Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bobbart FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/25/10 08:18 PM

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/25/10 09:46 PM
Oh, no, not the Kents! Please tell me they're OK?! And I know that we'll just have to wait a few more chapters.... frown
Posted By: robinson Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/25/10 10:28 PM
This story just keeps getting better and better. What a great concept to go with for Nightfall - Clark's memory not returning in time

Have It Your Way, Every Way
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/25/10 11:48 PM
Great part, Bob!

Lex's behaviour was indeed chilling. I wonder what he is up to now. Somwhow, I don't think I want to know!

What about Jonathan and Martha? Are they really dead? I remain doubtful. Logically, they should be, but since they live outside the town there is a possibility that they survived. What really matters is your own intentions for the story, of course, and what role, if any, you want Jonathan and Martha to play there.

It is interesting that Clark doesn't have an emotional reaction to the news of his parents' possible death. But like Lois pointed out, Clark is anything but callous. There has to be another reason for his non-reaction. Don't tell me - Clark is a psychic, and he is subconsciously registering Jontahan and Martha's thoughts, or at least their consciousness? So that deep down, he knows that they are alive?

I liked seeing Lois and Clark edit each other's copy. And I am of course very glad that Lois is going to stay with Clark! hyper

Posted By: cookiesmom Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/26/10 07:25 AM
Hmmm, so in a roundabout way, it IS possible that Lex killed Clark's mother! But I hope not.
Hmmm, so in a roundabout way, it IS possible that Lex killed Clark's mother!
If either Jonathan or Martha has died, it would indeed be Lex Luthor's responsibility, and when Clark gets his memory back he'll have an even harder time holding back from attacking the man. Old Lex will have a lot to answer for, assuming that his long-term plan is thwarted.

Of course, it's also possible that Jonathan and Martha left the farm for Metropolis when they heard that Superman's mission failed. I don't believe that either Clark of Lois has spoken to them since the failed attempt to break up Nightfall. And if that's true, they may have escaped the worst of the devastation from the fragments in the Midwest. They might be in a shelter in Pennsylvania right now, waiting for the roads to clear so they can keep moving east.

I hope so, anyway.

When will Lois put some of the pieces together (the underground shelter, her apartment, Lex's attitude when she finally said 'no,' Clark's hatred of him) and begin to suspect that Lex, a man who seeks power, may be connected to 'The Boss?' Maybe they'll find out just what Nigel was doing when he got clobbered and realize that an honest man wouldn't have been on that errand at that time. Just a thought.

I wonder whether Clark's memory will begin to return while Lois is staying over? If so, he'll need her emotional support while he deals with the pain of returning memories and possible loss. It will be another chance for them to grow closer together, and without realizing it Lois will begin to depend more on Clark while she thinks she's taking care of him.

This really does keep getting better in each chapter. Keep them coming!
Posted By: elizabeth Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/26/10 11:50 AM
Another excellent chapter! thumbsup

So many possible avenues that can be explored with this story. Keep up the great work... and write at super-speed!! LOL

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/26/10 11:59 AM
I'm a bit speechless, Bob.

The 'did he kill my mother' bit has now become so poignant with the implications regarding Smallville dizzy

notworthy for you to actually going through with mass-destruction and millions dead. /shudders/

And of course, if Luthor's part in this becomes public, he's dead. What's the method of execution used by the state? Poison injection or electric chair? And I believe the military once used firing squads? At least, that was what they had on the A-Team. And considering the martial law, things should go pretty quickly.

spider Every part becomes more angsty. spider You do realize you won't have an excuse for shying away from angsty cliffhanger stories now, do you spider

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/26/10 03:11 PM
Seeing the ending scene in part 11 from Clark's POV really clarified things.

Part of what was clarified was what was unsaid. The moment before he lost consciousness was indeed a moment of pure hatred for Lex Luthor. His last clear thoughts before he lost his memories were spent responding to Lex' gloating of taking down the entire planet.

So Clark tripped and stayed down when he realized that he could do real damage if he let his anger have free reign. He's remembering the unwritten rules without remembering them.

I think it's interesting that, since there's nothing he can do at this point he doesn't remember that he's Superman. I wonder what would happen if he ever needed to remember.

Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/27/10 01:23 AM
Thank you all so much. I will admit I had/have high hopes for this project. But a few things had me worried:

1. Everyone would find the idea of Nightfall hitting (sort of) and creating massive death and destruction unpalatable.
2. The story would be too complex for my writing skills.

It appears that #1 didn’t put off as many as I feared. As for #2, well, that is a constant challenge. Or, more specifically, it is a constant challenge for my beta readers (IolantheAlias and HappyGirl) not to choke on each chapter the first time they see it.

Hi Iolanthe:
The Kents… Hmmm. goofy

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (12/26) - 01/27/10 09:18 PM
Re: The elder Kents.

Even his beta reader doesn't know! And I'm hopping up and down, shifting from side to side, wanting to know that M&J are OK!
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