Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bobbart FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/21/09 06:51 PM
Opinion? smile1

Posted By: elizabeth Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/21/09 07:36 PM
Excellent! I'm on the edge of my seat here; the suspense is killing me... will we get another instalment soon? hyper

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Posted By: BJ Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/21/09 08:21 PM
Lex Luthor is a friggin' idiot.

I liked this part - a nice complement to seeing Clark's journey to the asteroid previously. After such an encounter with Superman, I am not too surprised that Lois couldn't come up with an angle for a story, but it *will* surprise me if she doesn't put together the two "if anything happens..." comments and realize later where Clark is.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/21/09 11:01 PM
Good part, I am looking forward to more. Laura
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/22/09 07:33 AM
Arrrgh! Now I still don't know if Superman will survive and return to Earth. dizzy

Okay, just kidding wink Amnesia, bunker, and more Lex are pretty much foregone conclusions. The question is, what exactly is going to happen next? huh And more importantly, when? wildguy

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/22/09 08:09 AM
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/22/09 07:35 PM
Thank you.
will we get another installment soon?
Well, it depends on how you define soon. I have more almost ready but I *have* to spend time on my Christmas ficathon piece. My plan is to have Ch. 5 up sometime over the weekend.

Lex Luthor is a friggin' idiot.
Yes. The funny part is I’ve seen many people do things like this. I swear that there is a genetic marker that causes some people to believe that nothing will ever go wrong for them. Lex sees the opportunity and the risk is just part of the game.

Thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

Amnesia, bunker, and more Lex are pretty much foregone conclusions.
smile Well, probably. But I PROMISE that there are more things to come that are not per the usual ASU story line. evil

Ooops..? is right.

Thank you all for the feedback. As I said above, I expect to delay the next part for a few days.

Posted By: cookiesmom Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/24/09 06:25 PM
I am supposed to be celebrating a late Christmas this weekend, but you are going to have me sneaking in to check my Internet connection all weekend!

Can't wait to see the next part. Especially loved this chapter.
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: When the Sky Falls (4/26) - 12/25/09 12:36 AM
Hi C-mom:

Thanks for the note. I just couldn't have you waiting too long. Part 5 will be up shortly.

I hope you are having a fabulous Christmas.

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