Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Family Meeting 1/1 - 01/26/10 01:35 AM
Been wanting to write a vignette for a long time, but I dunno if this can count as one. Wrote it just now based on an idea I've had for a while, so I hope it doesn't suck. It's 3:30 am, you see. I need sleep now, so good night! <3

Family Meeting

Something about these meetings always caused a chill to creep up Chet’s spine and settle somewhere in his throat; perhaps because he was the only human in the room, although that situation was hardly unusual enough to warrant this recurring sense of clammy dread. He did his best to shake it off and pay attention to what Louis was saying.

“Okay, everybody’s here? Good.” Louis picked up a gavel and lightly banged on the table for effect. “Meeting is called to order. Old business?”

“That time-traveler who keeps trying to prevent Gramps and Gran from getting together,” Jerry spoke up. As the oldest in the room (though a stranger wouldn’t know it), he’d had the good fortune to actually meet the first Clark Kent while a child. “I think we finally managed to shake him off for good. Claire tells me that he’s taken off to bother other universes, now.”

The men around the table smirked and nudged each other, all except for Louis. “Fair enough,” he said, his face as stoic as ever. “Any more old business? No? Okay, new business.” The gavel came down again.

Calvin shifted, coughed, and raised his hand. “We have a problem...with Superman...” he sputtered. All eyes turned to him.

“Jamie?!” Kyle asked in disbelief. “What’s he possibly done?”

“...No...I mean...” Calvin scrunched his face up and rubbed it with his hand, the way he often did when he was frustrated with himself. “He’s got....There’s a reporter. She found...She’s finding out that there’s not just him. She asked....He said she’s asking questions....”

Louis nodded. “Right. Got it. Jordan?” He turned to the man in question. “You find out about her and report back. Hopefully, she’s a Planet girl, and we can just kill the story. If not: Kyle, you and your brother will keep an eye on her. If worse comes to worse, you all know what to do.”

Jordan gave a curt nod, his mouth set in a hard line. Kyle shuddered.

“Anything else?” Louis asked.

There was a moment of silence, broken by the scootch of a chair as Jordan stood up. “We have to deal with that time traveler,” he said.

Everyone stared at him, baffled but not about to accuse him of being absurd.

“He left the time-line,” Louis stated after the silence had gone on long enough. There was nothing else attached to that statement; he simply paused and waited for Jordan to explain himself.

“Yes,” Jordan answered. “For other time-lines. Other versions of Lois and Clark. Who knows what he’ll do to them? And if he actually manages to break up a pair -or worse- that makes him better equipped to ruin things here.”

A heavy silence hung in the room.

“Any proposals?” Louis asked, his voice suddenly barely more than a squeak.

“We must track him down,” Jordan said, “and see to it that he is no longer a problem. For anyone.”

The men around the table nodded, then one by one turned to stare at Louis.

“Then it’s settled,” Louis calmly stated. “H.G. Wells must die.” He pounded the gavel.
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