Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 30/32 - 11/13/09 07:13 AM
And I am not evil!


/me points to NK fic and Man in the Suit fic...



I thought that bore repeating smile .

I have just about everything transferred from my old laptop to my new one smile . Now to find time and creative energy to get my Nano project working... It's the 13th and I'm not quite halfway... And I'm still slightly ahead of word count goals but... /sigh/

Why can't life slow down a bit? /whine/
I have it on good authority that, when he absolutely must wear NASCAR PJ's, Superman wears Tony Stewart jammies.

What is this with Kal-El and his Lady entertaining Kryptonian dignitaries in their nightwear? Isn't that against protocol? There really should be something in the NK bylaws about that.

Between the inlaws and the NKers, these two poor honeymooners are never going to get any privacy. Forget NK. Take a couple of weeks in Hawaii. Without Mom, Dad, (Lane *or* Kent), or Gramps.

Please come home with us and be our Lord and Lady. Oh, yeah, that's going to go over well.

wildguy Evil wildguy Evil wildguy Evil wildguy
You know, Carol, before you posted this emphatic declaration of your non-evilness, I didn’t even consider this part evil. And I still don’t. Not really. I mean, hey, they’re at least together. That’s more than what could be said after that wedding mess in season 3. But since you seem to be so adamant about it: Yes, you are evil. Very, very evil wink

And Lois not giving Clark his heart’s desire even if he’s all beaten up, now that’s evil laugh

Trey knocking first before showing up is a great step forward. Looks like it’s just the younger generation that has a complete lack of manners wink

Good to hear about your laptop.

Well, I certainly didn't expect that!

My opinion on your evilness will have to be reserved until I find out their answer...

Amber smile
"Speaking of clothes, I was watching a little bit of NASCAR the other day and one of the commentators said something about Superman so..." She shrugged. "Open it."

He eyed her warily as he opened the box. He looked at the contents and then back at her. "What's this?"

She smiled innocently. "Well, the announcer said that Superman wears Jimmie Johnson pajamas so..."
Why do I think that in real life, Jimmie Johnson wears Superman pajamas?
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 30/32 - 11/15/09 07:17 PM
...you should have seen how many tries it took to make my first cape...
I would love to see this universe's version of the "trying on suits" scene. evil

I'm still stunned that Trask was alive and that he probably saved my life.
What greater punishment could there be than to have Trask's only link to the outside world be a constant feed of Superman rescues. It wouldn't be punishment, It would be to thank him for saving Superman. rotflol

Carol, you no longer need to worry about being the Supreme Evil on this board. Corrina just deposed you. dizzy

Michael blush
Michael! Don't challenge Carol like that! She might feel the need to win her throne back. :p
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 30/32 - 11/16/09 03:51 PM
Um... no?

Corinna can have it!

I never deserved it anyway!

As for the FDK... thanks guys wink . Next part should be posted tonight. And,uh, pretend they put robes on. They were supposed to :p .

Besides the only other fanfic I have in the works right now is not cliffhanger worthy and may be only a one shot anyway smile .

Besides the only other fanfic I have in the works right now is not cliffhanger worthy and may be only a one shot anyway.
You mean a one shot like backwards? I wish I could write *one shots* like you. :p

BTW: Great story!
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Backwards III: House of Lane, 30/32 - 11/16/09 04:11 PM
LOL! No, it's only going to be a one or two shot [MAYBE three at the outside, but more likely a really long one shot - no plot of any kind wink ].

But yes, Backwards was intended to just be a one shot though I knew about halfway through once certain things [like Clark's name] became clear there was no way I'd be able to get away with that wink .
Originally posted by HappyGirl:
Michael! Don't challenge Carol like that! She might feel the need to win her throne back. :p
Now there's a thought evil angel-devil

Carol, I most definitely like the way you define one-shots.

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