Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 07:27 AM
LOL rotflol
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 08:25 AM
"H. G. Wells must die."

Never saw that one coming! Great ending, Queenie. And the part about the "Planet girl" asking questions? Very interesting.

We assume, from the context, that the others in the room who aren't human are Kryptonian, but that may not be the case. For all we know, they could be six-tentacled Aurillians from the Horsehead Nebula or something.

Glad to see these back, too. I love these little off-kilter humor pieces. When I start thinking about writing something like this, my muses give me these odd looks and suggest something dark and dramatic and WHAMmy. You're a breath of fresh air and a joy to read. Thank you.
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 12:05 PM

I'm guessing they're all descendants of LnC. Except Chet. Whoever he is...

“That time-traveler who keeps trying to prevent Gramps and Gran from getting together,” Jerry spoke up. As the oldest in the room (though a stranger wouldn’t know it), he’d had the good fortune to actually meet the first Clark Kent while a child. “I think we finally managed to shake him off for good. Claire tells me that he’s taken off to bother other universes, now.”
At first I thought it's H.G. Wells, but the last bit... well, sounds like Tempus.

Louis nodded. “Right. Got it. Jordan?” He turned to the man in question. “You find out about her and report back. Hopefully, she’s a Planet girl, and we can just kill the story. If not: Kyle, you and your brother will keep an eye on her. If worse comes to worse, you all know what to do.”
It implies silencing her, but since this is a happy story and they're LnC descendants, I'm saying making her fall for him and marry her. Poor guy laugh

“Then it’s settled,” Louis calmly stated. “H.G. Wells must die.” He pounded the gavel.
What now? Is this a Mirror-verse?

Sequel? Now. lol Terry
Posted By: HappyGirl Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 02:31 PM
Hmm...from the context, Gramps is Clark, and Gran is not Lois, so that means Gran is...Mayson? Zara?

I like your dark humor, Queenie.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 05:29 PM
I don't know much of the comics, but aren't the names important in DC lore?

"Kyle" - wasn't he a Green Lantern or something? And wasn't Hal Jordan a Green Lantern, too? Did you pick these names deliberately?

Great fic - one with a O.Henry-esque last line!
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 05:59 PM
Sounds like someone got a strong dose of New Kryptonian ethics. Or maybe they're all descended from the clone Clark?
Posted By: cookiesmom Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 06:24 PM
As with all your stories, this shows a touch of genius, but I am a little confused, because you've turned everything on its head. (Which may have been your intention.) Sinister descendants of Lois and Clark? H.G. Wells trying to keep them apart? They control the stories published by the Planet? Their powers being kept a secret? You may need a sequel to make it clear to us what is going on.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/26/10 09:08 PM
Hey guys! wave

Okay, sorry this one's so confusing -- that's what I get for writing/posting at 3 am. dizzy

Darth Mike, you're the first one to hit the nail on the head. Congratulations! laugh

Iolan, yes and no. The names were chosen with care, but not because they're the same as any heroes/villains. I basically just tried to think of names a Kent would have.

As for continuing...Oy.
I suspected from the start that I would have to, but I don't think I can. At least, not for quite a while. Since I won't be able to do anything with it for some time, I hereby make a gift of the plot (feel free to use and enjoy):

It's been on my to-do list for a while now to write a fic in which an HG Wells from a parallel universe shows up, bent on preventing Lois and Clark from having kids. This is because in the universe he's from, the Kents have effectively formed a Kryptonian mafia. I have my own ideas as to why this is, but there's the basics in a nutshell.

Maybe someday I'll be able to give it the attention it warrants, but in the meantime, anyone else is free to take it for a joyride. ^^
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Family Meeting - 01/27/10 04:34 PM
I always love reading your fics, especially knowing that it won't make sense until I get to the last line. This was giggly cute.

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