was necessary to locate the next survivor.
I don't know if the hints ("inhuman" and "superhuman") you dropped are actually red herrings. I guess I'll have to RAFO.

I've never heard of aphasia before, but I have to admit to confusion mixed with amusement at the words coming out of Adam's mouth. I wonder if we'll get the secret decoder ring later so that we can figure out what he meant. :p

Dr. Patel had not missed the startled look on Adam's face when transportation via Superman was mentioned. “Adam, are you okay with Superman taking you back to the United States? It really is your best option.”

Adam's hesitation was obvious, but after a moment, he nodded affirmatively. His entire demeanor became one of quiet acceptance.
Hmm. Could it be that Adam is at least partially Kryptonian? He obviously knows Superman and doesn't want to be around him. A wayward son of Lois and Clark might explain it. However, although it was no surprise that Superman knew Adam, I was a little surprised that he admitted it. That doesn't square with my initial suspicions about who Adam is.

At first I was concerned about Adam's fever (classic symptom of Kryptonite exposure), but since Superman was able to pick him up and fly away with him, that probably isn't it. Okay, now I'm officially clueless about who Adam is.

Can't wait to see where you take this. More soon, I hope?
Very interesting start. A cross-over with House! What an idea smile - a very brave one - I might say, given the premise of that show.

I'm very curious where you're going to take this. So keep it coming! So far, I'm absolutely clueless.
Color me intrigued smile .

And Dr. Cameron [who is, sadly, no longer with the show frown ].

Someone was talking about a House cross over recently - Queenie maybe?

So, who is Adam? I was thinking maybe he was speaking English and the doctor was actually speaking... whatever they speak in India [Indian isn't right, but I should know this] and so this was what it sounded like to him [you know, like when you were a kid and you thought you were going to 'have a little chocolate Jesus' when it was really 'have a little talk with Jesus' - okay maybe most of us didn't think that but it's the only example [and not mine] that I could think of].

So - the posting schedule is... what?

How intriguing. At first I was thinking Adam was Clark, though I couldn't think why he wouldn't be in uniform. The aphasia made me think that he'd had a stroke. He can't be Clark's son because this is set in season three. Is he a clone that Clark didn't know about? A stray Kryptonian or part-Kryptonian that we haven't seen before? Or he could just be a normal human. But how do he and Clark (or Superman, unless Adam also knows the secret) know each other?

BTW, what they speak in India is...English. Of course there are hundreds of other languages, but English is the lingua franca there, and any Indian doctor speaks it.
Is Adam clark's clone by any chance?
Interesting. Have never seen House, so it's just because of the FDK that I know about this detail blush

When reading, I wondered until Superman showed up if 'Adam' was Clark, delirious from the virus. The aphasia made perfect sense as portraying broken Hindi from a native speaker. And then Superman showed up and now I'm completely confused confused

Looking forward to part 2!
Omigodomigodomigod DUDE!!!!!! I have wanted to read a House&LnC fic for SO LONG, and this is already proving to be AWESOME!!! drool

ETA: We learned a little about aphasia in my Intro-to-Linguistics class. There's basically two main kinds; one where the patient makes sense but has a hard time making the sounds, ("Wai'ress!...I...'eed...a...s'oon!") and the other kind, which Adam apparently has, in which talking is okay, but it's making sense that's the problem. Needless to say, both involve some kind of trouble in the brain. That's about all I know on the subject, though; I even forgot their names. :p

ETA2: Just saw the note about it being S3. *forehead smack* Well, now I'm utterly confused. confused
Whew! /me breathes sigh of relief

I'm glad you all liked the first part! I was nervous about posting a part that had no Lois or Clark and just a little Superman. That changes in the next part.

I will post at least once a week, hopefully more. It's going to depend on how quickly I can write. Right now, I have part 2 written and beta'd, but that is it.

BJ - Thank you! All I can say about Adam is that part of the mystery will soon be revealed...

bakasi - I can't claim credit for bravery. Dr. House was one of Kathryn84's requests. I'm hoping I can do both shows justice!

Carol - That's interesting, it never occurred to me that a foreign language might sound that way to someone who didn't understand it. But that's not the case with Adam...and that's all I'm going to say!

HappyGirl - Thanks for reading! And that's all I can say about that. Part 2 will answer a lot of questions.

L - Glad you're reading!

Darth Michael - I'm hoping that this will be readable even if one hasn't seen House. Thanks for reading...look for part 2 hopefully soon!

Thanks everybody!
Wow I love it. Thank you. clap clap clap

I am really curious where this will lead.

Suddenly Adam jerked and snatched Dr. Patel's arm away from his face, panic clear in his eyes.
I wonder what he is afraid of or is it just the exhaustion with the shock.

Adam shook his head, not daring to speak for fear of what might come out.
Poor Adam. This has to be scary for him.

I can't wait for the next part.

I have seen a few House episodes but didn't recognize that this was a crossover until I read the feedback. I did, however, recognize the aphasia immediately (even if I can't remember how to spell it).

Very intriguing and well-written.

I don't watch House, either, but I'm intrigued by this first chapter. Count me among those who thought Adam was Clark with a brain injury; I was relieved when Superman showed up! But I'm also very curious to find out who Adam is and how Superman knows him, especially with the "super human" hints you were dropping early on. Is he truly super-human? Or just a truly heroic man who worked himself into collapse? I can't wait to find out.

So this is a crossover with a show called House? That's why I was mystified enough not to post any feedback. I have no idea who "Adam" is. However, the fic is very well written and fascinating, although I'm likely to drop out as a reader of it unless Lois gets to play a sufficiently big and positive role here...

Happygirl said:

BTW, what they speak in India is...English. Of course there are hundreds of other languages, but English is the lingua franca there, and any Indian doctor speaks it.
Many years ago I saw a fascinating and non-typical Indian movie (is that what you would call a movie from India?). dizzy It was not a Bollywood kind of movie at all. Anyway, it was utterly fascinating to listen to the language that was spoken in this movie. About every third word was in English, but the rest was something utterly incomprehensible, and I would have been completely lost without the subtitles.

For those who don't watch House, it is a medical mystery show, with a genius doctor modeled on Sherlock Holmes. He is eccentric, arrogant, and abrasive. He has a team of young doctors who work with him, and the Dr. Cameron mentioned in the story was one of them for the first few seasons, was then still working in the hospital, and just recently left the show.

I wondered about the title, but didn't catch the show references until I saw the fdk thread; I had to go back and look at the names in the story, because I'm not used to seeing Cameron's first name. I was intrigued by the mystery about Adam; at first I thought maybe this was a next-gen story, until I remembered it is set in S3. So now I will be anxiously waiting for the next chapter, to find out just what is going on. I am enjoying it a lot so far.
Hooray for more feedback! Part 2 is coming up soon, but first...

-Queenie - Don't worry, confusion was sort of my goal for the beginning of the story...more answers coming up!

-Kathryn84 - Yay! I'm so glad you like it so far!

-Elisabeth - Thanks for reading!

-KathyB - Glad you're reading! Some answers forthcoming...

-Ann - Thanks for reading...sounds to me like the Indian movie you saw was a pretty accurate reflection of how Indians talk. There's usually a good amount of English thrown in, and often more than one other language (Hindi, plus a state language or two).

-cookiesmom - I'm glad you're enjoying this!

Thanks everybody!

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